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Saving Animals / False Gods (Migrated Thread)
09-23-2014, 06:49 AM (This post was last modified: 09-25-2014 09:53 PM by balsa.)

Post: #1

balsa_P1 [Image: buddy_offline.gif]
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Saving Animals/ False God(?)
DreamBase 2.0 2014-09-16 By Elyse

Hello everyone, I'm not sure I'm posting this correctly, but doing my best so that anyone interested can locate the dream from the attached link above. I have also been communicating with Eagel1 a little bit, and specifically because of this dream by Elyse. Consequently, Eagle 1 invited me to start a discussion on this dream, which I am happy to do.
I might also mention that I belong to another private discussion forum. A very small group who discusses all things related to Clif High's predictive linguistics, and where I have tried to hone my thinking and analysis of the future upon these poor readers as well. This is brought forward so that it is understood I have an understanding of the origins of this specific site as well as some understanding about the methodology involved.

This dream by Elyse is a critical and important dream. Perhaps it is of great importance. It is very long dream, very involved, and I believe one could write a book, or long essay on this dream alone. Maybe someday someone will. In my mind it is of importance at a personal level for people to comprehend the messages contained in the dream. This dream is both a warning, and a forecast. I feel very strongly about the significance of this dream, and about the entire way in which it enters in to the realm of the mind, for it is in many ways as though it were coming through at the level of the human soul. This is of great import. This is, I am quite sure, a dream which involves the soul. Do mistake my assertion as some sort of religious based concept. This is no mystical dream of powder puffs floating in the sky. However before one goes launching off to seek information about the soul, you would have to first understand this dream as a message about this matter, for It specifically addresses issues I've been analyzing that cover several topics of seemingly unrelated material. These topics are not unrelated of course, but they could seem that way to some people. Indeed I would say it is almost impossible to get people to see the relationship, and this too is thoroughly encased in the dream. Nevertheless, it is my belief that the only way to understand this dream is to begin by considering that it is addressing the human soul. Only recently have I come to a comprehensive understanding on this very subject. That is, as it relates to events in our own time, the past, and the objectives of some energy in the future. As I said previously, this is not a fantasy, not illusionary, or delusional. It involves both the understanding of the nature of reality, our best information from both science and ancient knowledge, and some objective on the near future. In short, what I believe are the pieces to a vast puzzle were finally assembled by me only in the last few days prior to reading this very dream.

Now, this dream appears and I find it, like manna from heaven, after having just posted a hypothesis about the objectives behind changes in bankruptcy laws and the massive debts which are on the backs of most people in a private communication only a few days ago. Again, what seems unrelated to dream about Saving Animals and False Gods is anything but, and in order to understand this may involve a good deal of effort and free thinking by those who are having trouble seeing the connections. So let me now move to the dream itself. Now it's difficult for me, posting the first time, to decide where to begin with this. This dream has a very important message. I am quite sure about this myself. My goal is to try to show how important.

let me just begin this discussion with an introduction to core of the dream, and it is through the understanding of the core material in the dream, in it's allegorical form, that the truly important message is to found, but I will leave this message out for the time being. For the message is as distrubing as it is terrifying. So, let me begin by stating that, "The false God" in the dream is either money or relief from money. Most likely in the form of debt forgiveness. The dream specifically and repeatedly focuses upon willingness to freely go with a false God. This is a specific reference to free choice. Then the dream talks about these people going away with the false God who are deprogrammed.

No doubt you may have noticed a slight biblical coloring to these things.
There's very likely a reason for this. I would be happy to discuss why I believe this is the case.

All the other references seem allegorical. Many of us have already experienced many of these ourselves first hand, and here I reference the beginning of the dream where it involves lots of involvement with animals in an attempt to help save them, and to get them to get along with each other: An impossible task in some cases, and then there are the species themselves in the dream. In other words, this dream is bit like reading Herman Melville's Moby Dick, but without the advantage of a team of liberal arts college professors to help explain it. So many things going on.

Therefore I ask you not to become too lost in the hunting, trapping, and other involvement with supposed animals. For these are not actually animals at all, but rather our own species; we ourselves are represented in animal form in the dream: A very natural thing for the mind to do in my opinion. I suppose I should just end for now and hope you will all enter in to a discussion about this dream.[/size]

09-23-2014, 08:55 AM  
Post: #2
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Sherriann_P1 [Image: buddy_offline.gif]
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RE: Saving Animals/ False God(?)
Hi Balsa,

Here is a correction for the link:

You need to click on the dream title to get the specific URL for the dream.

It's too early in the morning to put my brain to work about this but I have noted that you've made a few very valid points about dream content and possible futuristic implications.

There are those spiders again! :-)

09-23-2014, 08:55 AM  
Post: #3
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[b]Eagle1[/b] [Image: buddy_offline.gif]
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RE: Saving Animals/ False God(?)
Yes...Balsa approached me awhile back and explained the phenomenal background that could really help us explore some possible new directions at the NDC. Balsa's entry was timed perfectly coincident with when the DreamReader concept was being formed by Rebecca and myself.

Anyway, talk about a perfect match...someone who purports to be fluent in dream interpretation AND linguistics analysis...sounds like a DFer to me, right? However, get this...Balsa's expertise isn't just any sort of dream interpretation, but the very uncommon type that focuses on how the dream will come true later (i.e., all the stuff the NDC is concerned about.)

What is so paradoxical here is that Balsa comes Clif High's back yard. Clif High catapulted himself to stardom with the original "Webbot," but interestingly distanced himself from the NDC in the original forming months. It surprised me to hear that Clif actually had a denigrating opinion of dreams in general and became yet another wedge between the previously tight duo (G.U. and C.H.)

My purpose isn't to bore everyone here, but rather give a little bit of background to show why Balsa will be a valuable addition here....lexiconical reading and equally matched by dream symbololgical interpreting....look out!

Time permitting, please everyone dive into Elyse's dream and supply some comments here.

09-23-2014, 02:53 PM  
Post: #4

balsa_P1 [Image: buddy_offline.gif]
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RE: Saving Animals/ False God(?)
Thanks Eagle1, I've had great teachers before, and hopefully I will live long enough to have a few more. Teaching is about inspiring, it isn't about cramming information in to heads. That is actually the reverse of teaching. Now, this site is involved in a pioneering effort of which it's full potential can hardly be known. I don't believe human history is yet written. I believe that what exists is only the creative process of the consciousness of life. Which includes all life, and which is critical to our own survival. It may be that without this life, there is no other life as we seem to exist in a symbiotic relationship exterior to this so-called reality.

We have a bunch of insane people running our world who's idea is to murder most all life in order that they should control and dominate the world in a way which has not previously existed. If we are unable to change the paradigm, then life will cease altogether for all humans and all animals. They do not understand what they are doing and everything is dependent upon us working to change the outcome of forces bent upon a scheme for which they have no understanding of the consequences.

When I asked not to become too bogged down in the story line about animals, I might be completely wrong, and maybe someone has another opinion about that. I have since considered removing that part of the original post.

I see this dream as an allegorical story about the future as well as the past. With the dreamer trying to save people, whom are put in the context of animal forms. Conversely one could suggest that a link to animal consciousness which is trying to tell the dreamer something. In this way it is perfectly natural in my view for animals to communicate with us in a way which would make sense to them. Not to us perhaps, and so the context of the point of view must be switched.

09-23-2014, 04:24 PM  
Post: #5
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[b]Eagle1[/b] [Image: buddy_offline.gif]
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RE: Saving Animals/ False God(?)
Well said, Balsa.

I like this, too: "I see this dream as an allegorical story about the future as well as the past."

For all of going forward, dreams are sometimes allegorical and sometimes literal, but ALL the time, they have elements of both past and future in them. It's up to us to decipher which it is.

09-23-2014, 11:15 PM  
Post: #6

rebecca_P1 [Image: buddy_offline.gif]
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RE: Saving Animals/ False God(?)
I'm not going to comment on Elyse's dream right now. I have read it but it is too huge for me with the short amount of time I have available. Balsa, I will say welcome again. I a looking forward to working with, and learning from, you.

Chris, after reading Balsa's post in the Dream Interpretation forum I too saw DF'er. What is interesting, and critically important, to me is the way in which Balsa interprets the dreams. Balsa, you are phenomenal! Anyway, why do I say critical? My dream interpretation comes from being able to tap into oneness and see the dream metaphors as they pertain to ascension and the spiritual path of both the dreamer and humanity. When I read a dream that calls to me I feel a humming energy throughout my body. The thoughts come so fast I can barely keep up to write them down.

What I am not good at is being able to make future predictions based on dream analysis. This was the crux of my call for help in the other forum. I'm hoping I can develop this skill. Hopefully, Balsa, you will have patience with me as I attempt to learn from you. I'm looking forward to it. I will add my thoughts about the dream itself once I have a chance to gather them.

09-24-2014, 08:30 PM  
Post: #7

jhgary [Image: buddy_offline.gif]
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RE: Saving Animals/ False God(?)
Sorry, I haven't been on since Elyse posted her Koo dream, but I really wanted to thank all of you for your input about my wife's dream. I try not to influence her recollection or anyone's interpretation of her dreams, in fact the only input I gave was to suggest that Koo could have been spelled Coup. My wife has no choice, but to have these dreams and she is very insecure about sharing them. I truly appreciate the consideration you all have given Elyse's dreams and have found some significance in them, because my wife always looked at them as more of a curse than a blessing due to the negative imagery. The National Dream Center has been a Godsend by allowing Elyse to explore the possible meanings embedded in her dreams and allow her to not just suffer alone in the confusing and often unnerving nature of her dreams. Thank you again for providing this service that allows Elyse to share her dreams and gain insight into their meaning.

