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Dreamed of insects more than once last night, snippets......
snippets but I know I dreamed a lot and that more of one dream or dreams may come back to me, yet. Slept a resting and long night's sleep and had a touch of lucid dreaming? if not, it was an awareness that I was dreaming and I knew when I awoke that there were not really a bunch of small insects hopping around in my bedroom.

In this one dream my bedroom had a window with a bench made in front of it. (this type of window has a name but it escapes me at this time) I thought in the dream what a bummer this was because the complex we're renting at is high-maintenance and will want to even spray inside at just one sight of insects.

In this dream or one after it I saw the insects again but I knew it was a dream and that as soon as I awoke that there would not be any insects and of course there weren't.

(I feel strongly that I dreamed of totally differnent subjects and unlike often, I feel that I'll be remembering it or some of it. Yet, right this moment, nah.)
You inspire me with your dedication to reporting, even snippets! I've been a bad night owl lately, and my dreams (of course) suffer for it. All I had last night was someone I know telling me I had to remember something as it was very important. Kinda hard to justify a post about that. BUT, in the interest of starting fresh I will incubate it tonight and see if I can get an answer worth posting.

Thanks Nanny!
Well, that you were told something important could....perhaps...almost justify a thread about it if some of your impressions or an emotion was attached to it, but yeah, if you only have one line or comment at this time, true.

I have been getting needed extra sleep and getting up around 9am which then makes me not crash till midnight or a bit earlier, nightly. Usually when I nightowl I, too don't think I dream since I remember nothing. But....that magic of the night makes nightowling very rewarding at times. If I finally pen a book I can imagine that some of its best chapters will be born after midnight, so dangit, what to do?

I had to report today because it feels like there's much more and a bit like when we're speaking and have something on the "tip of our tongue" and then it indeed comes to us.

I hope so but nah, again not right now.
The only read I could get out of it was that it was very (maybe vitally) important. Person was very insistent that I remember. And that's why I'll incubate tonight and report back.
My first impression was 'evil swarms', but then again, while I don't have the vision acuity I had at 20, I've seen strange things at night when alone as-of-late, too. I have more than once thought I saw mouse-sized black objects scurrying across the floor, only to quickly look at there be nothing there. If we really are 'in the end-times', then maybe we are seeing 'bad things' that weren't so prevalent before. (I know my dreams can attest to this - I didn't used to have so many bad dreams, as I do now). I think the old saying, 'Something wicked this way comes' couldn't be more appropriate at the moment.

I am a 'late nighter' by habit, and though now retired, I still stay up late working on various projects for random contracts (lately, really long hours writing a few UNIX application programs on a contract), and I notice that even when I want to, I can't seem to get to sleep before 3:00AM local time. To Goldengirl's comments about 'staying up late', I seem to have her problem of not going to bed as early as I want to. It's like I'm suddenly on some 'Dateline' time schedule. I almost feel like there's a reason why I'm 'day-shifting' to a much later conscious-day period, but can't figure it out (seems like I keep creeping back to 'up at 12pm, sleep at 3am' cycle). I was wondering if anyone else was having this issue as well, but it's really had to ask to a general population without knowing their situation to know if it is causal to normal work or lifestyle, or if it is also out of the ordinary for them.
Speaking about the end times, maybe what you're seeing is a bleed through of the veil growing thin. Would explain things popping in and out of sight. I've seen a bit of that myself on occasion, mine are more cat sized. As in I swear I see one of my cats go around a corner only to find they're not anywhere near that area. And at least once or twice the cats seem to have seen it too.
I've seen a LOT of weird things in the past 6 months (about how far back it started), where I am sitting alone in my study, working on something, and in my peripheral vision, I see mouse-to-rat sized black objects that are fast, moving. Sometimes almost blue-white objects too, same size. They seem to be around the floor most-often, but I've noted them on walls, around the wall-corners, etc. I guess for most they would be unnerving, but for me, I just write them off as 'bad things that don't deserve attention'. Once I realized I did NOT have mice problems, and that I didn't have larger vermin (I live in the Southwest, so tarantulas aren't uncommon here, but seldom indoors), I figured that it was 'something more esoteric'. I've had plastic water bottles (empty) in the trashcan 'pop' out of the trash, papers fall off of flat surfaces where there was no wind, even boxes that seem to be 'bumped' making some small noise (it is deathly quiet when I work, most-often).

