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2/19/16 Basketball is Notable
Trending: basketball notable days incubate cycle beach elements serious smoke hang shouting imagine tales care thank chaser gun monster transparent elaborate grass win destroyed ship traffic lunch anonymous owned went than appreciate nightmare loved upstairs fourth building house passenger stories pants
Waning: great amazing animals bus change earth reality cool asleep mild hotel stuff female jumble awareness dream link suppose clothes bunch dress helping tired yes birth bear baby class chuckle

Note that this run was accomplished at the normal morning time, but I just didn't have time to post the results. Take care everyone!!

For more details about these DreamBot runs, please see:

Thanks for posting the bot Eagle! This is an interesting one.
nightmare loved upstairs fourth building house passenger stories - seems like a plane crash to me, perhaps a train crash.
serious smoke elements-reminds me of your dream with the owl DLP.
"serious smoke" I think was in two peoples' dreams reported today. "destroyed ship" perhaps tied in with the smoke.

"shouting" and "gun, chaser, monster"

"mutual cold" and "earth reality cool" so much for this global warming drumbeat.

Noteworthy- very top of yesterday's run was " jumble elaborate canal" and today, in waning word list we have "female jumble awareness."

(02-19-2016, 06:06 PM)twiceblessed9 Wrote: Thanks for posting the bot Eagle! This is an interesting one.
nightmare loved upstairs fourth building house passenger stories - seems like a plane crash to me, perhaps a train crash.
serious smoke elements-reminds me of your dream with the owl DLP.

Yeah, that jumped out at me, too.

Destroyed ship traffic Keep an eye on the Baltic Dry index, if it starts to crater that could be an indication of the economy going south.

Change earth reality Interesting. Got nothing beyond that. Just...interesting.

Anonymous owned Perhaps referring to the group Anonymous?
What is incubating? That is what stands out to me at the top of the list.
(02-20-2016, 06:51 AM)NH watcher Wrote: What is incubating?  That is what stands out to me at the top of the list.

Notable days incubate cycle Perhaps we're being instructed to incubate dreams regarding notable days in an upcoming cycle. Next month is spring, the start of another season, another cycle.

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