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Riding Northy and Southy
I remember this dream from where I am aware that I'm riding a machine in the ocean. The machine is a giant sort of pool skimmer. It's white, about 300-400 feet long, with a pulling unit up front and two tentacles behind. The tentacles are segmented like an earthworm, about 2-3 feet in diameter. They undulate up and down like a giant sea snake or serpent going slightly above and below the surface on each slow undulation. I'm riding on one of several nodes along the tentacle, about halfway down. The node is about 5 feet long, a little bigger around than the tentacle, all white plastic and smooth with rounded edges.
The machine is moving through an ocean or freshwater channel a few miles across. I can just see the distant shore on one side, and the nearer shore is maybe a mile away. Too far to swim. The speed is steady and comfortable, the water is warm, as I slowly move up and down with the tentacle and the water goes just over my lap.
I ride the machine for a while and become aware of a narrative playing in my head. I'm listening and what I'm told is this machine is "Southy" and soon I'll be riding into open waters.To get where I want to go I need to get onto "Northy" when it passes in a few minutes.
Sure enough the coast line starts to drop away into the distance, the sky darkens a bit, the waters became colder and rough. I dive in and grab the passing tentacle of Northy, only a few feet away as these two strange machines pass on their programmed paths. I don't remember much except diving into the water some time later when Northy passed very close to the shore, and it looked like I could make it inland from there. My plan was to find a road to a big city I knew was near.

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