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For over a year, my meditational dream have told me Greenland is a place of the future. I seen rich farmland. Souces of gold, silver, ther precious gasses and metals. These were about the land. This would be inherited by those whom farm the land first. A warning to Greenlanders to hold on and not sell resources to greedy outside governments. Await the changes. Then take the lead. This a hugely plentiful land of the future. this along with Hawaii and east Russia. Changes are always first. Don't flee to a land to take to try to take the future, you will not survive. Only those whom take the land and live it as it is today and take the ways of the locals will inherit.
I deceided to post this after seeing a slideshow of greenland. It did convince me this meditation has some truth. As most of Greenland is still ice. there was one picture of a village in the southwest that had lost most of it's ice througout the year. The soil was very dark and rich. the grass growing out of it was very strong and green, better looking naturally than what most people can grow in thier front yard. The picture of the dinner table shown they have an array of food choices. I'm guessing right now they can grow pumkins, squash, lettuces, and other cooler weather veggies. The northerns don't have as wide of food choices as they must eat fish, seal, whale and whatever light veggies they can afford. Green is starting to grow there.

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