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Drums on the Waterfront
I've had this dream several times, but I listed the first date I had it. The repeat events have been identical. To my knowledge, I have never seen anything close to this that would have seeded such a dream event randomly. I believe this to have been a OOB scene of a real action that took place.
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I am standing on a modern waterfront, not sure if it is ocean-coastal or a river location. Major city nearby. Large dock facility with various features which make me think it's a relatively important port in America (I am not told it is America, but it looks Western, and what I hear is English spoken).

Two men standing on the walkway on the water. Boat hardware laying about (buoys, rope, etc.). Small room, like a control room, maybe 8-ft x 8-ft, with a small white door on the walkway itself. They are coming out of the room. I see into the room. Two blue barrels with something taped to the top. It is a timer, but very complex. I know it is a nuclear package. The men are hard, scarred, look mid-30's, and like prior military. They are wearing black tactical vests and have small handheld radios. They are talking to someone on them and say 'it is fixed, and active'. One has a pistol out, but puts it away after they come out of the room and lock the door. They are looking about to make sure none saw them. I can feel they are ready to kill, if needed, to keep this secret. There are more to 'place', but not here. Elsewhere.

Knowledge that they may sit here for days or months or years, activation is not known by the men at this time. They do not care, their job is done. Using them is someone else's business.

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