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something to think about
I keep hearing in the back of my head a small voice saying "Remember, what you think about is what you create."
I have heard talk of entities using our emotions as food for themselves.
I have heard the the matrix is a compilation of mass thoughts.
I have been shown that TPTB use advertising and entertainment to manipulate our behavior.
I have seen how the news media will run stories without all the facts and create reason to riot.
I have seen how schools have failed to teach honest history. I have seen the results of dumbing down the school lessons.

I have also seen the power of prayer.
I have heard that expecting certain results from an experiment does affect the results.
I know that if you know of an expected event that you can control the reaction to that event.
I know that we each have to decide what we believe for our own selves.
I know that people of faith can and do achieve extraordinary things.

I have seen that when this site reports on a potential catastrophic event that the event has lessened in its size. (I am pretty sure that when we read of some stuff we all think "OMG those poor people." and say a small prayer for them)

Now I wonder, even though we are a relatively small group, how do we work together to change mass fear to a more positive emotion? How do we help the world? Or do we?
What you wrote Edna is beautiful and wise.
Yes, I believe we help.
Sometimes even the smallest of actions can create a larger action, like a pebble thrown into a pond. What happens to the pebbles cast in fear, hate and anger? What happens to the pebbles cast in compassion, kindness and love?
In my daily life, I try to cast more pebbles of the latter. There are times when that is difficult but I have also noticed that the more I attempt to toss the pebbles with compassion, kindness and love, the more I feel those emotions, and the more I am then able to naturally express them and act upon them.
At the NDC even the most experienced and wise amongst us are still learning about our gifts, what things mean and how new discoveries relate to ourselves, our fellow dreamers and the world.
Somehow, Eagle has developed a community of people who are on a quest to learn, solve and study about things that most others have never imagined. This community is remarkable in that there is deep respect for those who engage, take risks and throw out ideas. While we may have our own reasons for being here, we seem to naturally work as a collective so to speak. We do our best work with the inspiration of others. Someone's pebble tossed here is often carried off to places not originally dreamt of before. Sometimes it IS dreamt of but it is the other members who help the dream achieve reality.
So Edna, I think we are just beginning to see what we are capable of doing. I believe we will be able to do much good, if we wish to do so. I believe that we indeed have the power to change things that can be changed, to lessen the horror and build hope and compassion. As a group here at the NDC, I believe this is possible. Imagine if that is one of the reasons we are ultimately here, together, the reason why our paths have crossed here.
And, because I am feeling the need to say it, I love you all and thank you for being part of a wonderful gift and blessing here in this unique "family".

What I'm hearing is a hunger for P2. We are currently honing our P1 skills of accurate prediction-making and have forgotten about the longer term goal of the make a difference. Perhaps we need to redesign our see how and when P2 will be reinstated. Beautiful discussion!
I agree, Edna, and Chris, would be very interested in participating in the Paradigm Teams again, I think we have mitigated many of the foreseen negative events.

Thanks, Edna, for reminding us of the bigger intent here.

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