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2/6/16 The Mirror as a Shield
Trending: fri mirror shield climbing key wall pitched normally battle quest memory kill banana plush hid needle stops interpret affect attention telling believe match question elementary unusual brain things falls disappeared pet 2016 suddenly silence ate false rising unaware carrying approaching
Waning: kiss line tree crazy ride realized afraid flew dog animals dude portal yeah highway dragon paralyzed paint meat sun difficult were planet guy days pizza gold request mutual pool

For more details about these DreamBot runs, please see:

There is much to today's run for sure.
Eagle, your group 1 is ominous.

 2016 suddenly silent.  What sudden event is going to shock us all into silence?
false rising unaware carrying approaching slightly failure -this seems like a burden to be carried will be on the horizon.  We don't see it approaching.  What we see instead are false flags or signs of things that appear to be headed in a certain direction.  A different outcome or path is  expected.  It may also be about politics.  Rising poll numbers will indicate a candidate will win New Hampshire or another state but they are false and an underdog will instead.  The "carrying" would mean carrying the state.  Honestly I hope this is what the bot is speaking of because otherwise it appears rather dark.
Gold request mutual pool- is this about a common currency like the Euro?  Will gold rise?  Mutual funds related perhaps?
mirror shield climbing key wall pitched - hmm.  So there is a pitched wall, ( a wall that seems to be leaning and unstable) and yet a mirror shield is climbing? Does that mean a second wall is being built?  Or is it that a pitch is made and support is climbing for some sort of "mirror shield".  
Would love to know what is going on with dragons lately.  I do know that the Chinese New Year Eve is on the Super Bowl. Any connections there?
hid needle stops interpret affect attention telling- this is either about drugs  or vaccinations.  It could be that big pharma is hiding something (shocking isn't it?).
banana plush- the only plush banana I can think of would be found at a fair or carnival as a prize. If we add kill, I would say something might be happening at a fair.  If we add hid needle  I would say drugs and the like may be smuggled in via...plush bananas. Big Grin  Now that would be a headline!
2016 Suddenly Silence
Makes me think of EMPs, and what would happen if the grid goes down. All the communication we take for granted (email, text, talk, broadcast for TV and radio, social media, posting on websites) would go silent now, wouldn't it?! Sad

Twice, you were posting same time as me! Hahaha!

There was something in the news recently about someone in Canada saying that vaccines were not doing us any favors. Will find it and post.
We've got "unaware" with "mirror shield" which are in unison, basically saying the same thing. But, about what? Then, "kill memory" which is also verbage of lack of "self awareness!" This run is adamant about telling us this but don't yet hunch what it is about.

"stops interpret affect attention" STILL! noting this is all about seeing, knowledge, understanding, awareness, sheesh. This is about NOT seeing, not having "attention" on something.

Is Dreambot warning us? that something or someone is going to have or try to have us NOT know something??

Dayum! "telling, believe, question" dunno if this is more baffling or more fascinating/intriguing.

"elementary unusual brain things" oh my. DANG if all of these words go together, like it feels.

"falls, disappeared, suddenly silence 2016" this is all negative, shielding mirror same as shielding awareness of something!

Good grief, "unaware, failure, rid" NEGATIVE with "unaware" also saying same thing as "mirror shield."

THIS RUN IS HUGE with same thing Bot is trying to say.

**Quick Edit, first three words in yesterday's Bot run were "wealth memory paralyzed."

A mirror shield is a method of psychic self protection.
(02-07-2016, 05:13 AM)DLP Wrote: A mirror shield is a method of psychic self protection.

I hadn't thought of that DLP, but you are spot on!
"suddenly silent" and "mirror shield": could satellites be disrupted?  could be tied to North Korea satellite just launched or to the asteroid coming this way in March

or could "mirror shield" be used to protect earth

or could "kill" + "mirror" imply a problem with the space telescope NASA is building, or the solar energy dish farms?

"kill bananas": banana fungus becoming major concern

"unusual brain things" ties right to the Zika virus causing brain damage:
Wow Iris well thought out! While the topics are all pretty scary, going to enjoy all the links and footwork you did later!

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DLP, educate me, please. How does it work, being called "mirror?"
(02-07-2016, 05:08 PM)Nanny Wrote: DLP, educate me, please. How does it work, being called "mirror?"  

To avoid hijacking the thread, I'll post an answer down in the metaphysical forum.
I think we have a hit. Dunno if we've got a lot of headlines about this, like Jade Helm thankfully got once it was leaked, but IMO this cannot be just sychronicity with words like "battle quest memory kill" after the top surging words "mirror shield."

We have a new military exercise titled

"Solid Curtain-Citadel Shield 2016 (SC/CS16)"

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