09-24-2014, 08:51 PM  
Post: #8
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[b]Eagle1[/b] [Image: buddy_offline.gif]
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RE: Saving Animals/ False God(?)
Thank you for sharing your wife with us! It takes time to remember and type out a dream sequence, particularly those that are so incredibly detailed and long...yes, the very adjectives that typify the dreams your wife submits! [Image: smile.gif]

She clearly has a very special gift that is honored here at the NDC. The only problem is that we know Elyse and the many others who are here are not the only gifted dreamers. There are SO many more who get chastised and misunderstood for the dreams they have. Not way. We honor them.

Thank you, sir, for the wonderful comments here, and we all bless your growing family! Your comments are always welcome, jhgary.

09-25-2014, 09:37 PM (This post was last modified: 09-26-2014 06:52 PM by balsa.)
Post: #9

balsa_P1 [Image: buddy_offline.gif]
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RE: Saving Animals/ False God(?)
Saving Animals/False Gods?

I'm going to offer an interpretation of the dream. I fear this important dream is becoming lost. I'm going to present it in two parts as there are two parts to the dream in my opinion. As with all dreams, even frightening ones, I typically find lots of humor coming from the Universe.

Part 1: Capturing Animals

The first few paragraphs of the dream is self descriptive. It describes the nature of the dreamers relationship to life. The hunt to capture animals can be interpreted ethnocentrically in allegorical forms. That is to say, it is descriptive of dealing with humans instead of animals. In this sense, and throughout the dream, the animal types (species) represent individuals whom themselves are essentially archetypes which are then assigned an animal form best befitting their personality, sex, age range and so forth. For example, one might look to the mention of ferrets and see that animal as an archetype of preteen boys, whereas, kittens are children and little girls.

"I had to rescue and take care of different animals from the woods. I had to hunt them down which took some time, then capture them to bring them home with me. Capturing them was fairly easy since they all seemed to like me and didn't put up much of a fight."

So we have children lost in the woods, frightened of adults, and hiding, but a child's instincts tell them to look for an adult who will help them. Consequently, when Elyse shows up they don't resist much. It seems Elyse is capturing lost children, and these include a wide age range. She doesn't allow them to immediately interact, but introduces them slowly, probably parental instincts going on here. Some get along, and some prove abusive and potentially dangerous. She slams the boom on these, whom are likely malicious teenagers.

"The next animal I tried to introduce I knew would want to eat the kittens if in the wild. But I had hoped that now it would somehow become friends with them and maybe even protect them. This was some sort of medium large animal, but I can't quite remember what it was. Maybe a wild cat of some sort or a wolverine type animal."

Hmm...does this sound like a teenager to anyone?

She is also relentless in her quest to protect her new charges. She spots a "Large Grey Spider," and it's hanging around something, which she can't exactly recall, but which is used often. Fearing for the Kittens (children) she decides the threat is too great and must be eliminated. Now interestingly she decides to use bug spray, and this whole story line about the bug spray and problems it creates in itself is worth a second thought. Something threatens the childern/kittens and she uses poison to eliminate that threat. In fact, systematically begins to eliminate these spiders where ever she finds them. This isn't a woman to mess with when it comes to parental values. If you're hanging around posing a threat to kids you've just signed your own death warrant. A sensible spider would head out of that place and build a web as opposed to trying to get a free bit of blood off some kid.

This activity could be a form of injecting ones own self in to the plane where the dream is existing. In other words, an attempt to take charge of the dream is an actual attempt to alter the course of the dream, and this is significant. It isn't just another extension of the dream which I presume to be a depiction of an event at some place in time. So the dreamer, Elyse, begins to interact with an event, as opposed to just visualizing the event and reporting it back in a form best suited to her own mind. She pulls out her handy bug spray eraser and begins to rewrite the script to her own liking.

It is noteworthy that about the time her parental instincts take full charge in the dream, and after she's had enough of this spider nonsense, that the entire dream get's cut off. That is it ends. So the question arises, was she beginning to alter a future event?

Typically, the analysis of dreams are at personal levels. However, I'm thinking that, whereas a persons dreams are involved in our own problems, it is this very personal link which forms a bridge to a specific portion of the slipstream of dream time, and which depicts other events in the flow of the prospective future, and which themselves relate specifically to the dreamer at a personal level. Hopefully this makes some sense. Dreams speak at many levels precisely because of the way they link to the stream of time through the consciousness of life. We are not then frozen to this analysis because every element could be interpreted at a personal level, which in my view (right now) is what does enable these sort of connections to such seemingly screwy stories. Hopefully the logic to this reasoning can then make a seemingly screwy story become an intelligent piece in a larger puzzle. Thus the mind is receiving a message from the slipstream of time in the only way it can relate to it. Either because it needs to protect itself from the true information, or because the information is outside of that minds common frame of reference. However, there is another explanation which comes to mind as to why we receive information in this manner. It is possible that Universe, who is a great trickster, just does it this way for entirely personal reasons and which would logically give a considerable amount of control over the information. Thus what we know is what we are allowed to know.

Based on this concept, I believe Elyse is viewing a future event that was enabled by her own nature and current connections and concerns with her duties as a parent. It is when she begins to alter the dream by taking upon herself a campaign to eradicate spiders that the dream comes to an end. So the dream appears to me to be a snapshot of an event in time someplace. It would also seem reasonable that there is some kind of connective path, of some sort, which the dreamer is following or being guided along. The idea being each dream is like a piece of scrap to a mosaic that is part of a total picture.

09-25-2014, 10:47 PM  
Post: #10
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[b]Eagle1[/b] [Image: buddy_offline.gif]
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RE: Saving Animals/ False God(?)
Alrighty! We've got some meat to work with now, but I'm anxiously awaiting Part 2. I'm recognizing that you and are attacking this problem from different directions, and I'm actually fascinated by it. I was purposefully going straight toward collectivist-type dreamreading, actually attempting to wholly bypass the big or small meaningful aspects to the individual. I believe I mentioned exactly that in my first Project August report, where I have little use for the part(s) of the dream that mean something to the individual. I was looking for big broad brush strokes.

You, on the other hand seem to be headed in the same direction (i.e., seeking events that matter to the collective), but it appears that you're going to turn over all the stone on the way. I think this might actually bring us extra depth and detail that we would have otherwise lost in headlines past. I have my ideas about what your method will yield, but will sit on my hands and just watch.

Excellent start; please continue

Saving Animals/ False God(?)
09-25-2014, 11:02 PM (This post was last modified: 09-26-2014 06:59 AM by balsa.)
Post: #11

balsa_P1 [Image: buddy_offline.gif]
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RE: Saving Animals/ False God(?)
Well, I made a couple of tune-up's to the post where I think it has sort of broken down, but essentially it's intact and will leave it where it stands as the first part.

Yes, I think it's clear that there is a chain of data being received. The rescue description could come from any number of places in time, but the manner in which the information has been consistently presented to the medium does not say to me that this is a regression, or regurgitation of previous life experiences, or of any similar vein of potential excuses. My experience is that regressions are made quite clear when they are coming out of the past. I see no evidence of that here or in the mediums' other experiences.

I feel the rescue story is naturally linked to the continuation of the dream, and this then will provide us some frame of reference. A time line I don't know about, but perhaps road signs warning about dangerous curves ahead, well that seems doable. In other words, when the white ship dude shows up, I don't think that he's going to be hiding the fact, more like marching bands and propaganda so thick you can't escape it anywhere. The problem for many will be to see the truth behind the false prophet.

09-27-2014, 08:40 AM (This post was last modified: 09-27-2014 09:37 AM by balsa.)
Post: #12

balsa_P1 [Image: buddy_offline.gif]
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RE: Saving Animals/ False God(?)

Saving Animals/False Gods?

Part 2

Note, this dream may be interpreted metaphorically or literally and I have primarily chosen the later based upon previous dreams of the medium Elyse.

"I can't remember a whole lot in the beginning. I was living next to a seemingly endless ocean in a house with many other people."

So this then is the opening line to the second installment of the dream. What more can you ask for? Well, for one thing, it's sort of gains a lot more significance if a person grasps the nature of the mind/body interface, and appreciating this in what it potentially implies is critical to the entire story. The body senses are a net product of an electro-chemical reaction producing motive forces and reactions to stimuli. It also contains an organ who's primary function is to act as an interface with other energies, such as an electromagnet'o field of energy. These energies are the conduits for the consciousness of our mind which flow in to and out of our body.

The most critical organ for the reception of consciousness appears to be the brain, and our brain is like a junction box feeding input from the biological body back up stream to where the consciousness of the mind exists. The medium (Elyse) describes the home of consciousness as a rather large house alongside a vast endless ocean with lots of people living in it. The suggestion is that the mind is exterior to the body. Officially, this idea of the mind existing exterior to the body is denied. The essential argument being that, somehow, the biological net effect of chemical and electrical products results in consciousness, and that all that we are is contained inside our brain. A highly dubious proposition since we can't even account for 96% of the known Universe. It is most unlikely our present science can claim any significant understanding, despite claims to the contrary, when 96% of the material in the Universe can't even be found, let alone explained or recorded in any capacity. So it's patently absurd to believe for one second that we really know much about anything given that kind of titanic ignorance.

