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Lost Opportunity / Out of Options
I don't recall much of the beginning of the dream. I was female, and with at least one other person, also female, in a downtown setting. The day was sunny and we were outside. There were not many people around, and I do not recall seeing any vehicles. (Similar to an early weekend day in a downtown commercial area).

I went for a walk, or perhaps I was looking for something. I was walking through narrow passageways, almost like an underground warren of tunnels and rooms. Some of the tunnels had racks of clothing in the aisles (reminded me of the narrow city streets and markets of India or Asia), although I thought I was here in the USA. I occasionally encountered other people, most individuals not groups of people, in the passageways. Different races, all co-existing. Some were dressed in ragged clothes, all thin, non-threatening, but not particularly friendly. One passageway led to a dead-end of several rooms filled with furniture; one had a dining room table with chairs and was set for a meal. At this point the area felt underground, with rock walls, floor and ceiling. The rooms were well-lit with natural light. I backed out of this area as it seemed like a private family area, although there were not any doors.

I don't recall the next dream sequence.

Then I was walking outside, still downtown, by a river. I was not wearing shoes. I left the sidewalk to go down by the river. On the bank were several pairs of shoes, and I borrowed a pair of brown sandals and waded into the water. A few others were also in the water, which came up to our knees. Acroos the river the opposite bank rose up 20 feet or so, and a bulldozer was flattening the landscape. The lady next to me said something about a planned development was cancelled so they were prepping the land for another use. This reminded me of stock option monthly expiration, this Friday, 10/17, perhaps an 'out of options' scenario or maybe the land had an Option Contract on it that expired.

I left the river and climbed the bank, took off the sandals to return them to the shoe pile. I saw someone I knew from my college days, although he did not recognize me, and I knew that the sandals in my hand were his. "Rick" is tall (6'), thin, with sandy hair and beard and gold wire rim glasses, middle aged. He seemed puzzled when I give him his sandals and I told him "here they are", and I kept on walking and left the area.

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