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1/16/16 Shabby Attempt at Succss
Trending: shabby attempt success title fri tribe book read bee leader touching stone wine conflict directions drunk entity class image bottle nice fancy gab journey hanging hotel grade mission short recently jungle fades ring win wrapping forest notified starts stranded alt
Waning: break click information logged link months dragon pain bus truck materials fire gun shot use dining kid yesterday position dress knife request animals future need gonna funny remove cute definitely wed average vampire site days

For more details about these DreamBot runs, please see:

"Knife, dress, animals" sounds like a hunting/butchering reference or heckuva good metaphor group.

But, "gun, shot, pain" and a "dining kid?" may be a school cafeteria shooting, or about a kid shot while eating.

So many words seem random at a glance. "Class" is in so many runs. Life is indeed a class so what's this about? "Class" would work with a cafeteria school incident.
Bee leader.  That makes me think of Queen.  So is the leader a woman or are we actually speaking about a queen.  Perhaps a female leader of a tribe.
Class could also reference social structure or a level designation, like a kind of ship or missile.
shabby attempt success title fri tribe book read bee leader touching stone wine conflict directions drunk entity class image bottle nice fancy gab journey hanging hotel grade mission short recently jungle fades ring win wrapping forest notified starts stranded alt

Taiwan elects its first female President so that would be a good excuse for a party except she won't be president for long. Could it be that it will be she who is assassinated?

Actually, let's make it a prediction to happen within 6 months then maybe we'll be reading news about how an attempt was averted.
This is a dark run for me, I see a larger theme of declining food sources both animal and plant, and then competition for resources, perhaps going as far as the desperation of cannibalism. :-(

Trending: shabby attempt success title fri tribe book read bee leader touching stone wine conflict directions drunk entity class image bottle nice fancy gab journey hanging hotel grade mission short recently jungle fades ring win wrapping forest notified starts stranded alt
Waning: break click information logged link months dragon pain bus truck materials fire gun shot use dining kid yesterday position dress knife request animals future need gonna funny remove cute definitely wed average vampire site days

tribe leader conflict directions
drunk entity mission short use dining kid
jungle fades forest notified starts stranded
break months dragon pain
materials gun shot
position dress knife
request animals bee future need
gonna remove cute definitely
vampire site days

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