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Concrete tower, finishers, and stick with the child
I did the intention, and for a change had the dream before waking up in the middle of the night. I'm sure I'm missing details at this point since I didn't get to type this up until pretty late today.

At the beginning of the dream, I am at the top of a very tall tower. The tower is made of concrete, or something similar. There are "limbs" that go off from the center of the tower, I believe I'm on the highest one. I am about midway out on the limb. Someone/thing is at the base of the tower. In my mind I know it is trying to catch me. There is a voice that tells me "I win". In my mind, I know that it was necessary to have sort of toolbox in order to defeat the other thing. But there is security going into the tower that prevents getting the necessary tools in. There was some sort of plan that I would get the tools in, and then my twin would go into the tower to use the tools afterward. This has apparently failed. I respond back, "no, there's still one more chance". The limb has a 2-3 foot high wall, I step onto it and jump off.

I am now on the ground, looking at the tower. I see the man falling, he hits the ground. I am now apparently the twin. Even though it was a long fall, I know that my twin did not die. There is a row of buildings going away from the tower. In each of the buildings, there are badly maimed people that are unconscious, with IV's hooked up to them. They are more or less vegetables. I am with someone else that explains that there twin will be able to take over them soon, and for a short time they'll be able to be up moving again. But only for about 30 minutes.

I am moving away from the tower. There is a long stream of people coming from the direction away from the tower toward the tower. They are all very happy, and showing that they have a finisher medal in their hands. There is a mascot dressed in a dog costume; the mascot makes me think of "Snoopy", but its not really Snoopy. I am with several other people now, including one younger child. I know that we have to get to where all of the people are coming from with the finisher medals. I am not thinking it is a finishing line.

Because of the number of people, it is slow going. I also know I must stay with the child. The people with the finisher medals all want to have pictures of the child taken with the mascot, sometimes with me, the child, and the mascot. I am feeling impatient because I know time is short, but at the same time I don't push to go faster because I know there is enough time, and the child is happy and wants to do the pictures for the finishers.
MTB, you said the mascot was like snoopy but not snoopy? Was it black and white with spots?
Were the finishers dressed in any particular way?
(08-23-2015, 12:16 AM)twiceblessed9 Wrote: MTB, you said the mascot was like snoopy but not snoopy?  Was it black and white with spots?
Were the finishers dressed in any particular way?

I've done multiple races where there was a dog mascot; I did not think this was a race, and I certainly wasn't in a race. But the mascot had the feel of something like the Shoe Dog - not Snoopy, but a deliberate imitation to avoid copyright infringement. Definitely not black and white, but at this point I couldn't say any specific colors, other than white for the most part. I don't think it was specific to anything other than an easy to identify symbol to me of a mascot for the race.

I don't remember when, but before posting the dream I had thought of the finishers as being "cut and pasted" - more or less all the same. The medal was being held up in their right hands around their neck, I think it was a square that said "Finisher" or something like that. They were all in a pretty uniform two column line. I can't think of anything specific about the finishers, I believe it was an easy to identify symbol to me that there were a lot of finishers of some event, but nothing that identified that event.

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