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Falling Skyscapers
I had a catastrophe dream this morning. I don'trecall having one before. I am in New York City, it is nice weather, people are in shirt sleeves and seems like fall for some reasonand I am on a college campus trying to get an address to pay a payment for my grant. (Makes no sense because one doesn't pay back a grant.) There are long lines of students everywhere I go and they are happy and chatting. (I just watched a movie last night about a girl's college and the art no doubt that was bleeding into my dream.) I am on the phone with someoneand suddenly a huge skyscraper leans and collapses off in the distance. And then I tell you that I could see a second skyscraper leaning and falling. People are running and screaming. The building was black and square and flat top. Seems like the trade center building, doesn't it? I know that it is a Friday not Tuesday. Now there is total chaos. What is curious is I don't hear an explosion or rumbling or anything. I do hear the people chatting, then screaming. No big noises. So the buildings lean and fall. What would make them do that? Water? I tried to go back into my dream after I wrote it down but could not do it. I can "ask" tonight when I go to bed. Physically,I have a knot in my stomach this morning. You know how calm I am so this is weird. I am not afraid in the dream. I think "so it has begun".

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