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I'm Just Fine!
I had this dream in 2011. It is probably one of my most favorite dreams, because the man that I got to meet was so awesome.
I dreampt that I was walking through a Hospital. I always make it a point NOT to go to hospitals unless I absolutely need to, so as I wandered the halls, I questioned my being there. I came to a room and immediatlely knew that I had been looking for THAT room. There was an elderly man in a hospital bed. He was slightly plump and had a kind face, white hair and a square jaw. He was also wearing a breathing tube. He was surrounded by people dressed in black crying over him. He looked aggravated until he saw me, then he grinned ear to ear and waved me over. I looked behind me because I couldn't be sure that he was waving at me-- I had never seen that man before in my life... but I inched over by his side regardless.
As I stood there, he told me how glad he was that I had come. He talked to me about fishing and making gumbo, stopping every now and again because someone would cry out. He told me a few fishing jokes and some stories about his family, but eventually he got very upset by the other people hanging around him. Finally he had had enough, and raising his voice just slightly out of frustration, he said to me " TELL THESE FOOLS THAT I AM DOING JUST FINE!"
I woke up confused. My boyfriend (now husband) was getting ready for work when I told him my dream. As with most of my dreams, he shrugged it off and told me I was wierd. I was a bit aggrivated, but decided not to let it bother me, it was no suprise to me that he or anyone would find me wierd.
He called me a few hours later. He normally called around lunchtime, so it was strange for him to call so early (around 8am). He was very quiet on the phone. I had to ask him a couple of times if he was ok. His voice cracked a bit when he answered " I don't know..." I will never forget that day. He then told me that his Uncle had died. He had just found out moments before he called me. He would be coming home early. I felt sick to my stomach.
When he came in, he was very pale and he asked me to tell him the dream again. (He had only been half-listening to me before. At the time, he didn't put much faith in my dreams...) I told him the dream again and he asked me if I would tell his mother. It was her favorite brother who had passed. I wasn't sure if it were my place to tell her that dream or if it would upset or anger her. I had once told people my dreams, but sometimes people get very disturbed or angry... I had learned to keep them to myself, so I told him I could not.
His mother did not live far, so he went to visit her and came back looking even more upset, I asked what had happened and he eplained to me that she was very upset that she had lost her brother and was crying uncontrolably. He asked me again to tell her my dream, so I agreed. I walked in very frightened of how she would react and had her sit down. I told her my dream, and just as expected she cried uncontrollably and I felt HORRIBLE and ended up crying with her. But then she hugged me, wiped her eyes and cracked a smile and assured me that she was no fool.

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