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Toxic Twigs (with commentary) 04.05.2015
Toxic Twigs.
5 April 2015

I was riding a bike through the woods. There were bears. This one looked like a Yellow Labrador, another was sick (like I saw in the not dreaming news yesterday). I turned around and left the woods for fear of the bears, but they were unlikely to attack. I did an illegal u-turn, but in my car. The local cop was engaged in conversation with someone blocking their view. The police car was brown and tan and a little muddy.

People were gathering twigs. There were stories of epidemics among the woods people. Prominent mental problems from the neurotoxins in the soil and in the foliage. The mental problems caused everything from inappropriate behavior to abhorrent, deranged acts. People were horrified and upset. There were other kinds of sickness too (see table below).

The toxins coming in from everywhere. But in this dream it was about the woods.

We were gathering the twigs and wood to build a fire. The twigs were wet, the floor of the forest was damp. An upcoming festival. I had been organizing something that looked like pictures and words. Gathering the stories. We were in a TV studio, and getting ready to tell this story. I can't see you but I know you are there, that's what I joked to the cameras.

The man in the woods kept asking me to be his date for the festival dinner. I kept saying no. He was not well kempt, his body ravaged by a lifetime of hard work and alcoholism.

It's true, we are being poisoned.

animal farm runoff (antibiotics and toxic animal waste)
crop runoff (pesticides/chemical fertilizers for GMO crops)
industrial runoff (chemical and organic)
soil leaching
strip mining
mountaintop removal
mercury and radiation, heavy metals
strontium and aluminum
noise pollution
electro magnetic field radiation (some are more sensitive)
consumption of contaaminated food
recent governmental increase and pending expansion of allowable chemical contaminant levels

Symptoms and diseases caused by environmental degradation:
Neurological disorders
Immune system disorders
Goiters (from endocrine disruption)
Rashes, skin lesions
Sickly babies
Antibiotic resistant infections

The WHO recently classified glyphosphate, present in GMO persticides like RoundUp, as carcinogenic (cancer causing)

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Toxic Twigs (with commentary) 04.05.2015 - by chromalyn - 04-05-2015, 07:02 AM

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