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Doin' the bossa nova !
Feb 10 -
[sherriann] Two men in black suits, white shirts and ties are riding in the back of a speeding white panel van on a road through a desert scene that has low mountains in the background. They are watching a large screen that shows a small patch of red and black that looks like a radar image of an explosion. Also on the screen were many fluffy contrail lines extending toward the radar image. At the top of each line was what looked like a rock. Something was incoming. They knew where it was going to land but they didn’t know from which coordinates it would arrive, which seemed to be a big problem. This was a confusing dream because, as an after thought, one would think that something like a rock leaving a trail from earth to sky would be moving upward.

Feb 20 -

These are from that doesn't have direct links to individual pieces:

CHINESE ROCKET RE-ENTRY (UPDATED): On Monday night, Feb. 23-24, sky watchers in the western half of North America witnessed a spectacular cluster of fireballs and meteors. We now know it was the re-entry and breakup of a Chinese rocket body, specifically stage 3 of the CZ-4B rocket that launched the Yaogan Weixing 26 satellite in Dec. 2014. Donny Mott photographed the glowing debris from Spirit Lake, Idaho:

ROCKET LAUNCH CREATES RED DAWN BLOB: One day after a Chinese rocket disintegrated brightly over the western USA, another set of strange lights appeared over the same region. This time it was NASA's doing. Before sunrise on Feb. 25th, a Terrier-Black Brant research rocket lifted off from White Sands Missile Range in southern New Mexico, carrying an experiment to Earth's ionosphere. Vapors released by the rocket created a luminous red blob in the dawn sky, shown here over Mesa, Arizona:

Messages In This Thread
Doin' the bossa nova ! - by Sherriann - 02-25-2015, 05:13 PM
RE: Looking for dreams..... - by Sherriann - 02-25-2015, 07:53 PM
RE: Doin' the bossa nova ! - by twiceblessed9 - 02-26-2015, 01:33 AM
RE: Doin' the bossa nova ! - by Sherriann - 02-26-2015, 08:37 AM
RE: Doin' the bossa nova ! - by G0'D - 02-26-2015, 08:46 AM

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