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In researching our timeline for the big Dallas chaos meme, I suddenly remembered that you (or I thought it was you) dreamed about a hospital...and suspected some sort of purposeful pandemic or something? Can't quite remember the content, but wasn't that the beginning of the "covered in white?"
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I'll have to check my journal. That's too long ago.... *L*
But, this one was at the top of the August list when I went there. Couldn't find a name.
I've never gone back in to read the Project August dreams. Betcha' it would be very interesting now that a few months have passed.
In early August, before sleeping, intended for news event on August 13, 2014.
I was in a hospital corridor, and outside the window looked like this was on or near a large college campus (or maybe a medium sized metro area), so perhaps this was a campus hospital. About 10 hospital personnel, dressed in hospital garb, were walking / working in the corridor. The people were Caucasian, and I assumed this was in North America. A worker, also dressed in hospital garb, came in and opened a closet/utility door. Then when he opened his hospital coat, he appeared to be wired with explosives. Before anyone had time to act, he exploded the device. But rather than detonating an explosive bomb, he detonated some type of bio-hazard (virus or toxin). All of the people present were then put in isolation.
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I think your August 13 dream came true about 2 months late, but how can we ever know without some whistleblower coming forth (a whistleblower who survives). Unlikely. Maybe the bio-bomb is metaphoric for the explosion in cases