I have a good idea what they are, but won't go into it here. I'm convinced that 'something big was loosed' a couple of years ago, maybe biblical in nature, that 'evil now builds', and those paying attention are seeing it more-and-more now, while most who don't pay attention are blind to what is happening (expecting the 'real end times' to be more hollywood theatrical' than actually being more 'exceedingly subtle' like this. If that's the case, then a lot of what people who are sensitive are reporting in dreams would make a lot of sense. They feel it, are seeing it, or have ominous portents of things that are here, that are coming, that are getting worse.

Not trying to preach, just voicing what I have seen, and how it feels to me personally. That's why I like to comment on some posts that seem to correlate, or validate what I am seeing myself. Again, I've got a pretty good idea what's happening, but if I can't change it, the least I can do is be observant of it. I pay attention to dreams, and see if they fit into larger stories that sometimes are noticeable. I have dreams almost nightly that I remember, things I would never think of or phrase in such terms (like last night when I heard 'Clostridium Perfringes', that I had to look up when I awoke - only to find it to be a bad type of 'food poisoning).
Skeetersaurus, I agree because I'm convinced that the veil is thinning and am open to the possibility that CERN could possibly be aiding evil to permeate our existence. I believe that God is allowing this because He's the patient parent that's near the end of His patience. The ark door is slowly closing, figuratively speaking I think.

No swarms. The insects in my dream seemed to number a dozen or 15 tops.

(04-08-2016, 04:12 PM)Skeetersaurus Wrote: My first impression was 'evil swarms', but then again, while I don't have the vision acuity I had at 20, I've seen strange things at night when alone as-of-late, too. I have more than once thought I saw mouse-sized black objects scurrying across the floor, only to quickly look at there be nothing there. If we really are 'in the end-times', then maybe we are seeing 'bad things' that weren't so prevalent before. (I know my dreams can attest to this - I didn't used to have so many bad dreams, as I do now). I think the old saying, 'Something wicked this way comes' couldn't be more appropriate at the moment.

I think a lot of us are haunted instead of buildings being haunted. Our family has had our share of such things. Hubby has had flip flops on outdoor tile at our home in the islands walk up behind him at dusk, and saw someone walk by a jalousie window and found out it was not our daughter that was out of sight and such things.

Skeeter, you do not sound preachy to me. You are clearly sharing your thoughts and experiences. I am enjoying your posts here at NDC.
I think both of you gals are dynomite souls and enjoy you both a lot.
Skeeter - Interesting that you've seen colors. I've only noticed dark shapes, and since one of the cats is black, it's disturbing to see her come out from a different place and also look at the corner where the shape was with a mixture of confusion and fear.

I've felt for the past couple of years that things are speeding up, and have experienced more psychic episodes in the past few months than I have in my whole life. I'm not sure if that means more is happening, or I am just more AWAKE. It feels more like the latter, like I'm more identifying what's been happening and not looking at it with a skeptical eye. And like we've been talking about on the manifestation thread, it's your attention to it that helps bring these episodes into the forefront. As more people "wake up", more becomes visible.
when I see those things out of the corner of my eyes I think of the Gravelings from the show dead like me. They were just flashed on the show but they creep me out.
I also have trouble sleeping at regular hours. I usually sleep from 2-3 AM to 9 AM. I call it the night watch, spent listening and waiting. Don't know what I am waiting for but I am and have been for years.
This is a sample of a Graveling, it is not what I see but it is similar.
Your energetic vibration is changing, that's why you're Seeing the little critters that skirt around the edges of ordinary reality. For the most part, they're harmless. They're part of the land, land spirits that just go about their business. No biggie. If you want them to go away, you'll need to craft a relationship with the land spirits and guardians so you can ask them to corral their critters, please. Me, I don't bother. Shoot, they were even part of my defensive system at our last house. Wink

