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CameTrue 2/10/16 Dreading Charlie's Loss
Trending: charlie loss dread court weirdness coincidence stick glowing attempt demons gain early sister knife probably mac soft wild wave explain guns mild prayer contemplating unusual super partially whoa laid dreamt row investigate house contained church quality entry could center thanks
Waning: portal clean count remove awake persons ball leaving one rough taylor stairs recall park bathroom monkey sudden version lesson desk test driving sorry office crying baby trial pillar ability

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Charlie loss- my first thought was "which Charlie" is going to die.  But Charlie also means foolish ( a British word).  Foolish loss could have to do with the election.  If it isn't foolish, look for a military death or a well know person like Charlie Sheen or Prince Charles.
charlie loss dread court weirdness coincidence- this could be a  loss in court and a Charlie is involved or a foolish loss in court.
charlie loss dread court weirdness

Charlie Sheen
'He should be arrested': HIV-positive Charlie Sheen blasts doctor who claimed to have cured him with goats milk then told him to go off anti-viral medication
Charlie Sheen has revealed Dr Samir Chachoua was 'treating him illegally'
Doctor claimed he cured the star of HIV and told him to go off his meds
He says his arthritic goat milk treatment has cured countries of the virus
The troubled Hollywood star says that his HIV numbers have since gone up

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Yesterday "demonic concrete events" and today it's "demons gain early."

Charlie could sue this doctor and perhaps he could be sued by someone claiming he didn't tell them he was HIV positive before intimacy with him.

"taylor" continues to scream for attention, we have "test driving" and "baby crying." Maybe it's my back pain but this run is boring as heck, to me. Probably cuz I'm not in the zone, so to speak.
Loss dread court Reports all over the news media that Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has died in Texas.

On my phone and I still haven't figured out how to link stuff.

thanks, DLP. I considered making a thread to note that this is such a huge story that it likely has a bot run. maybe even more than one run, I wonder. Wanting to glance this run again to see if other words may fit the story/tragedy.
I would say this is a #came true.
crying baby trial pillar-
Johnson and Johnson (the pillar, cough cough) just lost a HUGE court case. They knowingly have been selling products which case cancer.

" A Missouri jury has awarded $72 million to the family of an Alabama woman who died from ovarian cancer, which she said was caused by using Johnson & Johnson's well-known baby powder and other products containing talcum.
At trial, Fox's attorneys introduced into evidence a September 1997 internal memo from a Johnson & Johnson medical consultant suggesting that "anybody who denies (the) risks" between "hygenic" talc use and ovarian cancer will be publicly perceived in the same light as those who denied a link between smoking cigarettes and cancer: "denying the obvious in the face of all evidence to the contrary."

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