06-01-2014, 03:34 PM
I dreamt that I was going to see a movie, outside, in the daylight. There were thousands of people sitting in rows to watch the movies, and I was struggling to keep my three boys still and happy. (It's getting harder and harder to do every day)
Anyway, my husband had left me alone with them for some reason, and I looked across the aisle to see my parents watching me, absolutely unconcerned that I was really struggling. My youngest son had pooped and I needed to go change him, I tried my hardest to drag all boys with me to a clear grassy area behind everyone to take care of business, then fought with the kids to get back to our seats. The area was surrounded by swings and play sets, so this was NOT an easy task.
Honestly, I would have been much happier letting the kids play on the equipment, but I knew my husband would be back looking for us and might get worried when we weren't in our seats. We finally made it back to the seats and my husband joined us. After the show, we got up and loaded the boys into our vehicle and left.
This is the first dream I've had of my parents house since it burned down. Apparently, my husband and I were living in it now. When we got home, I unloaded the kids to discover that we had left our oldest behind! I was SO upset... I felt like the worst mother in the world. I called my mother hoping that she had picked him up. She had and would be there shortly.
I looked around the house... it was filthy. It was like an episode of hoarders had exploded in the house and all of this stuff was my parent's junk. I had managed to sorta clean up the living room. I had been working on the kitchen, but there were dishes in the sink that looked as though they had been there for YEARS. There was trash and junk stacked up EVERYWHERE, and it was overwhelming... I had a hard time WANTING to clean it, and when I did manage to get in the right state of mind to cope with it, I didn't know where to begin. But, I thought the bedroom would be a good start.
Just before I started down the hall, I heard a knock on the door. My mom was there with my father and grandmother. She was VERY unhappy, and they didn't wait to be invited into the house, they barged in as if they still owned the place and looked around in disgust. They gave me the feeling that they wanted to prove I was an unfit mother as they went room to room examining the house, as if they had forgotten that they were the ones who abandoned it in such a mess!
I started to say something... but I really couldn't. After all, they had given me the house...perhaps I should have worked harder to clean it more quickly. And anyway, it might look cruddy now, but if there is one thing I am good at, it is making things beautiful... in time, this would be my dream home.
I felt horrible while everyone marched around my new home... but then I realized that my mother had disappeared. I went all the way to the back of the house where the master bedroom was and found her there in the walk-in closet. She was digging out old, rotten books to take with her. They were so damaged, they weren't worth keeping... and I told her "Nuh-uh! When I left home, you didn't let me take any of my things, why should you get to take this trash home?" I knew if she took it, it would just help to fill her new home with trash. She said "Well, You are not me." She was right. It hurt when I had to leave all my things behind. It was trash, and I was just going to throw it out, but if it meant something to her, it would be wrong to keep it... even though she never offered me that courtesy.
I also noticed a model airplane set that looked as if it were in semi-good condition, and gave it to my dad. When my parents left, I tried to give them a hug, but they refused as their arms were full of books/airplane. I was upset after they left, and my husband rubbed my back for a minute, then I started to smell something. FIRE!
I went outside, and suddenly I wasn't in that house anymore. I was in a sort of house built underground. There were many houses all around me also built down into the ground and there were stone walls and bridges dividing the areas and they looked almost like mazes. There was a wall of fire coming for us!
I went back down into the home and waited. It didn't take long for the wall of fire to cross over the entire community, and I was probably the first to pop my head outside. I walked along the maze-like stone walls to see if everything was ok. I saw a lot of animals had sought shelter in the walls. I saw very little damage as the area was mostly only made up of the stone on sandy dirt. The only things I saw ruined were a few wooden benches. I crossed over a stone bridge to find a family of bears. I thought for a moment they might attack, but they didn't seem bothered by my presence. Maybe they were just happy to have been spared. I saw deer, rabbits, squirrels, and foxes! The foxes were so beautiful and cute, and I watched all the animals play. None were bothered by any of the others. They all got along, it was truly magical to watch.
Then I noticed another fox. It was a sort of shimmery white color. It had a cat-like face and HUGE, adorable eyes. It had an extra-long fluffy tail, huge pointed ears and there was a tiny puff of red and blue fur next to both ears. It had a beautiful design in its fur on its chest... it was an extra bright white that almost seemed to glow. It was incredible! I've never seen such a beautiful creature!
