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Green glass sea, and Blue crystaline Samurai. pt. 2
The second night:
As i am falling asleep and immediately feel a spinning and buzzing sensation, I woke myself up and made a mental note of it and fall back asleep. Sometime later I find myself with a small animal in a large dimly lit corridor of stone. There is light but i cant see where it is coming from. I cant see this animal but for some reason i know he's there and it feels like it might have been some type of raccoon? Still unsure. The stone isn't cut from existing rock, but formed itself structurally from rock with squared openings, pylons, etc. The rock was gunmetal, and looked and felt to be beyond ancient.
It is dark but there are shadows being cast very different from the way they are normally in waking life. We are walking I am asking this animal that is following behind me questions about this place. We come to a room, kind of an ante-chamber type space with stairs formed on the sides, There I take notice of movement in my periphery. The animal has a sense of caution and concern in its movement and responses to my questions. I am told to "stand perfectly still and they will show themselves." I do as i am told and stand and watch. Out of nowhere there is a line of what i can only describe as blue crystalline warriors in some type of traditional samurai-like armor. They weren't necessarily that but i don't have the words in my lexicon to describe what they were. They passed right through me. Amazing. They were leaving this room and headed to the next. I was told they couldn't see me, but to be careful. I followed them into the next room. My guide was getting evermore nervous. I was pulled quickly behind a column and told "in the following room, do not look directly at he who occupies this room. If you take notice of him. He will take notice of you."
I peeked my head around the column to see the blue crystalline samurai forms walking single file through fire pausing for a moment and moving on, as if they are being tempered. They change slightly as they move forward. I am told it is time to go. We start walking quickly moving behind the columns that skirt this large circular room. As we are exiting I glance back over my shoulder and catch a glimpse of "it" in a thin gap between columns. The "throne" Is a giant oversized formed seat made of stone. There is the shape of a figure sitting in it but the shape is the absence of all light. Light and its surrounding are refracted and bent as if it is being sucked into this figure shaped void. I immediately feel it take notice of me. In my dream i physically feel as if every nano-particle of my being is being looked at. I feel as if i am a large neodymium magnet. I am told to "RUN!" I break loose my gaze. I run following this little raccoon through an opening out of the dark stone structures into what seems to be bamboo thick as tree trunks. Everything has a greenish / bluish shade to it, and it is foggy and damp. We run for what seems like forever and end up in a frothy stream bed. The raccoon bounces in the low stream and dives straight into an eddy in the current, a little whirlpool. I am left panicking wondering what the fuck to do. I feel the pull again and know that whatever i saw back there was seeking me. At the last second i dove into the spot in the stream where the little animal went.
I was awoken by my wife who said i was moaning in my sleep again.


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