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Foiled Alien Abduction

June 11, 2011I dreamed I was walking down a street past an open yard and a woman was screaming "They are trying to abduct me!" and there was indeed what appeared to be a Grey Alien and another creature and it was dragging this woman to a spot out of public view. There was a different creature assisting it.Somehow, telepathically, I yelled at the creature "you have no right and no authority to take this woman!" This is where it got strange, the grey began to lose coherence, like it was some shape shifter mimicing a grey alien, it was fuzzing in and out like a bad hologram movie, then the same thing started happening to the assistant alien - as if they were both of some third species and could mimic others - but what ever physics that depended on no longer worked. Something changed about the physics around us all - as I suddenly had telepathy - and they couldn't do their old tricks anymore. At this point the shapeshifting aliens took off running. They were flat out scared. The woman seemed very grateful for the intervention.

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