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Colorado Mountains Dream, 4/10/16, am
My intention last night was to dream about anything I should post here on NDC.

Start of Dream. Dreamed I am married and my husband says, It's time to go. I ask where and he says Colorado mountains. He says, NOW, we need to leave NOW! There is a great sense of urgency so I am quickly going thru my belongings wondering what to pack. I sense there are other people around me, like I am in an apartment complex or a congested neighborhood. My husband calms down and says everything is going to be fine, we are going to get there in time, don't worry.
End of Dream.

Afterthoughts: I couldn't see what anyone looked like. I am not married right now or even dating. This dream felt like a walk-in dream. The urgency I felt in the dream may be because sometimes our emotions are hyped up in dreams.
Julie, I still think your dream has merit in things to come. So many became so socially driven to buy into the 2012 survival scare, and the prepping, while never having a clue what they were trying to actually accomplish beyond next-day survival. In reality, we aren't there to need such skills yet, but it is coming still (in my opinion).

One dream I had was 'There will be no war', but on that same night I watched a nuclear explosion and was told that 'it will catastrophically collapse'; and this theme has repeated several times as-of-late. I've had dreams of a specific geographical area that 'they will migrate to' for various nations, this location is different. I've also had dreams that it is all centered around this fall into winter. Truth or mere 'fantasy dreaming'? I don't know...but I've had so many dreams that are aligning into a larger quilt or tapestry of a singular story, it does leave me wondering. I seldom have 'trivial' dreams, they are more logical and focused like conscious thought.

I really think you are more accurate than you realize, Julie, on 'urgency to quickly flee' when you see the warnings to do so.
Skeeter - I had the Spirit chills when I read what you wrote. You speak your truth and I do appreciate that.
What an awesome thread and is a bummer that strongly resonates, very possibly being true.

Skeetersaurus I bet your dreams are as prophetic as they sound. This fall/winter timeframe? yeah, bingo just in time to prevent the current radicals from keeping the oval.

Julie, sure does sound like your dream was suggesting a need to flee is coming but it also told you that you will be fine.
Nanny, not to make light of what is a surely-somber topic, but if you had seen as much as I have, you would be far more worried than you are, regardless of your current worry state. There is a valid reason why 'prophecy' (even though the true form is far less prevalent than everyone with a YouTube account thinks it is) is 'so widely distributed'. The troubles upon those who see more is great, and I know that to know it all, you would never sleep again.

Consider this: Even if you were promised a throne of merit at the end of your life, how such knowledge would feel each and every day of your impoverished, starving, homeless life. This is the ephemeral gist of knowing things that most don't. You have to suffer more and more each day, knowing that until the end arrives, you will not see relief again until the designated time. Whether I know this 'truth' (or any part of it or not), I have contemplated the idea of 'what if'. I am convinced of one thing, just like the promise of the camel and the eye-of-the-needle, I feel exceedingly confident that anyone with life-comfort, or a stable life, or a 'picture-perfect' social environment are NOT those you listen to. They are not the ones who the knowledge, in general, is given to.

Again, I may be wrong...but on that last point, I really don't think I am (WARNING: personal opinion permeates)

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