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Car Crashes
I am driving on a two land road through a city (feels like Arroyo Grande) but the city in my dream is much bigger. It is night time. Traffic is going along at a pretty fast clip even though we are moving through the city. I am also operating a life-sized remote control car and no one is in it. I pull over because traffic is starting to go too fast for safety and I'm worried I won't be able to stop the remote control car in time since I don't know where it is. I have the controls in my hand and I start pressing the buttons for the brakes hoping to spot the car as it passes me. There is a woman with me and she is very upset I pulled over and is worried about the remove control car. She wants me to forget about it. I look forward just in time to see a red sports car fly past all other traffic and then crash out of control, flipping multiple times. There are several more crashes and one pedestrian gets run over.

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