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CameTrue 6/7/15 Head's Up: Structured Chaos
Poor Shadewolf. I am sorry about your friend. No power. Geesh!
DLP, sorry about your HVAC.
Does this all fit with Structure Chaos Disturbing?
(06-08-2015, 05:52 PM)twiceblessed9 Wrote: Poor Shadewolf.  I am sorry about your friend. No power.  Geesh!
DLP, sorry about your HVAC.
Does this all fit with Structure Chaos Disturbing?

Does for me. The tech has been here 6 hours and he shows no sign of being done. I am so not a happy camper(one level below steamed, according to the DLP annoyance meter) and I'm dreading seeing the final bill for all this.
(06-08-2015, 05:52 PM)twiceblessed9 Wrote: Poor Shadewolf.  I am sorry about your friend. No power.  Geesh!
DLP, sorry about your HVAC.
Does this all fit with Structure Chaos Disturbing?

Yes it does indeed fit!
First it was Anthrax in the news very recently and just now it's a very virulent and dangerous type of Tuberculosis of which only one-third of patients can even be cured! But, neither of these are viral!
IMO this is just weird that both are current in the news and during the bot run or is that "runs" about a virus?
What's this gonna be a one/two punch and then....a virus from hell? or, nah and I'm exaggerating this in my mind. Heck, have read here before that the event the linguistics point to is usually or always less severe than it sounds. So, whew.
(06-08-2015, 10:32 PM)Nanny Wrote: First it was Anthrax in the news very recently and just now it's a very virulent and dangerous type of Tuberculosis of which only one-third of patients can even be cured! But, neither of these are viral!
IMO this is just weird that both are current in the news and during the bot run or is that "runs" about a virus?
What's this gonna be a one/two punch and then....a virus from hell? or, nah and I'm exaggerating this in my mind. Heck, have read here before that the event the linguistics point to is usually or always less severe than it sounds. So, whew.

Here's your virus, Nanny: MERS outbreak in Korea

Aaaand I see Windy already mentioned MERS in the thread.
That's right! I was not even thinking MERS was a virus, but a flesh-eating bacteria. Gotta look it up.
Thank you/y'all! Here's triple hitter for this month, 2 bacterial and one viral headache. Wonder if one of them is going to become the pandemic the dark side's been begging for. Hope not.
The last thing that happened on the same day my friend passed and the weird power outage at work was that 2 cops were shot and one died in my city ( Edmonton). Oddly enough the shooter seems to have set the house on fire he was shooting from and died therein. The new said the shooter was a "Freeman on the Land" and was being brought in on a warra t for hate crimes. That was a weird, bad day!
Well I am not sure if this qualifies as a came true but Murdock is stepping down as CEO of Fox. It wasn't exactly a sale
6-7 dream ships sale gab
6-12-gab impossible sweet folks watched sent sea task
This is about former Senator Gabby Giffords christening her new namesake navy ship.
structured (behind-the-scene manipulation), chaos and very disturbing.
An American Oligarch‘s Dirty Tale of Corruption
12.06.2015 Author: F. William Engdahl

"Rarely does the world get a true look inside the corrupt world of Western oligarchs and the brazen manipulations they use to enhance their fortunes at the expense of the public good. The following comes from correspondence of the Hungarian-born billionaire, now naturalized American speculator, George Soros. The hacker group CyberBerkut has published online letters allegedly written by Soros that reveal him not only as puppet master of the US-backed Ukraine regime. They also reveal his machinations with the US Government and the officials of the European Union in a scheme where, if he succeeds, he could win billions in the plunder of Ukraine assets. All, of course, would be at the expense of Ukrainian citizens and of EU taxpayers.

First appeared:

First appeared:
Wow, I'm impressed with these articles, ladies! Twice....not sure how I missed your hit there on the 14th. Outstanding connection to Gab. So those linguistic phrases #CameTrue true within about a week.

Esholars: great read and good connection to the main theme in this run! Surprised that VIRUS wasn't mentioned anywhere in that structured chaos....because if Soros is going to do all that, then why not throw a few viruses out there along the way? Smile
This has just been a huge not run and now there is more.
The Dylann Roof Shooting
structured chaos disturbing verbal faith ...saved ... haunted armor meet referenced belly shoot control ...remembering guest ...false ...speaking managed powerful death ...ROOF...edge...escape ...hide ...
Oh my gosh. I wasn't even looking at the name ROOF, but that is the direct hit for this run, especially with the other bulleyes surrounding the story. Okay, now that we have THE run for this strange story, I have to ask whether anyone wants to go against the DreamBot on this. At the top is STRUCTURED chaos, meaning that the chaos isn't accidental, meaning that someone designed this chaos.

Regardless, #CameTrue for sure! Thank you again, Twice.
Well, there you have it. 6 months in planning!! (Structured Chaos)

Eagle, can you put #cametrue in the title? There are multiple ones for sure for this run.
Thanks, Twice. Not sure why I spaced that, but it's done now.

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