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10/29 Congrats, Trust Nature + Drug running Dragons
**Sorry this is late. The actual run was conducted on time this morning, but by the time it was ready to publish, my internet amazingly turned off. No conspiracy here, though...My bill was overdue!**

Today’s run does seem to continue some quite themes from yesterday’s spaceship themes,
particularly grouping 3, which shows that they found the station, and there were other knowledgeable entities present.

The other groupings simply tell us to “Trust Nature,” and perhaps Ben Fulford’s Dragon clan has a drug connection there. Finally, a red circle indicating the continued homosexual/transgender theme that has only been noticed by our small group of DFers, and some people might be wondering why I glossed over the “Congrats,” which should be kicking off some alarm bells. Well, the problem here is that only half of the indicators have been met. We have the mandatory >2,500% surge, but we don’t have the rest of the criteria. Therefore, we press the “ignore” button.

Okay, Elders, what did I miss?


Plain Text
10/29/2014    %Change from Ave    % Change from Yesterday

congrats    288.0%    3000.0%
multiple    190.3%    414.3%
hour    169.4%    238.5%
character    143.0%    168.2%
trust    118.9%    300.0%
nature    118.6%    100.0%
drug    116.8%    142.9%
connection    104.5%    125.0%
dragon    102.3%    100.0%
frisky    101.9%    1100.0%
double    96.0%    166.7%
commentary    95.1%    1000.0%
chest    89.8%    80.0%
lesbian    87.4%    200.0%
gravity    85.7%    550.0%
artillery    84.5%    800.0%
rock    84.2%    71.4%
evil    82.2%    44.4%
dreamer    81.4%    50.0%
forgotten    81.0%    137.5%
partners    79.9%    400.0%
telling    79.5%    71.7%
disgusting    77.4%    200.0%
talks    76.2%    160.0%
art    72.1%    53.3%
vividly    71.8%    266.7%
manager    66.8%    88.9%
finding    61.6%    90.9%
station    60.5%    43.8%
visiting    60.1%    180.0%
knowledge    55.6%    72.7%
The last time congrats(congratulations) showed up was on October 13.
I'm thinking this word is sneaking past our administrative filter. Unsure, though.
Houston Mayor is a well known lesbian with an agenda.

Houston mayor drops bid to subpoena pastors' sermons
"Partners" could go with "lesbian."
"Frisky?" the cooler October air may be making people exactly that, (grin).
Hmm, "telling" and "talks" both in the list.
"Congrats," "artillery" and "commentary" are the top 3 of this list? Shall we watch for a war headline? Oh! election next week so maybe some fake claim of victory in Syria or Afghanistan's coming, to try and boost the party-in-power's votes!

That's all I've got, at a glance. Fascinating runs past couple of days.

War is actually one of our Nov Headlines!
Thank you! My mind can't hardly remember everything here. Dang if it doesn't have more support from this bot run. Hmm...election starts the month and then war? Hmmm....thanks.
+ 2 10/31/2014 evil, disgusting, knowledge?
The coloring book (see the coloring book here) features cartoon children performing Satanic rituals and drawing pentragrams in school, along with a word search for words like "acceptance" and "friends" and a maze to reach the Necronmicon, a fabled occult spellbook. The children in the book wear Satanic symbols on

Satanic Temple submits coloring book, fact sheets for Orange school distribution
Wow, escholars, and here you were just mentioning the end times yesterday! This sure as heck fits into that discussion.
Needed a place to document this news. Goes with "multiple hour character":
Always and anytime, everyone...correct me if I'm wrong but I think we've got a clear hit here.

The word "chest" may apply..don't know if either of these women were hit in the chest when shot by this nut, but they were married lesbians. This nut/guy was obsessed with one of them and he premeditatedly killed one and injured her wife. He put up fake explosives, so I think...that "artillery" applies to this case. "Evil" certainly does, and "partners" does. I'm not sure if any other bot runs words work into this story. I know often folks are shot in the chest area.

So, maybe "chest" but for sure

"lesbian, artillery,evil, partners" works, plus this nutty guy had had a relationship with one of the girls, as you will read.

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