But the little critters are different than the shadow critters, which also skirt around the edges of ordinary reality. The shadow critters aren't from this reality and they're here for a purpose. Mostly it's to watch and report back to whoever is their boss. They're not really sentient, as we understand sentience. They're more like little 'bots that record everything to be played back later. I don't pay much attention to them, either, although I will keep an eye on them, just in case.

We can be haunted-a whole topic in itself-but the land can be haunted as well. In all honesty, if you come across a piece of land that has absorbed the pain and trauma-think POW camps, massacres, etc-it's possible to clear that pain and trauma but sometimes it's better to leave it alone, do ceremony to honor the land and the pain it holds, then go find another piece of land. This doesn't begin to cover the land that's been cursed or land that has been so abused that the land guardians want no truck with humans. That's a whole 'nother ballgame.

Part of this has to do with the land is awakening and the veils between the worlds and the realities are thinning. Soon the veils will tear, rip, disappear, and that which has been barred from this world will be allowed free access. The Old Ones are waking. The Old Ones are rising to fight on behalf of this world, on behalf of the Mother.

Be not afraid. All is as it must be. All is as it will be. Choices were made. Choices are made. The Mother will endure, will survive. So it is and so it shall be.

There are days when my job as messenger becomes more like being a harbinger. Yay. Undecided

(04-09-2016, 12:33 AM)esholars Wrote: when I see those things out of the corner of my eyes I think of the Gravelings from the show dead like me. They were just flashed on the show but they creep me out.
I also have trouble sleeping at regular hours. I usually sleep from 2-3 AM to 9 AM. I call it the night watch, spent listening and waiting. Don't know what I am waiting for but I am and have been for years.
This is a sample of a Graveling, it is not what I see but it is similar.

Heh-that's my sleep time and I call it being on the Night Watch, too.
Yeah, my energetic vibration is changing all right, been working on that one! Feel as if I need to be prepared, feel as if I could be late to the game if I don't concentrate and make a concerted effort. (I'm probably right where I need to be, but the feeling is still there, probably put out there by my team, who knows I can be a lazy dreamer when I wanna be!!! They do have their task cut out for them...)

So how do you know if the critters are the earth variety or the shadow kind? I know I usually see them when I'm all alone in the house, my bf doesn't believe in any of what he calls "this nonsense", not that he would likely see them at this point anyway. I do think as the veil starts to tear we will all see them, right? But when the house is quiet, and I'm puttering around cleaning or reading a book, is when they come out. Those are probably the earth kind. A few times I've seen a faster variety, and they usually startle me and leave me feeling unsettled. Are those the shadow kind?

I'm going to be moving soon to a smaller house on a bit of land. The land calls to me just like Cahokia did. The people that lived there before abused it and left trash all over, hidden under trees and just laying on the ground. As we've been rehabbing the house, I always take time to do a walk-about and take away what I can find. One time early on when I was dragging out tires to put by the road, I was walking and all of a sudden I was being covered by white, sparkly, fluffy plant bits being blown in the wind. Made me laugh right out loud, it was magical and I felt welcomed. Somehow I know however, that I really don't "own" the land, they have welcomed me and are letting me stay there. I also get the impression I won't be there forever either.
And I should say in 15 years in Florida this will be the 4th house I've lived in, so not much of a stretch to feel that I won't be there forever. Moving seems to be a common thread throughout my life, as my parents moved us around a bit when I was a kid, and I've continued that to this day. Feel comfortable going to a new place, new digs. Always feel comfortable in my traveling dreams too. That must play a part in my soul contract somehow.
DLP, yes a land area can be haunted and it's no joke that cemetaries often? are or can be so. My two sisters visited one near their church camp in the seventies and learned their lesson, they all did. (Hawaii has a lot of this and a book, I think it's called "Chicken Skin" was written, full of reportedly true tales.