Alright, so preceding with the dream now, we go from the description of the place where we all live to a snow storm which is gathering outside. We are dealing with a metaphor here. An impending crisis upon humanity which has never previously existed, yet it is one which the medium somehow has already known was coming and has prepared for.

"There was a snow storm outside. There was several feet of snow and the sight of it surprised me because the most snow I've ever seen in my lifetime was a VERY thin layer on the ground... THIS snow was so deep that everything was buried beneath it and all I could see outside was a blanket of white. I had known about the snowstorm and had prepared my family plus a little extra for others in case of an emergency."

Technologically speaking, we have arrived where a concerted effort is being made to understand the mind. The key word in this movement is "Trans-Humanism." This idea is the concept that the the mind can be downloaded in to a microchip, or some other storage container. That with this notion the troubles of life can be left behind. Consequently, if we follow the perspective of the medium, then, the snowstorm is an event which cannot be explained by any other known events in human history: Not plagues, not wars, not anything else. It's a new threat of some kind, and the threat is represented by the storm itself. The storm is a metaphor for what can be seen coming our way, and this is the notion that you can download your mind in to a machine, or a storage container of some kind in order to transcend life as a human being.

Now, as I've been struggling along with trying to put together part 2 of the Saving Animals/False Gods? I've been in communication with the medium Elyse. Since the Universe enjoys poking fun at me, it decided to make sure I really got the message. Considering me an especially stupid human, Universe took the extra precaution of having the medium Elyse send along the proverbial picture of exactly what it wanted communicated, and it is exactly what I've just proposed to all of you, and that picture was of a reel to reel tape recorder. No, I'm not pulling your leg about this either.

This is symbolic, the reel to reel recorder is a symbol of recording human speech. So the picture of such an antiquated device, which uses magnetic tape, is a clear message about recording people and which is what trans-humanism is all about. In theory of course.

Like, OK it..."the threat is like a tape recorder." must you.. really... seriously? For Petes' sake, I'm on it, you can let up now...Good Lord!. Sending me a picture of a tape recorder...honestly! So obviously this idea is fairly important, otherwise Universe wouldn't be doing this kind of direct hand delivery. Not really the way it usually works, and by the way, the reel to reel tape recorder is both a jab at my age, as well as telling in itself: Real to real, and magnetic tape.

Now lets jump down to this interesting line.

"I had warned others of the storm, but not everyone would listen to me. I felt sorry for those who didn't listen, but was prepared to take care of the ones who came to me seeking shelter."

By now you might be sensing an almost Biblical feeling to the dream. The idea here is that you cannot have a False God without this feeling. Biblical then is a key to the dream, as much as it will be a key word to focus on as time progresses forward. You cannot have a false God without the death of God in one sense, while having the invention of another God. This idea of everlasting life over death is Gods' promise; is it not? Now do you see the False God? The promise of everlasting life inside a machine? Look around yourself, who is doing more to kill the idea of God than religion itself? Every single one of the three major religions are throwing themselves upon a funeral pyre as we speak. With God theoretically killed, who then will take his place?

Ok, so as we progress in time the death of religion is going to grow as the corruption is revealed with in those system, and this is going to facilitate the blindness to the growing threat, or snowstorm. The whole snowstorm metaphor is the continual acceptance of the propaganda which will be and has been selling the idea of life inside a machine. You should be able to see a story line has been developing over time though mass media. Movies like Tron, The Thirteenth Floor, and I'm sure many more.

Let's now look at the next several lines in the dream.

"I noticed a group of people fighting the storm to come to my home and went outside to greet them... but in the ocean there was a very strange ship. It was a white ship, but it was very odd looking. It was like some super futuristic cruise ship maybe... as if someone had merged a cruise ship with a UFO." Something about it gave me an odd feeling. It didn't feel good or bad, just different. I wasn't sure if I should be scared or not. There was a male entity there. He called to the group of people to come with him to the 'light' which was the ship. I knew that if they followed that man into the ship, they would die and I screamed for them not to listen to the man.

Obviously a white robed male and a white light are archetypes for God himself. God does however seem to have some kind of ship he arrives in and which is made of light, which in the dream is described as a combination cruise ship and a UFO, and many UFO's are described as balls of light, which might better be described as a craft encased in a plasma field of energy. It is also significant that the ship of the False God is set upon water, as water is dielectric, and that this ship is not entirely made of light but appears as a blend of both a futuristic cruise ship and a UFO.

The Sumerian pictogram for God is a basically a an upside down bowl which is shown hovering over water.
Quote by Elyse:as if someone had merged a cruise ship with a UFO
So does that look like the bottom of a boat hanging underneath the symbol for God?

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=13241&d=1327752383]

This image was originally shown on Youtube in an recorded lecture by renowned ex-Vatican translator Mauro Biglino, now famous for his revelations.

Now there's a lot of people out there who understand physics far better than some person like myself. I am not going to attempt to explain how light, which is energy, which is what plasma is, can then bend space time and warp the local gravitational field resulting in anti-gravitational effects, but it can, and neither am I going to try to explain how bending space time with a field of light can distort time, or can result in invisibility, and a host of other effects which would appear to seem like magic. If you are new to these ideas you could begin by looking up Dr. Robert Mallets proposal for a time machine using high powered lasers focusing light in an intertwined spiral that forms a tunnel, inside of which a person could theoretically move backwards in time.

There is a great deal of available information about these subjects out there for anyone who cares to inform themselves. Besides this, almost everyone now knows there has been a secret space program going on for decades and that the TR-3B, or whatever the latest one is, is a human made anti-gravitational space ship, and it's been filmed repeatedly and is clearly man made. Not to mention the ridiculousness surrounding the attempt to extradite and prosecute Gary McKinnon. If that one doesn't convince ya, then nothing will. So some humans have this technology right now.

Moving along, the rest of dream repeats with a message of the False God appearing and asking if people want to go with him. It is seems that there is no physical force involved. That is, you must willingly go along, and this is key. For you must be so deluded as to believe you will escape some earthly problem, or so rewarded for abandoning life itself that you willingly choose this. Seemingly at every point in the dream the people abandon their lives to some kind of promise. Even a child of the dreamer won't listen to his own mother and decides to go with a complete stranger. It is an abandonment of convention, of the nature of life, and it is seeking some easier pathway which permeates the dream itself. The dream also shows a breakdown in the connection between a parent and a child as a family unit, with the child not even bothering to ask if he could go with an otherwise complete stranger.

I saw a vehicle drive up the long driveway to our home. The man in white from earlier got out of the vehicle and walked up to our house... for some reason, this terrified me and I went out to meet him, hoping to keep him as far away from my children as possible. When I met him outside, he was warm, calm, and polite as he talked to me. He said something to make me feel like he considered himself God.

Whoever this False God is, there is no fear of being attacked or killed in any way, nor is there any fear that anyone can intervene to prevent another person from going with him. So of course he feels he is a God. At this point you may be thinking this is hopeless. Ah, but it isn't. What defense is there then? Your defense is that you choose life with all its' problems and heartbreaks. You're happy with being stuck in a wheelchair, or being in debt forever, or whatever else, because life is nothing more than a temporary condition. To understand this is to go back home to the house the medium described so that you can once again set sail upon the limitless ocean. If you chose the other path you will be put in a can and there you will stay until the can breaks and then you will be gone, as in not returning back home, because you must return home through the body. That is how the nature of life works, and not through a manufactured or other artificial device. This is the message which the medium is telling us through this dream. Now a little more of the biblical feeling flows in because if this idea of downloading your mind in to a machine is to be taken literally, then wouldn't that involve some kind of numbers on microchips or whatever else is involved in this idea, and wouldn't that also mean ever lasting hell if you then discover that without your body there is no regeneration or trip back home?

Keep in mind, I'm not at all religious, but I think the meaning is clear if we respect the messages from the medium for what they appear to be. On the other hand, all the praying and church going in the world isn't going to help a person one bit if this dream is in fact a prediction for a future event. Not if you don't understand what it means to be human, and that apparently is the basic bottom line. There is of course another way to interpret the dream using metaphors, and undoubtedly a dream this complex involves multiples of reality upon metaphors. For now we will stick with a literal interpretation before considering at least one other metaphoric angle on this False God.

My son bounced out from inside the house and the man in white talked to him and asked him if he wanted to go with him. I tried to scream no or go to grab my son, but I was paralyzed... but paralyzed in a warm way which kept me from feeling the fear and horror I knew I should have felt. It was weird... but all I could do was stand motionless as the man put his hand on my oldest son's shoulder and walk him to the vehicle.

This paralysis, with the associated side effects, are descriptions of physiological effects, not of some irregularity in the dream which is rather closely following a script. Needless to say, any serious understanding of the minds' connection to a biological life form as existing through a flowing stream of energies, exterior to the body, could explain these symptoms if they were interrupted. I do not think this paralysis description is a metaphor for normal parental fears, such as the inability to save a child, which is a common nightmare for new parents, and which could then be used to rationally explain away this nightmare. This would be removing the story line of the dream from it's context and treating it as an individual event. Furthermore, these same effects have been repeatedly observed in relation to UFO's. This would then say we have a description of a technological method which enables a temporary paralysis, and this again is a common description given along with encounters with UFO's. Now Look at the next line.

