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*Earthquakes* Reporting & Discussing all things pertaining to~
Hey chick! grin....good to hear from you. I'm just days away from getting off of this rock. It's getting exciting though I need a couple of nights more good sleep.

When others predict Peru to hit, I think of offshore Chile. George just may get himself a hit on this one. I wonder if so if it'll be offshore there.

3.8.2016, 9:20am, CST. Just saw the west coast of Oregon and I think it is a earthquake related vision because the trees were vibrating.
Breaking! 3 Earthquakes Smack This U.S. State This Morning! The Worst Is Coming This Evening!

The guy in the video below uploaded his video just yesterday, warning about an uptick in seismic activity along the Pacific Northwestern Pacific Rim, from California all the way up to Alaska. Lo and behold, there were THREE simultanious earthquakes in Alaska already this morning, and the worst might be yet to come later today.
Magnitude 4.6 earthquake shakes Big Island
By Star-Advertiser staff
March 20, 2016
Magnitude 6.7
106km W of Sola, Vanuatu
2016-04-07 03:32:53 UTC
Depth 26.8 km
Better yet- I went online to look at all the bookmarked earth shaking detectors I had, and match them with earthquake reports.
Indeed online is scrubbed clean- NO evidence of the SHAKING taking
place at yellowstone, mmmmmmm

Odd indeed.

BREAKING! Yellowstone Volcano: "Whole Lot a Shakin' Goin' On"
Less than 48 hours after public display of volcanic activity at Yellowstone was intentionally taken OFFLINE from public view, we now know why: Looks like "there's a whole lot a shakin' goin' on!"
I have heard a lot of folks say that some quakes are taken-down. Also, USGS has a habit of downgrading oh so many quakes but I can't know if the folks that complain are onto anything since the intial reports are simple computer-generated ones.
Once upon a time, I regularly looked at the charts for PNW quake activity. It was quite revealing
to see where and intensity of the crusts moving or reverberations below.
I find it fascinating that these chart readings that translate to circles on a map, is obviously
missing on all national and world maps today.
You can't deny the charts, like you can refute an ECG, or polygraph.
Question is:
WHAT does USGS, NASA, and the like not want us peeps to know?
Well, we find out anyway.
Gotta love the internet
Magnitude 6.6 39km WSW of Ashkasham, Afghanistan
2016-04-10 10:28:58 UTC
Depth 210.4 km

Mercifully this depth likely helped lessen the harm of this thing.

AD, you're saying that the Pac. Northwest has action that is routinely not reported?? Gal, if I didn't misread you as I hug my first teacup here I sure didn't know to suspect USGS or anyone else to this degree.

I have found USGS reporting quakes in far-away lands routinely less than the nation that experienced the action. I find it quite difficult to believe that USGS is always better at detecting the things than these other nations. So, yeah I guess we're led to a lack of awareness in many areas by this once-great govt. of ours.
6.9 74km SE of Mawlaik, Burma
2016-04-13 13:55:17 UTC
Depth 134.8 km
Poor Japan! is more coming? hope this is it for them for now.

Magnitude 6.2 7km SW of Ueki, Japan
2016-04-14 12:26:36 UTC
Depth 10.0 km also...

Magnitude 6.0 5km E of Uto, Japan
2016-04-14 15:03:47 UTC
Depth 10.0 km
Magnitude Mw 6.1
Date time 2016-04-14 12:26:36.2 UTC
Location 32.82 N ; 130.63 E
Depth 15 km

Magnitude Mw 6.0
Date time 2016-04-14 15:03:46.4 UTC
Location 32.64 N ; 130.96 E
Depth 2 km

Kyushu is rocking and rolling today, with quakes happening almost continuously. Sad
Now, far from Japan...

Magnitude 6.5 88km NW of Port-Olry, Vanuatu
2016-04-14 21:50:26 UTC
Depth 10.0 km
Don't know about anyone else but all this activity makes me uneasy.
Well, do yo feel any better when looking at this current map of active volcanos?
Yea, there are a TON!
(04-14-2016, 07:00 PM)DLP Wrote: Don't know about anyone else but all this activity makes me uneasy.
(04-14-2016, 08:27 PM)twiceblessed9 Wrote: Well, do yo feel any better when looking at this current map of active volcanos?
Yea,  there are a TON!
(04-14-2016, 07:00 PM)DLP Wrote: Don't know about anyone else but all this activity makes me uneasy.

Nope. Been keeping an eye on the volcanoes, too. Mother Earth is restless and pissed, which is not a good combination.
Seeing several six mag quakes sure had me wondering if much larger is hours away. It's been quite some time since Mama Earth has blasted a great (8 mag) quake. Yep, she's speaking for Father God and He's PO'ed, slowly cranking the 'ole ark door shut, figuratively-speaking.

(04-14-2016, 07:00 PM)DLP Wrote: Don't know about anyone else but all this activity makes me uneasy.

No sooner posted than yep, it's less than an hour old, 7.0! Poor Japan and this may not be all with the way this region shakes. Very few feet shallow which is really rough.

Magnitude 7.0 1km WSW of Kumamoto-shi, Japan
2016-04-15 16:25:06 UTC
Depth 10.0 km

Before this hit was another six...

Magnitude 6.1 105km SSW of Champerico, Guatemala
2016-04-15 14:11:27 UTC
Depth 25.0 km

Terribly shallow for such a big quake!

Magnitude 7.8
27km SSE of Muisne, Ecuador
2016-04-16 23:58:37 UTC
Depth 19.2 km
This popped up on my FB feed and I thought it interesting:

Something's up. Went to bed at 0500 even though I was still wide awake. Laid there for a couple hours, then decided to just get up. I am not an insomniac and even though I'm a night owl, this is very unusual for me.
You too? But for me it could've been the storms, also. Awoke twice last night and not even meditating quelled the endless chatter within. This bod has less caffeine than in decades so that wasn't the cause.

Editing this in, thank you for bringing that story. Saw it last evening and remembered that one or two of us here have mentioned/asked if the Seismographs have been taken down from the internet. I have not found the "real time" graphs yet because of too many interruptions here, but did find a page that has and/or links to many other pages about ANSS.

The moon is almost full and the sun had an M6 flare hours ago. We're blasted with energy currently. Before more health issues hit me, for many years I would lie awake 2-to-3 hours each full moon night. I also drank several cups of caffeine then so wonder if the energy and something in the tea and coffee worked together to do this. All I know is that it worked every month for years.

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