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5/19/15 Red Alert: All Aboard!
Trending:     class overnight feces bear posting dream train nervous section goddess ship trip view crowded cloudy entry wine mon also focusing thank build valley earth membership keyword cards solid court orb wrong leaving lap

Waning:   sitting carrying ever calm sun position sad sorry slightly interested smile hide tired hand daughter happening hanging tiny ball april monsters meditation nap response david awesome endless anger management wed everlasting taylor link significant sessions

<----- DISCUSSION ----->

Someone mentioned earlier that CLASS might not be a school inference, but rather a category, such as a way to section off types of people. I think that person is right because of today’s run. In fact, today continues yesterday’s run. In my estimation, today and yesterday are linked into one big linguistics run. My opinion is based on two points: 1. many of the same words and phrases, and 2. the word OVERNIGHT at #2.
More clarity on Goddess! In Group 1, you can see Goddess is sandwiched in between a NERVOUS TRAIN, a SHIP on a TRIP, and VIEW CROWDED. This means that when Goddess leaves, the ship will actually be packed with others….who are the others?  I believe the answer is in which CLASS is being referenced. Are we talking about the elite class or pauper class? Or neither? I’m suspecting that FECES might be a hint.

Here’s another hint (please note that I haven’t yet watched this video, but the title seemed to be relevant.)
Here’s another hint: Also in our run today is EARTH MEMBERSHIP. Maybe CLASS refers to all humans!

Here are some more words I’m concerned about:
- WINE has been quietly remaining almost permanent in our runs
- ORB seems like a really strange word in dreams

For more details about these DreamBot runs, please see:

Bear Feces? Perhaps we will finally get the answer we are all waiting for: Do bears, indeed, shit in the woods?
Ha! I was thinking that the elite CLASS will be shitting on "The Bear," or Russia.

Speaking of which, check out this hockey-playing bear in Russia:
(Train nervous section)- train service has begun again along the eastern corridor, I assume many are nervous.

(goddess ship trip)- there is the Nile Goddess Cruise Line, perhaps something is up with that cruise line

(entry wine)- trade fights could raise tariffs on wine in export markets
"Earth" is indeed a "crowded class" because Life is the School for our soul. But, could this also be that, referring to social "class" levels that our planet, "Earth" is a "crowded class" of this type?

Is "train" a noun or a verb??

LOL "overnight feces bear" so what DID Russia do overnight.

"ever calm sun position" our sun is very quiet again so what's this about? or is "sun position" astrological??

Oh, I Like that "meditation" is not too far from "anger management" in the DOWN words. Yes! meditation is "the" answer to "anger" that needs to be controlled. Are people starting to get it? Hope so.

"taylor" around so many runs...who is this?? "taylor link significant sessions" sessions of anger management? meditation sessions? or no but some type of coaching sessions, maybe.

Yes, it's a "shot in the dark" but I gotta consider this since wayyy back, when I saw "david" in a run for some unknown reason I thought him maybe a famous? life coach or one that would have a headline coming about him. "david" may be more than one david since it's been in a lot of runs, anyway...

There is a "David Taylor" life coach, anger management with a Masters, etc...he is licensed in two states so maybe a headline is coming about him per this and another run or two. and...

Bear could also reference the stock market. A bear market would work well with feces. Wink
Just as I said....US to shit upon "The Bear"
Learned something new this morning....

Fleet Week 2015 launches with 'Parade of Ships' Wednesday morning

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- Celebration of this year's Fleet Week kicks off Wednesday morning with the Parade of Ships sailing into New York Harbor at approximately 10 a.m.

The USS Stout (DDG 55) -- a U.S. Navy Arleigh-Burke-class Aegis guided-missile destroyer with a crew of 33 officers, 38 chief petty officers and 210 enlisted personnel -- will lead the parade of military vessels.

Stout was named for Rear Admiral Herald F. Stout (1903–1987), who distinguished himself as the commanding officer of the destroyer USS Claxton during World War 2 by aiding his task force in sinking five heavily armed enemy warships to establish a beachhead on Bougainville Island in the South Pacific.

The following ships will sail into the Harbor behind the Stout:

The Navy's Arleigh Burke-class Aegis guided-missile destroyer USS Barry (DDG 52).
The Navy's amphibious transport dock USS San Antonio (LPD 17).
U.S. Coast Guard cutters Sturgeon Bay (WTGB 109) and Spencer (WMEC 905).
Four U.S. Naval Academy 703-class yard patrol boats.
class overnight feces bear
Bear Crap Indeed!!!
So Russians went to bed last night and when they woke up, this happened.
'Squeezing the very life out of Russian civil society'
Non-governmental organizations working in Russia awoke Sunday to a new reality -- that they operate now under a law that allows the government to prosecute them on the grounds they are 'undesirable.'
And those who work for such organizations could be sentenced to as much as six years in prison.
wow TB9
shades of Stalin all over again. Wassup with that crap? literally. It gives pause now to the post I just did on the predictions of the Lady of Fatima- MARY that these forces are coming down, they will not prevail in the End Times....
Well gee, I'd agree with that one Mary- I am all aboard that idea- yet isn't this energy squeezing down globally?
Look at Oregon (and now others with this drought) wanting to tighten legislation to criminalize rainwater collection.

Its only a matter of time here- well its actually happening here-who is paying attention?

(05-24-2015, 05:51 PM)twiceblessed9 Wrote: class overnight feces bear
Bear Crap Indeed!!!
So Russians went to bed last night and when they woke up, this happened.
'Squeezing the very life out of Russian civil society'
Non-governmental organizations working in Russia awoke Sunday to a new reality -- that they operate now under a law that allows the government to prosecute them on the grounds they are 'undesirable.'
And those who work for such organizations could be sentenced to as much as six years in prison.
Yes. Stalin repeats. This would have been great to pair with the everlasting loop...unfortunately.
More bear feces, just not overnight. This is the Russia (USSR) I grew up with. What is old is new again.
Clear hit for "taylor" on this run.

The General Taylor that has introduced his wife at our Pentagon. bot run words here are "everlasting taylor link significant sessions." Maybe sig.sessions doesn't have to go with the others. "everlasting link" clearly refers to marriage.

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