Once in the vehicle, they drove off. When they were out of sight, I was able to move again

Now we move back in to the dream world and the human condition with all the ridiculousness of being pitted against such a superior force. The medium Elyse describes getting her husband, finding a "old rickety boat," and then rowing out in to the ocean without a clue where they are going and yet they somehow find the ship of the False God, because after all we do have to understand what is going on don't we? So some convention is invented, however absurd, and in order to accomplish this objective of finding the boat. Now here's where it get's a little more interesting.

Amazingly enough, I was able to find the boat and we entered it very sure that we had not been detected. There were a few workers in white marching up and down the halls every great once in a while. In fact, I was sure I had been seen a few times, but the workers just walked by as if they didn't notice me

So what is described are people without will. Zombies for all practical purposes, and oblivious to anything around themselves. It's unclear if this is a metaphor for how people are living and will hence follow one another to their doom, or if it is actually an observation of mindless people aboard this ship marching to their doom as mindless slaves. Most likely it is both. Elyse and her intrepid husband continue on and they stumble across empty rooms packed with all the personal possessions of the people who've left with the False God. This is clearly a reference to a holocaust in progress. Such piles of belongings have entered the psyche of public consciousness and are now archetypes for mass murder.

Auschwitz, Poland, Piles of clothes in a storeroom.
Auschwitz, Poland, Piles of shoes in a storeroom.

[Image: ?u=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia-cache-ec0.pinimg.c...ed.jpg&f=1]

[Image: 6176195384760955458.jpg]

Now another thing which crops up in this on board ship search is the discovery of the False God who is lecturing a bunch of people. It has a feel to it like we are seeing some kind of infomercial. A metaphor for selling is my feeling. In other words, self brainwashing by buying in to bogus explanations typical of the professional salesman.

It is at this point we have to ask if the False God is himself a metaphor for
Whew. So, we other readers of Elyse's? long dream are welcome, also to comment after reading it? I don't ever want to interrupt y'all, here.

I'm coming back to the long dream when I'm alone, in quiet time. It is pulling me in more than one direction, to say the least.

Spiders! are there a lot of dreams here about them? Are they "trending" with y'all? Yes, am new here and have a ton of reading, perusing to do. Something happened to me just a couple of nights ago, and has happened a lot this year. I awake, or swear I am awake, and still think so, and I see a spider in a curtain, or before my eyes, but awaken completely and it's not there.

I saw it top of my bedroom curtains most-recently, got up and turned on the light, but of course nothing was there and I immediately remembered how often this has happened. I have believed it's the dark side of the force messing with me since I do a christian meditation and am pretty at-peace. well, I'll hush for now. Yeah, those dang spiders again, that resonates with me.
(09-30-2014, 10:56 PM)New Nanny Wrote: Whew. So, we other readers of Elyse's? long dream are welcome, also to comment after reading it? I don't ever want to interrupt y'all, here.

I'm coming back to the long dream when I'm alone, in quiet time. It is pulling me in more than one direction, to say the least.

Spiders! are there a lot of dreams here about them? Are they "trending" with y'all? Yes, am new here and have a ton of reading, perusing to do. Something happened to me just a couple of nights ago, and has happened a lot this year. I awake, or swear I am awake, and still think so, and I see a spider in a curtain, or before my eyes, but awaken completely and it's not there.

I saw it top of my bedroom curtains most-recently, got up and turned on the light, but of course nothing was there and I immediately remembered how often this has happened. I have believed it's the dark side of the force messing with me since I do a christian meditation and am pretty at-peace. well, I'll hush for now. Yeah, those dang spiders again, that resonates with me.

" So, we other readers of Elyse's? long dream are welcome"
Good Lord yes, of course, this is just one interpretation. I would love to hear anyone's thoughts about this dream other than my own.

Actually  I recovered the post and was in the process of editing it. A brief ways away from writing helps you to see errors.
The original posts have errors I now see. I suppose you can work them.

Nevertheless, here is the rest of the post.

It is at this point we have to ask if the False God is himself a metaphor for commercialism itself? Remember that childhood story of the Pied Piper? What I think we have going on here is a connection to the slipstream of time where at some future point, a literal manifestation of a metaphor will be enacted en masse, and by this I mean we have people who are going to follow one another to their literal doom via commercialism. Which is to say, that our God is money, who is a False God, and by using the promise of this False God people will blindly march in to hell itself; ignore every warning, even Biblical ones, even pleadings from people who love them with every ounce of their life, and still they will go. They do it every day even now. Imagine what they might do when presented with False Promises of the kind made by trans-humanism.

I believe people will do this by discounting what life is about and because they really don't understand the nature of reality and put their faith in corrupted science over the wisdom of all human history.

Now this dream continues on for a good deal longer,  however, I feel I’ve covered what I need to cover. Metaphorically the dream is about the worship of money. Realistically the dream is about the consequences of worshiping a False God. Physically the dream might be a description of a future event where this business of worshiping a False God is exploited.

"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." Voltaire
Hi Nanny,

Yes, please add your interpretation. There is no "one" way of interpreting a dream and what you see/feel/intuit will help with the overall.

I see it this way. Imagine a sphere. On that sphere a shape is drawn. Now put 10 people in front of the shape on the sphere. Of course they won't all fit and will have to be placed at varying angles around the shape. Now ask them to describe the shape. You will get different descriptions that are based on each persons perspective in relation to where they view the sphere. No one description is complete but each one adds depth to the whole.

When we share our ideas and thoughts we are helping create a larger picture. No one of us could do this alone.

Your experience with seeing something when you think you are awake but it is not there when you fully awaken and look, I know this well. I too get out of bed looking for it. Mine is almost always a person. I have scared my husband silly MANY times Big Grin Your experience is interesting because you are seeing the same object.

I think spider came up in a DreamBot awhile ago and there was some discussion about it but I can't remember enough to help you.

Balsa, I have not read this yet. I had originally intended to post my own thoughts but really couldn't get them together enough.

One thing I will say though, and it's something that has frightened me on a personal level. When I read the dream I was torn and really unhappy with the dreamer to have kept questioning the validity of "god's" identity. I kept thinking "geez get a grip! Every time you ask or pray the same person appears. It must be the right guy!" But then I read your first interpretation and it made me think that I could be one of those people that would buy into such promises. Especially the more a "false prophet" were to speak, maybe I could be hoodwinked too. Ugh! Anyway, thanks for opening my eyes. It is much appreciated. Looking forward to reading the rest.
Balsa, thanks! I didn't mean to sound too timid but new is new, and that's what I am here. I've arrived late to a wonderful community and project, so though I'm far from shy, etc...I'm proceeding respectfully because THE PROJECT...grin....this grand experiment is what matters most of all.

Rebecca, yes I can imagine what a trip that is because you awaken feeling sure a person, instead of a spider is right by you!

Yes, I dig your sphere example. It is true that hearing several people describe a movie, or a concert, anything through their eyes is great. Hearing ten folks talk of their favorite Christmas....ahh....I can smell the cinnamon, apple pie and feel the sweet vibe of being with close family and friends--the Love.

So, we can nickname this place "Brainstorm Central" or something. My kinda place and people. Hey! even from my Christian belief perspective, we all, combined, make up "the Body." yeah...thanks, y'all.

(10-01-2014, 09:48 PM)rebeccaS Wrote: Hi Nanny,

Yes, please add your interpretation.  There is no "one" way of interpreting a dream and what you see/feel/intuit will help with the overall.

I see it this way.  Imagine a sphere.  On that sphere a shape is drawn.  Now put 10 people in front of the shape on the sphere.  Of course they won't all fit and will have to be placed at varying angles around the shape.  Now ask them to describe the shape.  You will get different descriptions that are based on each persons perspective in relation to where they view the sphere.  No one description is complete but each one adds depth to the whole.

When we share our ideas and thoughts we are helping create a larger picture.  No one of us could do this alone.  

Your experience with seeing something when you think you are awake but it is not there when you fully awaken and look, I know this well.  I too get out of bed looking for it.  Mine is almost always a person.  I have scared my husband silly MANY times  Big Grin   Your experience is interesting because you are seeing the same object.  

I think spider came up in a DreamBot awhile ago and there was some discussion about it but I can't remember enough to help you.  

Balsa,  I have not read this yet. I had originally intended to post my own thoughts but really couldn't get them together enough.  

One thing I will say though, and it's something that has frightened me on a personal level.  When I read the dream I was torn and really unhappy with the dreamer to have kept questioning the validity of "god's" identity.  I kept thinking "geez get a grip!  Every time you ask or pray the same person appears.  It must be the right guy!"  But then I read your first interpretation and it made me think that I could be one of those people that would buy into such promises.  Especially the more a "false prophet" were to speak, maybe I could be hoodwinked too.  Ugh!  Anyway, thanks for opening my eyes.  It is much appreciated.  Looking forward to reading the rest.
(10-01-2014, 09:48 PM)rebeccaS Wrote: Hi Nanny,

Yes, please add your interpretation.  There is no "one" way of interpreting a dream and what you see/feel/intuit will help with the overall.

