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The Fall of the Illusion
I'm not sure this is the right category, but I chose to put it here.
In my wakeful state I have moments of clarity and knowing, typically when I'm doing tasks by myself. I sort of go into a semi-trance like state. I would call them wakeful dream moments.
In one of them today, I was told this would be known as "the fall of the illusion". I was given permission to release the task of holding the energy of the ignorant on the planet. It is a relief, as it has taken it's toll on me. It gave me joy for a moment, but with that some sadness, as I realize that as the illusion dissappears and many many more souls here on earth finally see what they've been creating, it will cause them much sorrow and pain. Thankfully for them, as they begin to understand what they've allowed for so long, they will start to understand it is their responsibility to learn to become better creators and take responsibility for the future. No longer will they go blindly along with what they are being told. Many of us already have been doing this, but not enough mass consciousness had yet occurred. Once the illusion falls, it will not be long before things turn for the better. I've been holding the energy of hurt and sadness for humanity and Mother Earth for over 10 years, so I will gladly give up that burden.

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