When it saw me, it bounced back and forth playfully, and I walked up to it. It ran back, stopped and bounced again. It wanted me to follow it! I ran after it into a thick, dark, green forest. I could barely keep up with it, and might have lost it had it's fur not been so bright and sparkly. As I ran, it seemed like the trees bent around me, and I suddenly found myself in a hidden place. It didn't look like much. The fox shrunk down to the size of a large squirrel or small cat and jumped into the lap of a man.
The man didn't look very magical. He looked very ordinary if anything. He wore a t-shirt and jeans and pair of glasses. He congratulated me for finding the "Lucky Fox". He introduced himself as it's guardian and explained that not many people ever got to see the lucky fox, in fact, many spend their lives looking for it to never even get a glimpse... but the fox had chosen to bring me home with it.
I was a bit confused... I mean... the fox was awesome, I expected it to live in a more magical looking place, but it's home looked like an old run-down gas station. There were concrete walls and floor. the man sat on a crate and there was a single old-looking fridge in the middle of the room next to a small, raggedy pet bed. The lucky fox would live here?
The man gave me a sticker. It was a cartoon version of the lucky fox as proof that I had found it. Well... it was very cute.. but if anyone needed a decoration, it was the poor fox, so I put it on the ugly old refrigerator next to it's bed. The fox seemed to like that and jumped into its bed, rolled over on its back, and waved its paws at me playfully. You can't just NOT play with something that adorable, so I sat next to it and tickled it. It seemed very happy and even gave me little kisses at one point.
The man asked me if I wanted to feed it. Who wouldn't want to feed it?! Of course I did! He handed me a ham sandwich. A ham sandwich? For a fox? I reached in and pulled out a piece of the meat... I mean, surly a fox wouldn't care for bread or mustard... right? The fox scarfed down the meat and the man got onto me saying that the fox, just like everyone else, had to eat the entire thing for it to be healthy. So, I sat the sandwich down for the fox. It didn't look happy, but it ate the entire sandwich, after which the man gave me a bottle of milk.
The fox jumped into my arms and allowed me to feed him the milk. When it had finished, the man told me I could leave whenever I wanted... after all, I had found the lucky fox - that's all most people wanted to do, because you only had to see it to be lucky. But I wanted to play with it a bit longer. I tickled it and we were wrestling around just having a great time with one another when I woke up.
This was such a fun and happy dream towards the end.
Anyway, my husband had left me alone with them for some reason, and I looked across the aisle to see my parents watching me, absolutely unconcerned that I was really struggling. My youngest son had pooped and I needed to go change him, I tried my hardest to drag all boys with me to a clear grassy area behind everyone to take care of business, then fought with the kids to get back to our seats. The area was surrounded by swings and play sets, so this was NOT an easy task.
Honestly, I would have been much happier letting the kids play on the equipment, but I knew my husband would be back looking for us and might get worried when we weren't in our seats. We finally made it back to the seats and my husband joined us. After the show, we got up and loaded the boys into our vehicle and left.
This is the first dream I've had of my parents house since it burned down. Apparently, my husband and I were living in it now. When we got home, I unloaded the kids to discover that we had left our oldest behind! I was SO upset... I felt like the worst mother in the world. I called my mother hoping that she had picked him up. She had and would be there shortly.
I looked around the house... it was filthy. It was like an episode of hoarders had exploded in the house and all of this stuff was my parent's junk. I had managed to sorta clean up the living room. I had been working on the kitchen, but there were dishes in the sink that looked as though they had been there for YEARS. There was trash and junk stacked up EVERYWHERE, and it was overwhelming... I had a hard time WANTING to clean it, and when I did manage to get in the right state of mind to cope with it, I didn't know where to begin. But, I thought the bedroom would be a good start.
Just before I started down the hall, I heard a knock on the door. My mom was there with my father and grandmother. She was VERY unhappy, and they didn't wait to be invited into the house, they barged in as if they still owned the place and looked around in disgust. They gave me the feeling that they wanted to prove I was an unfit mother as they went room to room examining the house, as if they had forgotten that they were the ones who abandoned it in such a mess!
I started to say something... but I really couldn't. After all, they had given me the house...perhaps I should have worked harder to clean it more quickly. And anyway, it might look cruddy now, but if there is one thing I am good at, it is making things beautiful... in time, this would be my dream home.
