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Grasshoppers/Locusts grow in a human host
I had my dream about 2 weeks ago. The dream started out where I was looking into the mirror. There was a hole in my neck area, I could see some brown dirt, which I was wondering how it got there; there was also a grasshopper, which then scurried into my neck so I couldn't reach it. The hole had closed up at that point. There were pricks like needles then in my neck; the legs of the grasshopper were now poking out through the skin. Then there were more pricks. There was more than one grasshopper. The pricks spread, I now had pricks in my neck, as well as in my side. I was in my bed, in agonizing pain. There were pricks coming out my entire right side, all of them from grasshopper legs that were poking out of my body. In my neck, the pricks started to go into my trachea, it became hard to breath. I began to yell out "Somebody help me" over and over again. In the dream, my family was at home. I believe my older brother was going to turn on the lights, which I knew would reveal how many grasshoppers were growing within me and were unable to poke their way out entirely. When he reached to turn on the light, I woke up.

The residual pain I felt from the dream lasted for over 30 minutes, and I could feel the affected areas if I thought about the dream for a week afterward. It was a very vivid and realistic feeling dream. My wife asked if I had had a nightmare the next morning; I let her know that in my dream I was trying to say "Somebody help me", but couldn't get the words out (basically because I was asleep). My first thought was related to revelations 9:3+.

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