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(Note: hypnagogic, I spontaneously entered into vibrational state, cycling very rapidly, with vibrations concentrated upper back and solar plexus regions, while within twilight state of sleep.)

I was in an unknown rural location, on rural acreage. I was with my husband, K (passed 6/11), when we discovered two red and gold bantam roosters and a hen walking around the property. Since we had all of the chickens within their respective coops, we knew something was wrong and hurried to the coops. Upon arrival there, we discovered all of the remaining hens killed and mounded up within the coop. Something had gotten through the chicken wire/wood structure, coop bottoms, but the predator had killed for enjoyment, but not for food. Horrified, we began to scan the property for the likely predator, finding a small chocolate brown beagle lurking about 100 feet away. I scooped the dog up, wondering what I would possibly do with the killer-dog. Then, K and I set about on a plan to rebuild the coops and buy replacement hens. We were heartsick over the loss of our chicken "family members" due to this dog-predator.

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