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Organic Appartment
In the beginning I was in a studio apartment, and my parents were there. (both have passed). I was trying to participate in a work conference call, and my dad was being "funny" in the background. I was frustrated, but realized that when he last worked in the 90s, working at home was not a normal thing.

Then I decided I needed to find a new apartment, one with more space. My mom and I went looking, and a really cool building down the street, built in the 20s, had an apartment. Originally, I saw two rooms, mostly devoid of furniture. I assured my mom that with a little elbow grease it would be great. I seemed unusually excited to realize it had an old-fashioned European style mailbox on the corner. I mean, really excited.

When I went back inside, it turns out that the lady who had the building was now an eccentric little old man, and he had a three room apartment to show me. It was filled with antique furniture, which I was once again very excited about. The two main rooms were furnished as a parlor (?) and a formal living room. I was wondering where the bedroom was when I noticed an oval opening in the floor that led to a sleeping area. I was about to descend when I decided to explore the common areas instead.

I could see outside to a beautiful peanut shaped in ground pool. Very tropical and serene setting. Then I walked to what I thought should be a kitchen, but it was empty of everything but counter space. Very utilitarian. I walked to the next room, but thought to myself, that's strange, how does anyone cook? When I walked back in to the bare kitchen, it now had some rudimentary appliances, old-fashioned looking in odd pastel colors. The stove was pink. I started playing this game of ducking out and back in, as the scene kept adding things every time I did so. I am irritated now as this should've been a BIG lucidity cue. Argghhhhhhhh!

Then a friend showed up and insisted I drive downtown with her. I kept telling her I didn't want to go, as I was having fun, but she herded me into a small car and off we went. I kept arguing with her that I wanted to go back to my new apartment and find the landlord. When she stopped at a light, I jumped out and started walking back. It was raining but I now had a raincoat on, and was positive I could get back on my own.
I have a 15 week old puppy. No one wakes up naturally anymore! Big Grin

and during the week it's the alarm. I'm trying to get to bed earlier, and re-incubate in the early hours before I go back to sleep. Mostly I make my version of cliff notes. Today was my day to sleep in, so the recall and the time asleep was sublime.

What's strange was I kept thinking Aga stove, but didn't write it because I have no idea where that came from. But I just looked it up, and a pink Aga stove it is!
Odd footnote: Not only didn't I know in my conscious mind about the pink Aga Cooker (which was out in the 20s), but the odd mailbox I was excited about was a red pillar type common in Britain in the late 20s. My brain was cooking with gas this morning! (and who knows how old that phrase is.... hahahahaha)
(08-23-2015, 09:06 AM)Windy Wrote: There has been so many times that this has happened to me, I have found that if I am on the edge of waking up... then I do notice it is lucid, but if i am still really tired, i tend to ignore the cues...

Did you feel like you got a good full nights sleep, and did you wake up with an alarm clock or someone waking you... or did you wake up quite naturally on your own, with time to lay in bed and process the dream?

Do you have any suggestions regarding dream recall, or lucidity? I've tried the usual laying in bed in the same position (helps sometimes with recall but not with any consistency). I've had more moments of almost lucidity lately, but can't seem to grasp the tail on the donkey on that one either. My dreams (with the exception of this one) seem almost dark and dreary in a way. Even if I don't remember them, there is an unsettling feeling to them. Don't know if that's just me and being stressed, or something bigger.

Ultimately it's hard to report on a feeling...... Undecided

And to everyone on this site, THANKS!!!!
Thanks Windy! I've never considered the essence approach, but it's interesting in retrospect because this dream had a much lighter feel, which led to my playful reaction to the morphing kitchen. I really can't use the voice recorder approach as my significant other, who can sleep thru thunderstorms, imagined burglars, and the ceiling fan light coming on during a power blip would be awake in an instant to me whispering. Funny he can't hear my voice at other times...hahahaha

I'm going to have to get better about getting to bed early and figuring out a journaling system, and follow it regularly. I haven't been well enough rested lately, and I miss my dreams!
Goldengirl, your report of 'dark and dreary' is vitally important here (but not that we're looking for those specific feelings). For our mission in Project September, your descriptions are helping us out tremendously. Keep doing what you're doing!

As for lucidity, this can take some time. It might be best to attempt lucid dreaming after the project ends in about a week (two weeks max). What worked best for me was to practice lucidity all day every day in your waking life. Every time you think about it, do a reality test. Every time you see something odd, question yourself, "Am I dreaming?" And without answering too quickly, look around you for verification that you are not dreaming. A good one is your hands. Do your hands look perfectly normal? If yes, you're not dreaming. Look at some text somewhere. Read the text, then look away, then go back and read the text again. Is the text the same as it was? If not, you are mostly likely dreaming.

As for remembering your dreams, maybe this will help:

Thank you once again. Great seeing you here!
Thanks Eagle1!
Busy day here, but I do have a snippet to post later that I initially thought was a lucid cue, but now think my dad might be trying to get my attention. I really appreciate your advice, and I actually read your blog article last night. (I'm working so fast, I'm ahead of myself). Awesome article btw! I've never thought of using keywords, but it makes tremendous sense. I'm also trying to immerse myself in the subject of dreaming before I go to bed as a way to encourage....

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