I see it this way.  Imagine a sphere.  On that sphere a shape is drawn.  Now put 10 people in front of the shape on the sphere.  Of course they won't all fit and will have to be placed at varying angles around the shape.  Now ask them to describe the shape.  You will get different descriptions that are based on each persons perspective in relation to where they view the sphere.  No one description is complete but each one adds depth to the whole.

When we share our ideas and thoughts we are helping create a larger picture.  No one of us could do this alone.  

Your experience with seeing something when you think you are awake but it is not there when you fully awaken and look, I know this well.  I too get out of bed looking for it.  Mine is almost always a person.  I have scared my husband silly MANY times  Big Grin   Your experience is interesting because you are seeing the same object.  

I think spider came up in a DreamBot awhile ago and there was some discussion about it but I can't remember enough to help you.  

Balsa,  I have not read this yet. I had originally intended to post my own thoughts but really couldn't get them together enough.  

One thing I will say though, and it's something that has frightened me on a personal level.  When I read the dream I was torn and really unhappy with the dreamer to have kept questioning the validity of "god's" identity.  I kept thinking "geez get a grip!  Every time you ask or pray the same person appears.  It must be the right guy!"  But then I read your first interpretation and it made me think that I could be one of those people that would buy into such promises.  Especially the more a "false prophet" were to speak, maybe I could be hoodwinked too.  Ugh!  Anyway, thanks for opening my eyes.  It is much appreciated.  Looking forward to reading the rest.

I agree with what you said entirely, and I would very much like to see other interpretations.
Maybe I should change my name to "Windbag."  So yes, please do post.

I too have been thinking about Nannys' post. Spiders are significant creatures. In the dream itself they become key players.
I tend to think that very few things in dreams are meaningless, and this is only partly addressing what Nanny has brought
forward.  Our bodies are designed to act in this environment in such a way that a majority of the information contained around is
never seen. We only see at about 32 frames per second, which is why a series of still images can be made to appear to us as moving
images. There is no reason to suppose that some people are not more blessed in sight than others are in other physical abilities or traits.
The "Official View" says otherwise, as indeed mind control is the only thing which is keeping humans locked under the jackboots of soul
crushing monsters pretending to be looking out for our best interests.

They probably got some people who are so mind controlled that they are considering driving to Dallas in order to "self vaccinate."  Rolleyes  

Learning to think for your own self, instead of allowing the "Official, Certified, Club Members" to do the thinking is what this is all about.

I'm fairly happy with the first part, not so much the second. I may have missed the mark with trans-humanism, even though I know this in the works and I see the message being marketed. Maybe this storm involves what we are entering right now. The whole Ebola business stinks to high heaven. This reminds me so much of the intentional mass murder via the aids virus, but in that case they did nothing, and despite millions of deaths not a single person went to jail for not fulfilling their duties and trusts as public servants. Which isn't the case in Europe or other nations where a firing squad was the solution for incompetence and willful neglect.

So please, whatever anyone can put in will be helpful.
I tend to work from the idea expressed below.

My own premise is that human existence stems from a mass consciousness exterior to the body. This mass consciousness is accessible because this is where the mind itself flows from. This implies that there is, in fact, a connection to another realm though the physical body: A very ancient idea of course.

Dreams can then be described as flowing from an endless ocean, and it is an ocean which is endless because it is set in time. The ocean that human thought exists in is time itself. Our own personal identities arise out of this same ocean in time. That is to say, bluntly, that our mental consciousness flows from this unknown and unseen ocean of time in which all of humanity exists. All knowledge and wisdom is contained in this ocean as time is the repository of all knowledge and experience. It is therefore the entire warehouse of the totality of life itself. This basic idea has formed the foundation for human thinking from the earliest stories. Humanity knows the truth of it’s origins in this sense.
I'm loving this discussion although I don't have enough time to really get into the nuts and bolts. Could I interject a quick question...Is there a way I could get like 2 or 3 really short points of what you all have come up with on Elyse's dream? I don't want to stifle the conversation...but if someone could do that for me really quick, I'll let you get back to the dream. I just wanted to see whether we've got any groundedness yet or still contemplating. Many thanks and blessings to all!
(10-02-2014, 12:14 AM)Eagle1 Wrote: I'm loving this discussion although I don't have enough time to really get into the nuts and bolts. Could I interject a quick question...Is there a way I could get like 2 or 3 really short points of what you all have come up with on Elyse's dream? I don't want to stifle the conversation...but if someone could do that for me really quick, I'll let you get back to the dream. I just wanted to see whether we've got any groundedness yet or still contemplating. Many thanks and blessings to all!

Hmm...I should think about this more but an evolving theory about what's going on.
So picking out the following from only the dream itself;

Pursuit of False Values (God) = money
Children abandoned
Holocaust (Impending)
Okay! Now we're talking! Be sure to incorporate linguistics, and get these memes into headlines pronto. When done, start your own thread in the new Headline Forum. Great work!
(10-02-2014, 12:14 AM)Eagle1 Wrote: I'm loving this discussion although I don't have enough time to really get into the nuts and bolts. Could I interject a quick question...Is there a way I could get like 2 or 3 really short points of what you all have come up with on Elyse's dream? I don't want to stifle the conversation...but if someone could do that for me really quick, I'll let you get back to the dream. I just wanted to see whether we've got any groundedness yet or still contemplating. Many thanks and blessings to all!

Electromagnetic - Possible near term importance.

The most recently posted dream 2.0  Titled: Resurrection?
The Monroe/Moen/Campbell "Gathering"

"It is just as Dr. Simon Atkins told you, we are all coming back."  (Note: Dr. Atkins, "in real life", is an atmospheric scientist, specialising in electro-magnetic energies.)

Dr. Simon Atkins (biometeoelectromagnetics)(how planetary magnetics causes shifts in climate and our health)

So...Importantly- As much as the electromagnetic field could entail a critical role in the resurrection of life, so too could it involve a
separating of the mind from the body. Understanding this and knowing or learning how to break the connection to the body from
the consciousness of life would then fulfill the biblical prophecy of the literal walking dead roaming the earth.

Under the control through brainwashing/indoctrination scheme. The older a person is, the more likely it is they will believe the
voice pieces of the False God. Suggesting that Adults are more likely to fall for a ploy which puts life/soul at risk, hence leading to
legions of children attempting to survive at animal like levels, as zombie like legions of brainless bodies roam the earth, or perhaps
march themselves in to an oven or other machine for elimination.

I believe the dream is a prophetic dream showing the current path to the future we are now on, and which perfectly fits with the
objectives of the TPB in maintaining a control paradigm though massive reduction in population while fulfilling several other objectives.

However, unlike earlier times whereby mass murder just results in mass rebirth, their idea is to solve that problem once and for all.
Fulfilling once more the metaphorical description (Biblical) of everlasting hell damnation for souls following a false god.

I am deeply suspicious about the unceasing demand to vaccinate people.
I believe there is a connection through this to the objective.
I finally had a chance to read Elyse's dream again and read your entire post, Balsa.  I've got some thoughts to ad but, I must confess, I probably have more questions than anything.  I'll apologize up front if I ask a question you answered later on in your post.  I read this at 3 a.m. this morning and noticed this but not sure if I made adequate notes.  In that regard, it's ok if you say you already answered.  Also, lack of sleep = a very tired me.  So, if I'm way off base on something please point it out  Smile

One of the things that confounded me in this dream is that it seemed as if things were backwards.  In other words, what I normally interpret as positive is negative and vice versa.  In the dream there are spiders and turtles.  Both of these, to my recollection, are weavers/creators.  I seem to remember a creation myth where the earth was built on the turtles back.  But, in this dream spiders are seen as something to be feared and extinguished.  Also, the part where the chemical gets in the turtle tank is met with a flippant "I killed the spider and now worried about the turtle.  The turtle seemed ok and I thought to myself that it should be fine bit if it were to die,  that would be unfortunate. He would have to take one for the team."  This seems like, to me, killing creation which is so very opposite of every other dream I've read of Elyse.

In your analysis you mentioned, "The false god in the dream is either money or relief from money."  For some reason this sparked a memory of my own analysis of Elyse's "Space Time Continuum?" dream.  Some notes I made regarding this dream are:

The opening scene of marital discord is illustrating how far off we have gotten from our true purpose.  There is discord in our "house" (planet)


the fabric is frayed because humanity has looked to modern [things] (that do not last) for sustenance instead of seeking eternal life through relationship with God/fellow humans.  Note: I'm not particularly religious but I don't have any other words to describe this.  Because humanity has gone so far off track chasing money, power, greed, etc. the very fabric of our world is fraying.  We need to return to a more pure state to reweave the tapestry but (link to Rae's dream) it has to be something new because the old attempts have not worked.

Now that I'm typing this I can't seem to remember why I felt these two were connected. Maybe someone else reading this will see it. Oh, I think I figured it out!  You mentioned later on in your post about trying to determine what False God is a metaphor for.  Then you mentioned money, children abandoned, consumerism.  I think that's what jogged my memory.  The fraying of the fabric of our world, its destruction, is because of the pursuit of these things.  yea!  

In your analysis you mentioned: "In short, what I believe are the pieces to a vase puzzle were finally assembled by me only in the last few days prior to reading this very dream."  Do you feel comfortable sharing your insights?

