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Flying out of Long Beach Chaos
As usual, most of the dream remains obscured by my lack of rememberance. I only recall being in SoCal on some kind of business and tripping around between the hotel and the convention center. The vivid part picks up here.
At some point there was arush to get out of town. We made it to the airport and boarded an MD 80 and took off quickly. As we were leaving we passed directly over the port of Long Beach. The pilot decided to take several tight turns circling around 3 times before moving on to our destination. I could see out the window which was pointed down at the water due to the turns. The scene below was part of the reason we were leaving so quickly. Ships were on fire and exploding, buildings too. It wasn't complete destruction, but it looked instead as if each thing that exploded was targeted. The explosions were not very large but were well "placed". The control towers on the ships were targets, but the explosions only blew out bits of material without much smoke or fire.
I didn't feel any fear, only the desire for the pilot to straighten out and fly us the heck out of there.

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