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Quite Odd
Hello All

Fresh off the press as of 1 hour ago....

8th March 2016: "Tonight God Strikes my child" and then in quick succession a Giant digit scrolling down of the no.2, followed by a man telling me that he was quite far away and speaking to me from another planet....

Very odd indeed, I'm not a God fearing person as my understanding of God is more accurate than the normal Book versions humans like to tout so this set was strange.

See you later ... hopefully Wink
Wow, are we getting quite the show in the heavens tonight??
Do you get specific locations named, ever? If so, have you seen or heard San Francisco or St. Louis mentioned lately?
Interesting that this reminds me of: (may not be the same too)
to Quote-
"All the info on Dr. Robert Duncan, his book in PDF format to download (The Matrix Deciphered), the full NSA whistleblower Russell Tice revelations, the 4+ mind control/weapons patents, 23+ videos, Remote Neural Monitoring article, etc is here.

All this technology is confirmed and verified. I got Dr. Robert Duncan of the CIA/ US DOJ/DOD saying he helped design all these systems, and the basic principles were developed around Malech's 1974 patent, 3,951,134, "Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering brain waves".
...the capabilities were retro-fitted into radar systems back in 1976. they have had the capability both to project EEG signals and read them remotely ever since. and they've been using it, reading peoples thoughts, memories, what you see, hear, think, feel.. dream, everything. "

Google it.
Its called, "The Voice of God [VOG]" technology

makes me wonder when or if I 'hear' things and when that happens to pull out the DISCERN button.
Is it my true Inner Voice? - well now
I am getting to the point that I know the difference for it is an indescribable cellular feeling rather than
any outward sense.
How splendid that is.
Hello All,
Well we are still here and over here in blighty I had no show, cloudy skies but I do live in Wales and cloud/Rain is a common feature... But that aside, No Strikes(unless it means across the sky) of which I didn't see... A Indonesian Earthquake and a Moderate Earthquake. Hopefully not too many fatalities, leaving me with just the contact with a guy from another planet... very strange indeed.

(03-08-2016, 05:56 PM)*AD Wrote: Interesting that this reminds me of: (may not be the same too)
to Quote-
"All the info on Dr. Robert Duncan, his book in PDF format to download (The Matrix Deciphered), the full NSA whistleblower Russell Tice revelations, the 4+ mind control/weapons patents, 23+ videos, Remote Neural Monitoring article, etc is here.

All this technology is confirmed and verified. I got Dr. Robert Duncan of the CIA/ US DOJ/DOD saying he helped design all these systems, and the basic principles were developed around Malech's 1974 patent, 3,951,134, "Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering brain waves".
...the capabilities were retro-fitted into radar systems back in 1976. they have had the capability both to project EEG signals and read them remotely ever since. and they've been using it, reading peoples thoughts, memories, what you see, hear, think, feel.. dream, everything. "

Google it.
Its called, "The Voice of God [VOG]" technology

makes me wonder when or if I 'hear' things and when that happens to pull out the DISCERN button.
Is it my true Inner Voice? - well now
I am getting to the point that I know the difference for it is an indescribable cellular feeling rather than
any outward sense.
How splendid that is.
Thank you for the link I am reading it now... Ok now that is odd and disturbing, someones trying to discredit my precogs by feeding false ones??? Well at least now I have the signature from these types of precog and will no better next time... Thank you very much for the share.
I'm in Hawaii on the island of Oahu and we were one of the areas set to see it, but a cold front was blowing through so didn't see a thing but umbrellas and a mess on the ground from the wind.
So far, no major earthquakes either, well I best peek the map again.

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