In your analysis you mentioned that Elyse killing the spiders were her attempting to "rewrite the script to her own liking."  I'm curious about this idea.  Do you think this is possible?  If someone is strong enough?  That part of the dream sequence ended abruptly.  What would have caused it to end and/or why was the dreamer not able to complete her alteration?  Was it finished.  Was the interference enough to alter events?  Am I making sense?  Smile

In your analysis you mentioned: "I feel the rescue story is naturally linked...." and "....perhaps road signs warning about dangerous curves ahead."  Do you think this is precognitive in the fact that it is showing an event having to do with children will precede the arrival of the false god?  If so, what do you feel the chances that the S. American refugee children are fulfilling this part of the dream?

Something I noted regarding the dream is the scene where she is on the ship and passes the rooms with belongings in them.  In this instance I see belongings as memories, or identity.  The fact that all of these accompanied the people on the ship actually supports your final analysis. I see this as total eradication of the person including the soul. What does a person leave behind when they die?- possessions and memories other people have of them.  I don't know this just seems like soul eradication to me.  Just like you mentioned, ensuring that mass death cannot be followed by mass birth = control of population.

Another thing you mentioned: "The storm is a metaphor for what can be seen coming our way, and this is the notion that you can download your mind into a machine, or a storage container of some kind in order to transcend life as a human being."  Clarification here: are you saying the download of the mind is THE event or is it an example?

Ok, that's all I've got.  Looking forward to your, and others', explanations, continued discussion. Smile
(10-03-2014, 10:20 PM)rebeccaS Wrote: I finally had a chance to read Elyse's dream again and read your entire post, Balsa.  I've got some thoughts to ad but, I must confess, I probably have more questions than anything.  I'll apologize up front if I ask a question you answered later on in your post.  I read this at 3 a.m. this morning and noticed this but not sure if I made adequate notes.  In that regard, it's ok if you say you already answered.  Also, lack of sleep = a very tired me.  So, if I'm way off base on something please point it out  Smile

One of the things that confounded me in this dream is that it seemed as if things were backwards.  In other words, what I normally interpret as positive is negative and vice versa.  In the dream there are spiders and turtles.  Both of these, to my recollection, are weavers/creators.  I seem to remember a creation myth where the earth was built on the turtles back.  But, in this dream spiders are seen as something to be feared and extinguished.  Also, the part where the chemical gets in the turtle tank is met with a flippant "I killed the spider and now worried about the turtle.  The turtle seemed ok and I thought to myself that it should be fine bit if it were to die,  that would be unfortunate. He would have to take one for the team."  This seems like, to me, killing creation which is so very opposite of every other dream I've read of Elyse.

In your analysis you mentioned, "The false god in the dream is either money or relief from money."  For some reason this sparked a memory of my own analysis of Elyse's "Space Time Continuum?" dream.  Some notes I made regarding this dream are:

The opening scene of marital discord is illustrating how far off we have gotten from our true purpose.  There is discord in our "house" (planet)


the fabric is frayed because humanity has looked to modern [things] (that do not last) for sustenance instead of seeking eternal life through relationship with God/fellow humans.  Note: I'm not particularly religious but I don't have any other words to describe this.  Because humanity has gone so far off track chasing money, power, greed, etc. the very fabric of our world is fraying.  We need to return to a more pure state to reweave the tapestry but (link to Rae's dream) it has to be something new because the old attempts have not worked.

Now that I'm typing this I can't seem to remember why I felt these two were connected. Maybe someone else reading this will see it. Oh, I think I figured it out!  You mentioned later on in your post about trying to determine what False God is a metaphor for.  Then you mentioned money, children abandoned, consumerism.  I think that's what jogged my memory.  The fraying of the fabric of our world, its destruction, is because of the pursuit of these things.  yea!  

In your analysis you mentioned: "In short, what I believe are the pieces to a vase puzzle were finally assembled by me only in the last few days prior to reading this very dream."  Do you feel comfortable sharing your insights?

In your analysis you mentioned that Elyse killing the spiders were her attempting to "rewrite the script to her own liking."  I'm curious about this idea.  Do you think this is possible?  If someone is strong enough?  That part of the dream sequence ended abruptly.  What would have caused it to end and/or why was the dreamer not able to complete her alteration?  Was it finished.  Was the interference enough to alter events?  Am I making sense?  Smile

In your analysis you mentioned: "I feel the rescue story is naturally linked...." and "....perhaps road signs warning about dangerous curves ahead."  Do you think this is precognitive in the fact that it is showing an event having to do with children will precede the arrival of the false god?  If so, what do you feel the chances that the S. American refugee children are fulfilling this part of the dream?

Something I noted regarding the dream is the scene where she is on the ship and passes the rooms with belongings in them.  In this instance I see belongings as memories, or identity.  The fact that all of these accompanied the people on the ship actually supports your final analysis. I see this as total eradication of the person including the soul. What does a person leave behind when they die?- possessions and memories other people have of them.  I don't know this just seems like soul eradication to me.  Just like you mentioned, ensuring that mass death cannot be followed by mass birth = control of population.

Another thing you mentioned: "The storm is a metaphor for what can be seen coming our way, and this is the notion that you can download your mind into a machine, or a storage container of some kind in order to transcend life as a human being."  Clarification here: are you saying the download of the mind is THE event or is it an example?

Ok, that's all I've got.  Looking forward to your, and others', explanations, continued discussion. Smile

"One of the things that confounded me in this dream is that it seemed as if things were backwards."
I saw this too as a backwards dream and had a bit of trouble to make sense out of it, but I saw it backwards for a different reason.
See if the following helps explain the backward way I saw the dream.

As the Dream began with capturing animals, then it seemed like I should begin with that first. I hadn't thought about the idea that potentially an event having to do with children could precede the arrival of the False God. What I was reasoning was that there had to be a logical answer for the many wild animals Elyse was bent upon capturing. So I thought about this and decided that the animals/children had to be without parents, and there had to be so many of them in comparison to the available adult population that most were reduced to living as wild animals. I decided the second part to the dream was an explanation of the first part. If that makes sense.

Not that I've gotten this right mind you.


" In other words, what I normally interpret as positive is negative and vice versa.  In the dream there are spiders and turtles.  Both of these, to my recollection, are weavers/creators.  I seem to remember a creation myth where the earth was built on the turtles back.  But, in this dream spiders are seen as something to be feared and extinguished.  Also, the part where the chemical gets in the turtle tank is met with a flippant "I killed the spider and now worried about the turtle.  The turtle seemed ok and I thought to myself that it should be fine bit if it were to die,  that would be unfortunate. He would have to take one for the team."  This seems like, to me, killing creation which is so very opposite of every other dream I've read of Elyse."

I hadn't seen the spider and turtle as you have. This is critical I now feel because what you say about the creatures, as forms representing creation spirits, goes directly to asking whether or not a dream, which may be depicting a future event, can be altered by changing the dream, or in this case, by killing the dream makers? I must confess I missed that entirely even though that is what I was suggesting. Yes, Universe slammed the boom down on Elyse when she decided to start re-writing the dream. So the dream was deeper than I saw or understood. You've caught how important by showing me the interaction with the creator spirits.

"In your analysis you mentioned that Elyse killing the spiders were her attempting to "rewrite the script to her own liking."  I'm curious about this idea.  Do you think this is possible?  If someone is strong enough?  That part of the dream sequence ended abruptly.  What would have caused it to end and/or why was the dreamer not able to complete her alteration?  Was it finished.  Was the interference enough to alter events?  Am I making sense?  Smile "

Can we alter the future by altering a dream? The idea that life spawns forth from the Universe out the either and takes form in accordance with intentional thought is ancient. "Spontaneous generation or anomalous generation is an obsolete body of thought on the ordinary formation of living organisms without descent from similar organisms."

Officially the idea is consigned to the dust bind of crack pots. Not the least of whom was apparently the legendary scientist Michael Farady.
I guess if the revisionists of science can now count Michael Faraday in as a crackpot then I will be forced to join him and wish the rest of them luck.
As without Michael Farday we would not only not be on these computers, but more likely fighting over the last drops of whale oil for the night light.

Let them say what they want, it's easy to say anything is impossible when all evidence is suppressed, ignored, denied, rewritten, and even going so
far as to steal library books in order to prevent any validations of things unwanted. They actually did this just to replace the library books with copies which altered the meaning of ground zero.  Some Russian guys have this all documented. I happened to have had a copy of one of the originals and sure enough the revised version, of which was never published by any know publishing house, was in fact actually altered with additional descriptions of what ground zero was. In the old dictionary it meant that ground zero was the point where an atomic bomb went off. In the FBI version it says it means several other related things. Now, for pete's sake...really?  So if they will go that far to merely add a couple of possible descriptions then what else wouldn't they do.

So I thought that it might be possible, but clearly I didn't understand enough. Now you come along and raise my awareness that there's more going on, and quite frankly this makes a lot of sense. Think about the nature of the tools that evil is said to require and the idea being that it too has helpers...creators as it were. So then we have the old idea of two Universes at odds which interact through people. Apparently if we could interact properly with these creator spirits then maybe the dream would continue on in a controlled manner. Maybe after enough experience you could actually call upon them for guidance and help. Maybe they too require things to create with, bug spray not being a desired one apparently.

