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The 4 Dream Eggs
I had a dream last night where there were 4 ostrich sized eggs in paper egg tray on a small table. 1 egg was white, the other three 3 were colored like the planet earth.

I took the first colored egg and had this really short dream that basically said 'who ever takes the dream egg will not remember until a later time what its about".

I took the second egg and the same thing happened.

I took the third egg and I was thinking, at least in the matrix there was only one blue pill...

I took the fourth egg and went into the strangest dream I ever had, it was all symbols, like archetypes and shapes, like math symbols or tarot cards from aliens, nothing familar in what was flying into my head, thousands of symbols, but it wasn't frightening, just like someone put an information pipe to the top of my head and put the faucet on full blast.

Of the symbols that I can remember, some were like the Air Force symbol on planes, the one with the star in the circle and banners on the side, except instead of stars were the faces of famous human looking people and the symbol itself was like embossed brass or gold, like they were trophies or collections and I lost count of how many of these faces were on these golden winged symbols. It was like they were flying into my visual range through this large tunnel directly in front of me.

It was over almost as quickly as it started, and I woke up from sleep. I told myself I gotta write this one down. I have no idea what it was about - but maybe like it said, its for a later time?

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