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Things not as they seem and money is changing
Dream was right before waking up for the morning. My dream intentions are always to find the truth in whatever the dreamworld has in sotre to tell me about current events.

In this very vivid dream, I was casually seeing many people that I see in my everyday life but they were not in the realm of people that I know by name. For instance, I was paying attention to this one very large and unkept gentleman and feeling a bit sorry for his situation when what appeared to be about an 8 or 9 year old child came into the scene looking very distraught. The large gentleman went to this child directly and took a procetive mode with him. I knew in an instant that neither the child nor the gentleman was as they appeared. The child was not young but gave the impression of a very old soul of what seemed to be an oriental decent.

As the two were now together and the gentleman was talking with the child and seeming to be tending to him in some way, I saw a gunship of unknown nature appear in the sky and was coming about to go after these two individuals. When i saw what was happening I started to shout to them to take cover. My shout became more extreme as I saw the gunship start to make the run at them but the two individuals didn't make any effort to hide or move at all. When the gunship appeared ready to open fire I saw another ship of a completely different nature appear out of thin air and destroy the first gunship. When the first gunship dropped, it looked as if it had a blue plastic looking body that broke in half. With that completed, the two individuals casually walked away. My instant thought was that they intentionally stayed out in the open to draw out the first gunship so that the second one could destroy it.

After this scene, i saw money changing all over the world. Paper money was disappearing and only coins were being used as real money. All of the coins that I saw were of a gray or silver color and they were of different sizes. However, they were all heavy and appeared to be made of precious metals... silver was coming to mind. This change was instant and was worldwide.

Woke up feeling extremely excited but had no idea of what may have actually been happening during the dream. After the dream, I put it together as everything is not as it appears and that there is a huge change coming in the financial realms.

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