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Old clothes
03/29/2016 AM
no intent
mood: curious

I am standing if front of a mannequin that is wearing an outfit that consisted of a skirt, sweater and Keds tennis shoes. It is one of my favorite outfits that I wore in my younger days. I am wondering why this is on display. I suddenly realize I am dreaming and now I wonder what this means. Why would I dream about old clothes? Why would they be displayed in this manner?

The sweater was baby blue, the skirt was a darker shade of baby blue and the Keds were white.
Ya'll help me figure this one out if you would please.

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Random thoughts as I read your dream:

The old clothes are a metaphor for you. A representation of who you were at the age you wore them.

Instead of seeing the clothes on yourself, like in a mirror image, they're on a mannequin. A human shaped plastic form. First thought was it was a way of demonstrating something fake/false. A pretense. Second thought was it was a way of getting your attention that there's something you need to remember from the time you wore those clothes. Did something happen to you at that age, something that caused you to bury it way down deep?

Given that the mannequin is the sole focus of your dream, it's darned important you figure out what it represents. Ask your team for help on this if you don't understand what you need to do. They're great on helping you go on an archaeological dig into your personal past.
Do you feel far removed from who you were then? Why was it your favorite outfit? What did it represent, how did it make you feel to wear it? Sometimes clothes make us take on a different persona, make us feel more confident, or the opposite, out of place.

Just some thoughts!

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