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913 area code
October 21, 2015 at approximately 0700.

I was looking at the map of the world with a couple of people (did not recognize them) and we were trying to figure out why the Canadians just did not follow the coast line because if they had they would have been able to go all over the world. The map of the world did not look "normal" - all the land was connected and the map itself was brown (the land masses) and grey (the water) England was next to China. I was looking at the waterways when I received a call. My "phone" was similar to just a Bluetooth device - I had an earpiece, but in front of my eyes appeared a small screen that displayed the numbers 913. I looked at my male companion and told him that I was unfamiliar with that number. He responded that I should probably answer since it might be important.

I tap the button on my ear piece and say hello. A female voice answers, "hello" and then asks if I was near her. I replied no. And she said "oh" but sounded very disappointed. I asked her why. She replied that she needed some help. I asked her what she needed help with. And she said: "Everyone is dead, everything is gone." I asked her if she was hurt, she replied that she had some cuts and bruises, and she was a little dusty, but other than that she was okay. I asked her where she was at and she said she really didn't know, a garage of some sort, but the building on top was 'crumbled' and she could not get out. Her friend brought her there, but her friend was gone. I asked her how she got this number and she said, "the cell phones were not working, I found this phone on the wall and it said 'for assistance pick up phone' so I did and then you answered." She went on to ask if I could help her, I looked at my male companion and he shook his head no. I told her I was not any where close to her (I got the feeling that I was not even on the same planet), but I would see what I could do. She said, "please hurry, I don't think I have much time left" and I could hear her crying as I hung up the phone.

That is when I woke up. I looked up the 913 area code and it is located in the "Kansas portion of the Kansas City Metropolitan Area". I personally do not know any one there, nor have I ever been there.
I know someone in KC. Thanks for the dream.
Thank you for sharing this with us. What an interesting dream. Do you know what type of event may have occurred? You mentioned dust.
Xi Jinping of China was visiting England on the 21st of October. I think this could be a reason why you saw England right beside China on the map. Maybe this gives you some ideas.
I am not sure what really happened where the woman was at, but from her description, I assumed it was some sort of an explosion. That would be my best guess.

As far as the map goes, I am thinking it was of a place not on this earth and because I was unfamiliar with it, my subconscious mind superimposed the places I do know in this world onto that one. At least that is the feeling I got.

Has anyone noticed that there seems to be a lot of dreams lately about maps?

I just did a quick search of NDC and there have been 9 postings with the word 'map' in it since October 11, 2015.

Just an interesting side note: so far since January 2015 there has been 96 posts with the word 'map' and from May 20, 2010 to December 24, 2014 there were only 85.

Not sure the significance of this information, but it is interesting.
Great thought on maps!
I was just too curious, so I actually looked at all the dreams with the word 'map' in it from 2/10/15 to 10/27/15 and this is what I found in these dreams:

Type of map: large, 3D, lighted, global incident, land, upside down, parcel, and google map.
Languages: Russian and French.
Colors: grey, white, blue, and brown (x2).
Direction: below, north, east, and west (x4).
Countries/continents: Canada (x3), England, China (x2), Tanzania, Cuba, Switzerland, US (x4), Mexico (x2), Korea, Australia, Nepal, Spain, Europe, and South America.
Cities/States: Kansas City, KS; El Paso, TX; Washington; Kentucky; Ohio; NY; Iowa; Lugano and Basel.
Landmarks: river, island, Home Depot, St. John, and University of Northern Iowa.
Misc: air carrier, explosion, computers, battleship, football, race, snow avalanche (x2), markets down, same latitude, catastrophic event, large red dot, small, and kill millions.

Not sure what to make of it, but it is definitely interesting.

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