In all seriousness, a guru will tell you much the same thing, and they can create or make objects appear out of the ethereal. They cannot sustain what they create, but for a fleeting time they are, apparently, as real as any other thing around us. From what I've been told, the TPB understand exactly what we are discussing here.  They obviously don't think this is all mumbo jumbo or else they wouldn't be so interested in what we do, as would seem to be evident from the necessity for the entire forum to be rebuilt.

"In your analysis you mentioned, "The false god in the dream is either money or relief from money."  For some reason this sparked a memory of my own analysis of Elyse's "Space Time Continuum?" dream.  Some notes I made regarding this dream are:The opening scene of marital discord is illustrating how far off we have gotten from our true purpose.  There is discord in our "house" (planet)


the fabric is frayed because humanity has looked to modern [things] (that do not last) for sustenance instead of seeking eternal life through relationship with God/fellow humans.  Note: I'm not particularly religious but I don't have any other words to describe this.  Because humanity has gone so far off track chasing money, power, greed, etc. the very fabric of our world is fraying.  We need to return to a more pure state to reweave the tapestry but (link to Rae's dream) it has to be something new because the old attempts have not worked.

Now that I'm typing this I can't seem to remember why I felt these two were connected. Maybe someone else reading this will see it. Oh, I think I figured it out!  You mentioned later on in your post about trying to determine what False God is a metaphor for.  Then you mentioned money, children abandoned, consumerism.  I think that's what jogged my memory.  The fraying of the fabric of our world, its destruction, is because of the pursuit of these things.  yea!

Well this all got a bit confusing because on the one hand, the False God is a projection from a future event, but on another hand he is already here in a metaphorical sense. Our money worship being the existing False God. In order to make sense out of the dream, I imagined that a new False God would arrive in a flashy new space yacht. This is what the dream seemed to suggest, and so the new False God was taken as a representation of a physical being who will arrive here, at some future point, and who will see the false values worshiped by the people as a corruption which can be exploited. So while the False God is taken as representation of a physical being arriving in a flashy space yacht, he is also a metaphor for our present worship of Idols who are all obtainable through money; our present False God.

In other words, how do you interpret the dream: Is the False God now, is he already here? Well obviously he is, and the False God is consumerism and what better to represent that then money which buys the things that supposedly bestow God like powers upon those who have it. So the old religious God has now been replaced, and money is the de facto God, today, so he's already here metaphorically speaking. Our False God is here right now, and so what next? Since the False God is already here, the dream is saying this other False God must mean something new will arrive which will supplant the present total worship of money as the new False God.

I saw the new False God as a physical being offering gifts because that is what the dream seemed to be saying. That certainly doesn't need to be the case. The ultimate gift of God is of course everlasting life, and so any being who can seem to make this offer of everlasting life will become the new God. In that understanding we can see that a being who offers a technological promise of everlasting life will become our God. For all practical purposes though, it could be any kind of machine or device sold by a corporation which somehow offers this promise of everlasting life. So the false god doesn't have to be a physical being, but in a sense the arrival of physical being who seems to hold magical powers would make the sell job a lot easier, and so the dream actually makes quite a bit of sense in that respect.

Now the whole point of all the smoke and mirrors is to exploit the delusional ideas held by the worshipers of our present False God. I mean if you're idea is to cleanse to planet of gullible people worshiping something which is destroying the planet then you might as well make a profit off it as well. So when I read the descriptions of the piles of clothes and material objects heaped in piles aboard this flashy space yacht, then I connected that with the logic of the Nazi' in using mass murder to enrich themselves. From a corporate perspective the entire idea of being able to have people sign over everything they own and then willingly commit suicide is obviously the ultimate success by present definition of corporate success.

Another thing you mentioned: "The storm is a metaphor for what can be seen coming our way, and this is the notion that you can download your mind into a machine, or a storage container of some kind in order to transcend life as a human being."  Clarification here: are you saying the download of the mind is THE event or is it an example?

A tough question really. Do people who now worship this False God still have souls?  I don't think so. Nevertheless, it hasn't exactly resulted in a holocaust for them either... unfortunately. Therefore I expect an interdiction. A mass marketing sales job to blow your socks off. Yes, I sense that this could become an actual event. Time wise it is unclear, but if a supposedly advanced being claiming to grant God like gifts arrived tomorrow do you yourself think they would be ignored?  So yes, people will actually and willingly follow the False God in pursuit of their own False Gods to their doom, or everlasting hell as the case may be since without your brain you're not going to be returning back for further adventures.

Here you make an astounding observation I think.

"Something I noted regarding the dream is the scene where she is on the ship and passes the rooms with belongings in them.  In this instance I see belongings as memories, or identity.  The fact that all of these accompanied the people on the ship actually supports your final analysis. I see this as total eradication of the person including the soul. What does a person leave behind when they die?- possessions and memories other people have of them.  I don't know this just seems like soul eradication to me.  Just like you mentioned, ensuring that mass death cannot be followed by mass birth = control of population."

Yes you are correct. It is soul eradication. If consciousness comes from time and sustains itself in a field either in or out of the body, most likely both, and if it is then moved to an artificial device, then how reasonable is it to expect to re-enter another body which is already occupied, and you're not going to be reanimating your old one because it's a sure bet that old thing was incinerated or ground up to make fertilizer?  So it's probably not very likely is it?  People won't be thinking these kinds of things because that's just a bunch of witch doctor mumbo jumbo, and that's what our so-called science is telling them right now.

It was once believed that when a computer could answer a person, without a person knowing it was a computer, then we would have arrived at artificial intelligence. That was the Turing Test, named after Alan Turning. IBM proved that idea was wrong back in the 1970's. The point being, how would anyone ever know if someone had actually and successfully transferred their mind to a machine?  It's impossible, so it's gonna be another lie they follow along with. It's like a Pied Piper kind of mentality and we see this around ourselves all the time. Group think is a primary objective behind mass media and public indoctrination systems.

So that's what I was seeing when I read that dream. People essentially so alienated from reality and life that they already basically the walking dead. In this way it helps to also explain why Elyse couldn't stop her own son from going with the False God. In the dream her son is already zombified by the unattainable offering the False God sells. Yes, I know I argued for physiological interdiction such as a electormagnetic field which might be messing with her motor functions, but it's just as easy to see that the lure of the False Gods promise is so great that you can't stop anyone who's fallen under the illusion offered by this false.  I've been through this several times now in a different way, trying to get zombified people to not do something the new clowns were telling them was a good idea. After all, who am I but some old looser anyways?  I know lots of people have been encountering this in different ways and can probably relate to that part of the story, about feeling helpless and unable to change them or hold them back.

OK...well didn't mean to write another book, but sometimes there's no way around it.
Thank you. There's still some areas I'm confused with but I'm ok with that. Took me a couple of reads so maybe a few more are in order.
(10-04-2014, 05:02 AM)rebeccaS Wrote: Thank you.  There's still some areas I'm confused with but I'm ok with that. Took me a couple of reads so maybe a few more are in order.

Oh're a night owl....still editing it...going blind...

maybe reread it briefly tomorrow is what I'd suggest..

Typically I got to rework though a post this long because I leave out a train of thought, or word, so that's what I've been doing.
Think I'm done for the night though.
Only a night owl when I'm working, lol

I tried saving a post to edit later but couldn't find it. Yeah, I leave tons out too or realize something that makes perfect sense in my head makes no sense when typed. Oh well. Good sleep.
OK, woke up and significantly revised the previous post. Hopefully this then is a better explanation surrounding the False God.
Here is the extracted revised portion. Sorry that is has taken me this long to sort it out clearly enough in my own mind in order
to articulate it meaningfully.

Well this all got a bit confusing because on the one hand, the False God is a projection from a future event, but on another hand he is already here in a metaphorical sense. Our money worship being the existing False God. In order to make sense out of the dream, I imagined that a new False God would arrive in a flashy new space yacht. This is what the dream seemed to suggest, and so the new False God was taken as a representation of a physical being who will arrive here, at some future point, and who will see the false values worshiped by the people as a corruption which can be exploited. So while the False God is taken as representation of a physical being arriving in a flashy space yacht, he is also a metaphor for our present worship of Idols who are all obtainable through money; our present False God.

In other words, how do you interpret the dream: Is the False God now, is he already here? Well obviously he is, and the False God is consumerism and what better to represent that then money which buys the things that supposedly bestow God like powers upon those who have it. So the old religious God has now been replaced, and money is the de facto God, today, so he's already here metaphorically speaking. Our False God is here right now, and so what next? Since the False God is already here, the dream is saying this other False God must mean something new will arrive which will supplant the present total worship of money as the new False God.

I saw the new False God as a physical being offering gifts because that is what the dream seemed to be saying. That certainly doesn't need to be the case. The ultimate gift of God is of course everlasting life, and so any being who can seem to make this offer of everlasting life will become the new God. In that understanding we can see that a being who offers a technological promise of everlasting life will become our God. For all practical purposes though, it could be any kind of machine or device sold by a corporation which somehow offers this promise of everlasting life. So the false god doesn't have to be a physical being, but in a sense the arrival of a physical being, who seems to hold magical powers, would make the sell job a lot easier, and so the dream actually makes quite a bit of sense in that respect.