The veil is being allowed to thin in increments and was foretold I believe within various belief systems that this would happen. Least friends from many walks of life have stated same thing within their own vocabularies.

Goldengirl, it's all increasing. I think our gifts are because the need for them is. I get messed-with the most when I'm alone. Hubby was alone when the most shocking things happened to him, too. I'm a seeker and he is not, at this time but where there's life, there is hope. (not judging him, in other words)

I suspect that each of us has had a thing or two happen that's so-far out there that we won't report it on a public forum or haven't yet even if we do someday.

IMO everyone, aware or not, seeking or a believer or not are going to be experiencing the metaphysical/supernatural realm, yes. (It was a blessing when an old, very close military buddy of hubby's that became a bud of mine, too had had his mind and soul opened from hubby's hauntings, etc. This dude did not believe ANYthing supernatural exists or happens. He was an atheist to all belief systems and a pure humanist. That was, until hubby shared his own private experiences with him. I think our friend's "turn is coming."
Goldengirl, funny you recognized the fact I saw them 'in colors'. As we mostly know, few men dream in color ever. I have dreamt in both grays and colors before, even in the same night. I am not a singer, songwriter or artist, per se. I am an engineer by degree, and rather experienced computer code writer (though nothing you have probably ever seen or used). I am more of an 'analyst' than an artist, so I am not sure if 'right-brained' applies here or not. If you consider me 'creative', it is in a very non-classical sense.

As for 'seeing colors', last night I saw something very interesting indeed. In a dream, I saw someone glaring at me with 'red' eyes. For those who have never encountered 'true evil' in dreams, I have found that in preponderance, most often demon-like things have yellow eyes. They tend to be most unhappy (saying it mildly) with me if they see me in a dream. I treat them like ants on a sidewalk and ignore them, and go on. If a dream begins to involve me personally in an uncomfortable way, I pry myself from it and get up to get a drink or go to the bathroom (a trick I learned as a young man, to keep from bad dreams turning into horror). To say I have some minor amount of conscious control over my sleep in this fashion is about as close as I can get to explain it.

However, the being I saw with red eyes was quite a new thing. To this, I still say that what I saw was 'more than some minor demon', and to say that he seemed 'very unhappy with me' would also be an understatement. I think all of this ties back to the comment about 'the veil'. While there is a veil, I think that some of this is being interpreted incorrectly. I am not as sure that 'the veil is lifting' as that the clock is on its last few seconds of countdown before it is over. I think the 'veil' will lift in a day, not slowly fade or thin. I think what we are seeing is evil bum-rushing the stage trying to stop the curtain from rising, and as such, we are being overwhelmed with what was dispersed and sedentary 'things' that weren't active before. They are awakening and trying to keep the curtain from going up. (to give a broadway stage analogy).

Just my take on it...I've been wrong before, too.
(04-11-2016, 02:47 PM)Skeetersaurus Wrote: Goldengirl, funny you recognized the fact I saw them 'in colors'. As we mostly know, few men dream in color ever. I have dreamt in both grays and colors before, even in the same night. I am not a singer, songwriter or artist, per se. I am an engineer by degree, and rather experienced computer code writer (though nothing you have probably ever seen or used).  I am more of an 'analyst' than an artist, so I am not sure if 'right-brained' applies here or not. If you consider me 'creative', it is in a very non-classical sense.

As for 'seeing colors', last night I saw something very interesting indeed. In a dream, I saw someone glaring at me with 'red' eyes. For those who have never encountered 'true evil' in dreams, I have found that in preponderance, most often demon-like things have yellow eyes. They tend to be most unhappy (saying it mildly) with me if they see me in a dream. I treat them like ants on a sidewalk and ignore them, and go on. If a dream begins to involve me personally in an uncomfortable way, I pry myself from it and get up to get a drink or go to the bathroom (a trick I learned as a young man, to keep from bad dreams turning into horror). To say I have some minor amount of conscious control over my sleep in this fashion is about as close as I can get to explain it.

