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7/28/15 Grab Bag Tuesday
Trending: cough dug chain surgery semi indeed hearing class yep forward reading bear outer occurred flooded neighborhood long arcade mon detailed park rush jen childhood level regarding seven names boots treasure shifts king down entry facing levels considering lucid remember three
Waning: interpret fri properly well okay lose continued snow much yesterday flight week spiritual notes lucky surely animal husband advice bathroom mild fan wild sweet dancing self incredible thank final egypt failure wow taylor hope energy

<----- DISCUSSION ----->
forward reading bear outer occurred: More news of Russian bombers skirting US airspace
detailed park rush jen childhood level regarding seven names: Sounds a lot like the 411 missing persons ordeal in the US parks
boots treasure shifts king down: Overlaps previous days. King goes down? Could be a last name of King.
well okay lose continued snow much yesterday flight week: Snow will delay flights (yes, a strange hint in the middle of July)
incredible thank final egypt failure wow: States it pretty well I think. Look out for Egypt.

For more details about these DreamBot runs, please see:

cough d[r]ug chain surgery semi indeed hearing class - class action suit against a drug chain (drug chain semi-surgery) re: cough medicine
forward reading bear outer occurred flooded neighborhood - a bear shows up in a flooded neighbourhood
arcade mon detailed park rush jen childhood level regarding seven names - seven people named re: a rush on Jen in a park in her chidhood
boots treasure shifts king down entry facing levels considering lucid remember three - three military types use an entry level treasured tactic to take down a king; the king remembers the three

Rare July snowfall for the Northern Rockies
Overlapping dream from last month:
(07-28-2015, 10:54 AM)Eagle1 Wrote: Trending: cough dug chain surgery semi indeed hearing class yep forward reading bear outer occurred flooded neighborhood long arcade mon detailed park rush jen childhood level regarding seven names boots treasure shifts king down entry facing levels considering lucid remember three
Waning: interpret fri properly well okay lose continued snow much yesterday flight week spiritual notes lucky surely animal husband advice bathroom mild fan wild sweet dancing self incredible thank final egypt failure wow taylor hope energy

Cough Dug Surgery lucky animal husband advice thank final hope.

Oh wow a direct hit on a stream I actively follow on the YouTube channel: 50 ducks in a hot tub! The guy's dog is named Dug, and had recently had an encounter with a porcupine but was recovering the day this run came out (I checked) July 28. And check out this unexpected surgery Dug has now had! On July 31st...

So my question is, I was concerned about Dug the dog when he had his porcupine encounter a couple weeks back, and I follow things here at NDC a lot and incubate the dream runs to try to get more detail. So how does it work then that we get a personalised prediction on something this obscure that doesn't exactly hit the newssphere as we generally experience it?
Typhoon Goni struck the Eastern coast of Russia today.
bear outer occurred flooded neighborhood
I have never us TASS as a news source. Cool!! Big Grin

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