Now the whole point of all the smoke and mirrors is to exploit the delusional ideas held by the worshipers of our present False God. I mean if you're idea is to cleanse the planet of gullible people worshiping something which is destroying the planet then you might as well make a profit off it as well. So, when I read the descriptions of the piles of clothes and material objects heaped in piles aboard this flashy space yacht, I connected those scrapes of life with the holocaust and with the logic of the Nazi' in using mass murder to enrich themselves. From a corporate perspective the entire idea of being able to have people sign over everything they own and then willingly commit suicide is obviously the ultimate success by present definition of corporate success.
Balsa, thank you so much for adding that clarity to you work.  It helped a lot.

I had an interesting experience the other night.  Something that has caused thoughts to click into place and, I believe, ties into this discussion.

It has become my habit to meditate before starting my shift.  Many times I ask for clarification on a subject that interests me ie. this conversation.  

The other night I was in the middle of the meditation and I suddenly went deep.  It only lasted for a few seconds but I received an image of a ship sailing across an ocean.  The ship was old, wooden, with lots of tall masts and white sails.  For some reason it reminded me of the movie Independence Day where the invading space ship slowly drifts across the sky until it comes to rest above its intended target.  

Before I can get into the explanation of what the image meant I want to talk about a channeling I stumbled across.  Now, I’m not sure about channeling, whether its real or not, BUT, at this point I’m pretty much giving everything the benefit of the doubt.  The website is; the entity channeled is named Asket.  This is some of what she said:

“It has been some time since we have spoken with you. We have been watching and participating with you in the emotional roller coaster of events that you have been witnessing in your world. We’ve felt everything that you’ve felt and we’ve watched through your eyes the growing horror and the unfathomable pain that you have witnessed becoming unmasked in your world. There are many layers of reasons why these things are happening, why they continue, why no one is stepping in to stop them.”

“It is not the role of those beings who are of a benevolence to your planet to interfere in your development in any way. You understand the idea non-interference, though it has rarely been practiced on your world, and those who have seen fit to aid in the development in of those societies that have been, in their eyes, perhaps primitive, at best… these individuals have done very little to improve the state of being for those who have lost their traditional ways, their connection to their source, their land, their language, their culture, their children. You see where the practice of intervention in the development of a society can lead when it is done from the standpoint of control and gain.”

When I read this I immediately thought about the Native American tribes that populated the US prior to European invasion.  I am not an expert but from the little I have been told their way of life prior to European arrival fits the description above.  I am going to make an assertion that the Native People were very advanced spiritually, perhaps they were even moving towards ushering in a new age on Earth.  One of the things I want to mention is the lack of “technology” the Native People had.  But, along comes the interfering power hungry beings to stop the ascension from happening.  Time plays out and here we are: modern day.

Now what does the image mean and how does it fit in?

I did a voice memo to remember the thoughts I had about what the image means:

Talking about the Native People: “it’s almost like they were developing and that was how we were supposed to go and then these invaders came with technology and it is just like Balsa was saying the new technology was the false god and we come here and we approach them and then we take them over.  So we are the alien invaders.  The white people were the alien invaders and probably we took over Europe the same way…using technology that was advanced compared to what the Native People had.  The white people took them over, they interfered in their ascension process and kept them bound, they changed it and they kept them bound.  It has been going on like this for centuries.  So now our false god, its almost like it gets more and more and more, layer by layer that as a means of oppression, as we start to come out of it, like the 60’s and 70’s , where people started to question things and then all this new technologies started coming out and the baby boomers bought into it.  First they shunned wealth and privilege and then they bought into that (technology).”

Sorry for the rambling but these words were right after the image and I found I couldn’t recreate it so I just decided to type word for word.

Balsa, you mentioned in your PM to me:

“In the words of John Gatto; "What we are facing is a civilization that's at least 5,000 years old and is even more immoral than we are."

This is what I’m trying to say.  Whatever race, be it human, alien, whatever, has been conquering and subjugating people for untold centuries.  Whenever humanity is close to breaking the bonds holding them to this dimension filled with war, famine, hate, fear, etc., whenever humanity threatens these beings’ power base, they rally and fight against it.  Up to now, in my reality, they have always won.  Just look at how far technology has come.  It is a distraction and a means of control.  

We can look at poverty the same way.  Poverty is a way to keep humanity oppressed, keep it from taking its rightful place in the cosmos (remember escholar’s dream “the game”?).  Poverty keeps humanity chained.  Think about Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.  

Physiological - Safety - Love/Belonging - Esteem - Self-Actualization

The highest attainment, according to Maslow, is self-actualization.  The trick is each individual must meet/satisfy every other step before they can reach the next.  Someone who has no food or is worried about where their next meal is coming from is not going to have the energy to worry about morality.  Follow this up the pyramid.  Third world, poverty stricken countries, poverty in first world countries, all serves to keep humanity from self-actualization.  Self-actualization of humanity is a threat to the very existence of TPTB/alien invaders/cabal (pick a name).  Perpetuating poverty keeps people from attaining self-actualization.  Perpetuating fear does the same.  When humans fear each other they don’t band together, they point fingers.  Distracting people with the idea of working just to buy things that really have no meaning does the same.   All around us, our entire existence, is predisposed to keeping us chained to this dimension so that we can be food.  Negative emotions creating negative energy is probably ambrosia to these creeps.  Remember what Chris said?  One person with focused thought and energy on an outcome can accomplish more than 40 people who are not really committed?  Divide and conquer.

All this talk in the forums here about “teetering on the brink” “being on a precipice” etc. is saying, to me, that we are at the point where we can either break free of the bonds or suffer under the oppression until the next point in the future where critical mass is reached.  I think this is why we are seeing so much anger and strife right now.  The controllers are pulling out all the stops in their fight for their own survival.  This is the last she-bang, the grand finale, if you will.  I truly believe we can push things so that we topple into the new earth and not into hell.  I really hope we can do this.  
First off that's a wonderful post, and yes they are educated psychopaths, so you nailed it with Maslow. They know exactly what they are doing.

Now, about this being a race or genetic linked capability let me go about this in a round about way. Start with the fact that the system actually validates the idea that humans are capable of more than they seem,  because it's in the denials of anything unapproved that a person can see the cracks. Any rationale person, looking at the totality of the system, cannot help but to arrive at the conclusion that the rulers don't want you knowing or believing anything which isn't stamped as certified or approved, and this is done by one of the thousands of officially supported organizations of their minions.

I think that when you set sail off in to the vast endless ocean Elyse described, most people do so blindly, that is, without knowing they can choose, and perhaps this ability comes with enough learning. This is basically how it's been explained to me. That is to say that if you can master this dream business well enough, then you can figure out where you're at when you get back home to the house where everyone lives, and having an awareness of this as not a dream, but your real home and where you can choose your next body and life, and it is from this understanding and awareness then that a person can chose anything out of any time. This is why I referred to, and saw the ocean in Elyse's dream as time and the repository of all knowledge. Many of the things which I feel support this kind of over all understanding come out of the "officially denied" parts of our present world. Those would include the unexplained, such as astral projection, teleportation, and other physical and trace evidence which have made their way across in to our information age, but the idea here is that we are not as we seem and that we are capable of great deal more than we imagine.

Maybe a persons genetic structure might have some associations, but I also agree with Native American Dream Weaver that anyone who wants to do something can achieve that goal. Nevertheless, taking your assertion that races have functions and that the Native Peoples of the America's were on a different pathway, and which had become imbued in to a genetic predisposition, well that's only something we can speculate on. I wouldn't discount it for sure. The rulers of the old world had a long time to root out anyone who showed signs of second sight.

What I sense is that when you leave for another life, and venture once again out in to the ocean of time, a certain genetic code could be key to spiritual development, and that the entire reason behind the ceaseless attempts to eliminate certain peoples from the face of the earth could be related to this idea, and if so it would say that some relationship must exist but which is now more predominate in certain races, and which have been successfully reduced to a regressive gene in the old world races.

Now the other thing to consider is that no people have been more exposed to the mind control, and in greater amounts, than the people from the Old World. So it's possible, or even more likely, that these peoples are now predisposed to subservience, which is perhaps nicer than saying gullibility. Now that's about as ugly as I can make it. However, what I think is that all races are critical to human survival and that anyone who thinks otherwise is very poorly read, or else under great mind control. What we do know, and what we can say is that indoctrination, which is merely disguised as education, can make people believe absurdities, and as Voltaire said; "if you can get people to believe absurdities, then you can get them to do atrocities."  So ultimately their plan might be as simple as first you eliminate one race, then the next, and so on until finally you narrow it down to other personal traits. Like lets kill all the attractive people. That would be right up their alley, after all according to the log books of Christopher Columbus that's exactly what they once did to an entire race of people we today shall never know, but Columbus and everyone who ever saw these people all expressed that they were the most beautiful people they had ever seen. The even sent a few of them, males and females back as slaves for the royals. That horrible story is in the book; "Lies my teacher told me,"  by James W. Loewen

Now I'm going to think about this business of the Old Wooden Spanish Galleon you're seeing. White Sails Maltese Cross huh?
Hmm...yea...well that's an interesting development alright.
Yeah, the boat is what made me think Native and white because of its age. Also, that's the words my mind has to offer to describe what I saw/felt. I don't think it is as simple as that but it was used to illustrate what I was trying to say. An ancient race has been systematically interfering/destroying/subjugating any people who might even seem to be in in a position to obtain the knowledge of choice.

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