However, the being I saw with red eyes was quite a new thing. To this, I still say that what I saw was 'more than some minor demon', and to say that he seemed 'very unhappy with me' would also be an understatement. I think all of this ties back to the comment about 'the veil'. While there is a veil, I think that some of this is being interpreted incorrectly. I am not as sure that 'the veil is lifting' as that the clock is on its last few seconds of countdown before it is over. I think the 'veil' will lift in a day, not slowly fade or thin. I think what we are seeing is evil bum-rushing the stage trying to stop the curtain from rising, and as such, we are being overwhelmed with what was dispersed and sedentary 'things' that weren't active before. They are awakening and trying to keep the curtain from going up. (to give a broadway stage analogy).

Just my take on it...I've been wrong before, too.

Skeeter, thanks for this post. Very interesting take on things.

First - is it true most men don't dream in color? Never heard that one before.

Second - being an artist, I think everyone is creative in their chosen passions. Computer code itself, even the average variety, takes a rather particular kind of mind to see it's music, so to speak. If you are proficient, I bet you play it like a grand piano. Do not ever let anyone tell you that's not creative!

Third - I have never heard such an interesting supposition, that the veil is not thinning, it will be lifted in one fell swoop. Wouldn't have thought that there are factions that don't want it to happen, but that makes sense. Make chaos to stop it from happening, if indeed it's a brand new day (and world). I so appreciate different ideas and takes on things. It's the only way to get things figured out to our advantage, whether you're right of wrong. So thank you! Big Grin
It's entirely possible the veil between the worlds/planes will simply disappear but it will be after years(millennia?) of constant battering by the beings/energies on the other side.

(04-09-2016, 10:25 AM)Goldengirl Wrote: And I should say in 15 years in Florida this will be the 4th house I've lived in, so not much of a stretch to feel that I won't be there forever. Moving seems to be a common thread throughout my life, as my parents moved us around a bit when I was a kid, and I've continued that to this day. Feel comfortable going to a new place, new digs. Always feel comfortable in my traveling dreams too. That must play a part in my soul contract somehow.

Heh-I'm a military brat who married an active duty person. I've moved around my entire life, so much so that if I'm somewhere for more than 4 years, I get restless. I figure my entire life was and is training for what I'm called to do, which will involve me being on the move frequently.

Quote:So how do you know if the critters are the earth variety or the shadow kind? I know I usually see them when I'm all alone in the house, my bf doesn't believe in any of what he calls "this nonsense", not that he would likely see them at this point anyway. I do think as the veil starts to tear we will all see them, right? But when the house is quiet, and I'm puttering around cleaning or reading a book, is when they come out. Those are probably the earth kind. A few times I've seen a faster variety, and they usually startle me and leave me feeling unsettled. Are those the shadow kind?

Go with your gut and heart. If they leave you unsettled, then I'd go with they're shadow critters. And yeah, those mothers are fast. The land critters just trundle about their business. I don't think they're even aware of any buildings or people.

I'm going to post something in the EHE forum that kind of relates to the shadow critters. It was one of the things that convinced the spouse that more was going on than he could ever imagine.
DLP, very cool you're a Veteran's wife and were a military brat, too! Cool
And the mom of a soldier. My family has been warriors as far back as my sister, the family genealogist, has been able to ascertain.
Yes! Moms are cherished too.
I'm mom-in-law of a marine and a soldier but you gave birth to one of our finest.
I do share the heritage aspect with you, but at least one of them was a freakin racist that fought for the right to keep his slaves. I wasn't a military brat but my kids sure are. (Daddy did one enlistment before I was born.) He had the right spirit, though.

I went to the Air Force recruiter and took the test but with the wrong motive. I was PO'ed at my then-fiance. Very glad I didn't go ahead and enlist. Don't think our daughters would've been born.

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