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Waiting for the "big daddy" with other souls
This is one of my "soulspace" dreams where I am gathered with other people in a place and interacting. Normally the people are angelic and the place is a unrealistic, like my lighthouse dream. This was more like the dream where I met for a wake in San Jose prior to knowing about it in real life. So this concerns me due to the similarity with a premonitive dream about death.
We met at an old school and gathered in the cafeteria/theater. There were large wooden beams exposed and typical old school effects like the waxed floor. There were tables like kids would eat at and we were sitting and waiting. My family was there, although I didn't really see them.
At the entrance to the large room a teen girl was checking in the guests and giving each a bar coded sticker which was to be used as some kind of ticket. I went from the table to the ticket girl and back, talking with people. The place really started to fill up, with every seat taken. When I got back to my table there was a little league team and a group of men. The men asked me questions about my real professional life. They were pipe fitters or welders and had done work for people who know me from my CAD training I do on the side. We talked about real people and companies by name.
The conversation I had with the kids was a bit strange. They were not kids I know. They had red baseball uniforms on, no shoes, and were about 11 years old. I asked one if he was here for the basket ball tournament, he laughed at my joke and said "no we're here for the Big Daddy..". I was standing for some reason now, wanting to leave.
Just at the end of this, I looked down at the kid's red ball hat and thought "Cincinatti", but it had a NY logo on it like the Yankees. I looked all around and the men and ball team were all wearing red, white, and blue. This stuck out to me, the color pallete of the immediate crowd at the lunch table around me. I only then remember picking my way to the large open door that lead outside to the sunshine and school yard.

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