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VIPER Fishing and Fighting Gypsies.
Usually my dreams will go by the wayside quickly, but this dream has held in my mind for over a week. In the dream I am a custodian on a pennisula type landing with the upper part of the water blockaded off. There are several of us custodians and we notice these fog banks rolling in shaped like lambs and headed up the waterway towards the protected area. We looked at each other and we were talking about how these "viper" fish have moved from the protected area and the best fishing for them is down further from the protected area.
After noticing the fog banks rolling in us custodians looked at each other and said, "Sh@t,they are back early, get in your vehicles and let the people know"...the people populating the land like a timeshare. Next thing we notice are the best stereotype are gypsies with large dogs going house to house and evicting the people out and running them out of the protected area. the last thing I remember in the dream is confronting one of these gypsies who is smoking a pipe with his dog sitting by him, he is on a stairway and smiling, laughing....then I woke up.
weird. but, the dream stayed with me, so I figured I would post it. The time of the dream was also noted at 430 am. When I usually wake up.

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