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Looking for a USB Stick
29th December 2015

There were 4 friends, 3 of them went to a music school. 1 had another interest. ( if someone has an idea with 1 and 3 and 4 people, please feel free to write to me your thoughts)

then change of the scene.

I was in the Vacation House of the the Family and my aunt and others were there in the dining room. I and my aunt barbara were in front of the oven and she wanted me to give her a USB stick i had found at is from her. 
So i looked in my right left pocket of my trousers, but i could not find the stick. But some 10 and 20 chf bills came out of the pocket and many coins. 

But i knew i have put the stick inside my pocket, so i thought it is better to go up. Also my uncle saw the money. ( My family is helping me financelly for an education) So i thought it is better to go up in the second floor where we it is more calm and so i could look better where i have put the stick. 
So we went in the room where many people can sleep and again i took out many coins out the pocket. Then i got somehow angry because i remebered well that i have found the USB stick. My cousin Ueli seemed to be in the room, too. 
Then i looked in the pocket of my trainerjacket and found it. I gave it to my aunt who was relieved to have it.  She then went into another room where there were many CD`s and it seemed she wanted to record something on the USB Stick.


It was translating yesterday and i should have saved it on a USB Stick.
So today i bought a new USB Stick.

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