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To my NDC Friends~
Finally! tonight is the last night I sleep in this house. Some of you know that I've lived in Hawaii for many years and am finally headed home to Texas. I will miss my desktop and will be playing with a kindle while traveling and in hotels. Yeah, me learning any new gadget is quite a sideshow, but will do so as time permits.

Y'all are awesome and I am not shy about asking for any prayers or positive thoughts sent this way as we're in this process.
I appreciate y'all. hugs~
Safe journey to your new home Nanny! May your move be welcoming and a blessing.
Love and Blessings Nanny. Safe travels and a peaceful journey.
You'll do fine with the new gadget. Do pray all goes well and keep us posted. Smile
Safe travels and welcome back to TEXAS!
Safe travels Nanny and God speed! Hope you're both safe and you have some amazing dreams and adventures along the way! 'Bout time ya'll get back down here where ya'll belong!

And I'm almost always on my iPad. Love the little thing, laptops just seem so cumbersome! (It's the microwave syndrome - convenience makes us forget the old days, when the old gadgets were hot!!!)

Catch ya on the flipside lady!
I'm not on my new Kindle, LOL. Last night I only slept three hours and night before only 4, so I have zero interest in a new gadget. Just using hubby's laptop. Gotta put a memory foam mattress topper on their bed here. The HARD hotel mattress is why I couldn't sleep. I have not remembered one dream. Need to sleep, argh.

We shipped our cars today, well car and truck. I'm almost there to saying the biggest "aloha' of my life. Ha!

I very much appreciate y'all. Better fix this bed and see how it helps. I'm a zombie and even some words escape me but I did go out for several hours today, dining with dear friends.

Best wishes, Nanny! Seems as though many of us have moved interstate in the last year or so; I moved last fall from Illinois to Ohio. Seems curious to me that so many have moved, and it would be interesting if others noted their moves here.
(03-14-2016, 08:03 PM)Iris Wrote: Best wishes, Nanny!   Seems as though many of us have moved interstate in the last year or so; I moved last fall from Illinois to Ohio.  Seems curious to me that so many have moved, and it would be interesting if others noted their moves here.

Recall the Project September theme/meme of RELOCATION
now start from there. How many of us have moved? Quite a few. I just moved in december and am crawling out of my skin here so am
thinking of elsewhere yet again.
We are like molecules on the move or particles colliding with destiny.
Let's blame it on CERN, what it did for the God Particle we are doing too, only God is becoming US!
I feel like I am one of the few people who hasn't moved on this forum. haha Interesting that in my day to day life, I know of FEW people moving.
I'll be moving in about a month myself, and that was definitely NOT on my dance card back when I was dreaming for Project September.

BUT, I find it curious that I was more dreaming about traveling, and it was not with anyone I could identify. I was usually by myself. So, while I'm moving, I'm still thinking on this one....
I want to move! Does that count?
I've moved a couple times in the past few months. I joke that I am essentially homeless, but with nicer digs.
I will have to die here where I am. I have too much stuff to move and no desire to start over.
Cool to think of how many of us are being led elsewhere! I dig this temp. Location. I miss precious friends back on that rock but do not miss Hawaii at all
. This Texan is home.
(03-24-2016, 10:20 PM)Nanny Wrote: Cool to think of how many of us are being led elsewhere! I dig this temp. Location. I miss precious friends back on that rock but do not miss Hawaii at all
.  This Texan is home.  

Yee-haw! Big Grin
LOL Cool
Good to hear you are happy where you are now. I've missed you here on NDC. Big Grin
(03-24-2016, 10:20 PM)Nanny Wrote: Cool to think of how many of us are being led elsewhere! I dig this temp. Location. I miss precious friends back on that rock but do not miss Hawaii at all
.  This Texan is home.  
I have missed you and my other friends here for sure. Life is no rosegarden but then even roses have thorns. I a!m very thankful. Texas is such a different culture than what I left. I sorta feel I
Escaped hotel California.
I have missed you greatly Nanny! Been posting our infamous snippets when I get them, think of you every time I do so!!!

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