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2 o'clock
Husband woke up yesterday AM (June 3) very hung up on a very vivid dream (which he almost never has). In it, he said he was trying to tell everybody that something bad was going to happen at 2 o'clock and nobody would listen to him. He came home and tried to tell me and the kid and he couldn't convince us. In the dream, he kept feeling "2 o'clock, 2 o'clock" over and over again and he felt like it was strongest here at home in Brooklyn. He said like he felt the disaster was going to happen right here in his home (his exact words). I tried to ask him what time of year it was and he couldn't be specific. He felt like the weather was fine, so we were unable to pinpoint a time of year.
Precognitive or just a stress, home-related dream because the kid is 14-years old and we all know what a disaster that is. Who knows?

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