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6/19/15 Barry's Contract!
Trending: barry contract pot pizza reunion bus henry random step fact summer scenario island zoom zebra whispered basement drool keyword youth safe condo zoo june brother led agreement gonna uncategorized enter family certain urine wish dogs remove girlfriend design annoyed panic
Waning: element gender update parent success false birthday transport used male sally been female had other responses need path support respond frame registration click story project experience add link sign overlay window up event response form

<----- DISCUSSION ----->
Warning: It seems as if we are entering a new lull in dreamland. We can see this by the abysmal surge scores and the lack of words above the Caution level. That being said, lulls have traditionally offered us very accurate linguistics, so we certainly don’t dismiss the run today.

Look who’s back everyone: BARRY! And he has a Contract.

Interestingly, I found a story from earlier in the month that had headlines everywhere. It had to do with Obama posthumously awarding the medal of honor to HENRY Johnson (a WWI hero). A few links to demonstrate this:

However, I can now bring in other words in the bot run along with Henry: Reunion, Random, Uncategorized, Family, Registration, etc.

Maybe it’s just me, but this whole run seems chock full of stellar hints about our near future.

For more details about these DreamBot runs, please see:

Hmm. Pot and Henry are together so I would say maybe more on that topic is coming. Also , urine wish dogs remove girlfriend, this sounds like someone is upset at some dogs that are not house broken and they want the girlfriend and dogs gone. Why this is newsworthy is yet to be seen.
At least one other time, "henry" has been near "barry" in a bot run! Gotta discover who this henry dude is. Could "henry" have a last name of Kissinger? Maybe we an "agreement" is going to leak that "barry" has with "henry." "contract" and "agreement both in this run.
What private? island do the NWO movers and shakers meet on at times? I bet one exists. It's gonna be a "basement" agreement, well yeah aren't they all, when these powerful ones meet?

"brother led agreement" in this run. Possibly a brother of "barry" is part of this "contract" or "agreement." Maybe the meeting will be on an "island" where "zebras" roam.

"sally's" back yet again and who has a "false birthday?" I can imagine but nah....

"gender element?, male female" here we go with more Project Ano....there's a line about gender issues for this year. Nothing new here except they stood-out for '15, and what's the bot run pointing at in this context?
(06-19-2015, 10:47 AM)twiceblessed9 Wrote: Hmm.  Pot and Henry are together so I would say maybe more on that topic is coming. Also , urine wish dogs remove girlfriend, this sounds like someone is upset at some dogs that are not house broken and they want the girlfriend and dogs gone. Why this is newsworthy is yet to be seen.

barry contract pot... henry...led agreement gonna uncategorized
-"The White House took a major step forward on Monday to support research into the medical properties of marijuana, lifting a much-maligned bureaucratic requirement that had long stifled scientific research."
This is a came true for sure!" be considered bi-partisan support from lawmakers?
Barry Contract...Agreememnt= Obamacare upheld
Of course....nothing could be more constitutional, right? (wink)

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