I felt horrible while everyone marched around my new home... but then I realized that my mother had disappeared. I went all the way to the back of the house where the master bedroom was and found her there in the walk-in closet. She was digging out old, rotten books to take with her. They were so damaged, they weren't worth keeping... and I told her "Nuh-uh! When I left home, you didn't let me take any of my things, why should you get to take this trash home?" I knew if she took it, it would just help to fill her new home with trash. She said "Well, You are not me." She was right. It hurt when I had to leave all my things behind. It was trash, and I was just going to throw it out, but if it meant something to her, it would be wrong to keep it... even though she never offered me that courtesy.
I also noticed a model airplane set that looked as if it were in semi-good condition, and gave it to my dad. When my parents left, I tried to give them a hug, but they refused as their arms were full of books/airplane. I was upset after they left, and my husband rubbed my back for a minute, then I started to smell something. FIRE!
I went outside, and suddenly I wasn't in that house anymore. I was in a sort of house built underground. There were many houses all around me also built down into the ground and there were stone walls and bridges dividing the areas and they looked almost like mazes. There was a wall of fire coming for us!
I went back down into the home and waited. It didn't take long for the wall of fire to cross over the entire community, and I was probably the first to pop my head outside. I walked along the maze-like stone walls to see if everything was ok. I saw a lot of animals had sought shelter in the walls. I saw very little damage as the area was mostly only made up of the stone on sandy dirt. The only things I saw ruined were a few wooden benches. I crossed over a stone bridge to find a family of bears. I thought for a moment they might attack, but they didn't seem bothered by my presence. Maybe they were just happy to have been spared. I saw deer, rabbits, squirrels, and foxes! The foxes were so beautiful and cute, and I watched all the animals play. None were bothered by any of the others. They all got along, it was truly magical to watch.
Then I noticed another fox. It was a sort of shimmery white color. It had a cat-like face and HUGE, adorable eyes. It had an extra-long fluffy tail, huge pointed ears and there was a tiny puff of red and blue fur next to both ears. It had a beautiful design in its fur on its chest... it was an extra bright white that almost seemed to glow. It was incredible! I've never seen such a beautiful creature!
When it saw me, it bounced back and forth playfully, and I walked up to it. It ran back, stopped and bounced again. It wanted me to follow it! I ran after it into a thick, dark, green forest. I could barely keep up with it, and might have lost it had it's fur not been so bright and sparkly. As I ran, it seemed like the trees bent around me, and I suddenly found myself in a hidden place. It didn't look like much. The fox shrunk down to the size of a large squirrel or small cat and jumped into the lap of a man.
The man didn't look very magical. He looked very ordinary if anything. He wore a t-shirt and jeans and pair of glasses. He congratulated me for finding the "Lucky Fox". He introduced himself as it's guardian and explained that not many people ever got to see the lucky fox, in fact, many spend their lives looking for it to never even get a glimpse... but the fox had chosen to bring me home with it.
I was a bit confused... I mean... the fox was awesome, I expected it to live in a more magical looking place, but it's home looked like an old run-down gas station. There were concrete walls and floor. the man sat on a crate and there was a single old-looking fridge in the middle of the room next to a small, raggedy pet bed. The lucky fox would live here?
The man gave me a sticker. It was a cartoon version of the lucky fox as proof that I had found it. Well... it was very cute.. but if anyone needed a decoration, it was the poor fox, so I put it on the ugly old refrigerator next to it's bed. The fox seemed to like that and jumped into its bed, rolled over on its back, and waved its paws at me playfully. You can't just NOT play with something that adorable, so I sat next to it and tickled it. It seemed very happy and even gave me little kisses at one point.
The man asked me if I wanted to feed it. Who wouldn't want to feed it?! Of course I did! He handed me a ham sandwich. A ham sandwich? For a fox? I reached in and pulled out a piece of the meat... I mean, surly a fox wouldn't care for bread or mustard... right? The fox scarfed down the meat and the man got onto me saying that the fox, just like everyone else, had to eat the entire thing for it to be healthy. So, I sat the sandwich down for the fox. It didn't look happy, but it ate the entire sandwich, after which the man gave me a bottle of milk.
The fox jumped into my arms and allowed me to feed him the milk. When it had finished, the man told me I could leave whenever I wanted... after all, I had found the lucky fox - that's all most people wanted to do, because you only had to see it to be lucky. But I wanted to play with it a bit longer. I tickled it and we were wrestling around just having a great time with one another when I woke up.
This was such a fun and happy dream towards the end.
