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Doris Day and retro subways
No intent
I am seeing a large crowd of people’s backs as they are surrounding someone. I try to see what is going on by pushing through the crowd. I think it is Doris Day or maybe Dinah Shore. I think that can’t be right because I know Dinah died years ago and Doris recently had a 90 something birthday.

I stop to look around; I am in a bright, shiny and redecorated train station. The place is fresh and clean with bright colorful wall murals and gleaming white subway tiles. This looks like a train station with several trains on several tracks.

Everyone is excited to be here. They are all talking about the subway reopening the different lines, now there will be four of them and it is too bad there are some areas they will never go again.
I see men dressed as Bellboys? Skycaps? Black fabric with gold accents and lots of shiny gold buttons. All the people are dressed in outfits from the 40’s or early 50’s but there is something not quite right with the style.

Everyone is excited that actors and the famous from way back are going to be here in celebration. I hear the names of Bob Hope, Fred Astaire and others that I know are dead!

I heard someone say that they would never have to go outside again as the subway runs right under their house. I hear others say the same, and I wonder how that would be possible as I have never heard of door to door subways.

I feel the cool floor under my feet and I look down and realize that I am in my pajamas and am barefooted. I am so embarrassed that I am so under dressed that it wakes me up.

I have never been on a subway or in a subway station. The only place that I know that has subways in the USA is New York.
All the people looked healthy, happy and well dressed. No one seemed to find anything unusual about the place.
I started new sleep meds last week.

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Very interesting, escholars, very interesting indeed. Trains have come up several times this month, as have 'classic American imagery' (like old cars, trains - and thus, subways), as well as the overall inference of 'returning to an older 'golden' age'.

We can hope, i guess.
Quote:I hear others say the same, and I wonder how that would be possible as I have never heard of door to door subways.

While they're not exactly door to door, Washington DC has subways that run directly beneath several governmental buildings to places like shopping malls. It is entirely possible to go from the Pentagon to a mall in DC via certain subway lines. Spouse talked about taking the metro rail whenever he had to go to the Pentagon when he was stationed in DC.
Russia has some gorgeous underground facilities such as your subways.
Real art museum-like spectacles built in the Cold War era.
Also London. I took the
'Tube' from the airport to downtown London.
While not all totally underground and decorated like Russia's it sure was an international
flavor and experience.

Makes me wonder about location- good targets for terror activity.
Escholars - when I read "Doris Day and retro subways", my first thought was, that would be a fun name for a band. Will be interesting to see if "subway" gets in the news soon.

AD - Thanks for sharing AD. I saw a documentary once about the subways in Russia. Would be nice to tour them.
(04-25-2016, 02:06 PM)*AD Wrote: Russia has some gorgeous underground facilities such as your subways.
Real art museum-like spectacles built in the Cold War era.
Also London. I took the
'Tube' from the airport to downtown London.
While not all totally underground and decorated like Russia's it sure was an international
flavor and experience.

Makes me wonder about location- good targets for terror activity.

To add on to AD's comment about subways being a good target:

In the recent Brussels attack, most of the attention centered on the airport but the subway system was hit as well. But the subway attack that popped to mind immediately was the 1995 sarin gas attack in Tokyo.

A listing of the worst subway attacks:
As I remember, around 2007 or so, commuter train and subway systems became a focus of transport security - but then it all died down, at least in the media.

Although, as I've mentioned before (and would be a GREAT topic for other 'forward dreamers' to look at, is that while on 'this side of the event horizon'), we are in the modern era; I have seen a different world on the other side of it. It would be really great to see if others have ever seen militarization, troops, etc. when they look 'forward' past the current troubles. I personally have NEVER seen troops, police or militarized government, in ANY WAY, beyond the hidden 'event horizon'.
Dang it, Skeeter, now I really wish I had thought to pack my dream journals!

But I know what you mean. I've dreamed of events happening and I've dreamed of the immediate aftermath of events. But mostly I dream of a time long after whatever event occurred. One theme that reoccurs is abandoned vehicles on roadways. Sometimes it will be dreams of people getting out of their vehicles and walking, but in most of the dreams the vehicles look like they've been abandoned for some time. One dream I remember vividly involved me driving a big rig slowly along a freeway, nudging abandoned cars out of the way. I've got a trailer full of people that I'm taking somewhere, a guy riding shotgun-literally-and knowing there was another person atop the tractor and another atop the trailer, both with a loaded automatic weapon. I carried a sidearm in a holster and there was another stashed in the door cubby. There was no indication of why we were armed nor why we had a functional rig when all the other vehicles seemed to be nonfunctional. Just that it needed to be done and it was a dangerous task. The dream was so real that I remember what I wore: A blue plaid flannel shirt with the sleeves rolled up, worn and dirty jeans, hiking boots, and a gimme ball cap. My hair was long enough to pull up in a ponytail and I had shades on. The guy next to me wore a red sweat-stained work shirt with a tear on the left elbow sleeve, worn jeans, camo body armor, desert cammie boots, leather gloves, and shades. I even remember the sounds of the engine growling as I shifted up or down, the jolts when I bumped up against an abandoned vehicle, and the shriek of the tires as I pushed the vehicle out of the way. That level of vividness.

What I dream about doesn't tend to be on the level of a Mad Max movie but it's far enough out of the initial event that people live in walled compounds and everyone is armed, no matter what. There's some technology but most places are fairly isolated and non-tech. Most of the dreams involve me going from place to place, sometimes with a group but mostly on my own. The biggest sense is that more than one thing happened, that there was a cascade of events that took everything down. There are definitely fewer people populating the landscape.
Retro theme again. This time the subway was new, but the people were old celebrities. In recent dreams the cars are decades old and run down and the people are in period clothes.
Thanks Edna, great dream that you posted.
my two cents guys and dolls

what comes to mind in reading all your posts [D, I've had similar dreams only I was a GI Jane type- bad ass kicking butt-> that was in the days of my martial arts ....]
ok stop digressing Storm and get back to topic
drum roll ................ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd

time travel



heads up folks
Twilight zone stuff---

- invasion-

you heard it
here first

get ready.
Quote:[D, I've had similar dreams only I was a GI Jane type- bad ass kicking butt-> that was in the days of my martial arts ....]

Yeah, but can you drive a big rig? Big Grin

Time travel...Just as possible as anything else.
DLP, that's funny. You bring up ANOTHER tangent that I haven't thought much of, before. That is, being an old geezer, I can drive or operate most anything (from welders and tools, to bulldozers and excavation equipment, to driving non-synchronized 'big-rigs' and most all other transport-'creatures'), and yet, I have never seen me doing anything past the 'event horizon'. I have not seen my skills needed, asked for, or implemented in any way. I don't know if this implies that I am not here to provide such skills (the only dream I had was becoming an 'information potential' to that one group in the desert, where they thought we all were nuts for making some of the things we do now).

The most noticeable, is that I have not seen 'old weapons' or 'militia' in any way, in anything post-horizon. Now, as for 'in-the-tunnel' (during the transition), which may explain a lot of this, I have seen the transition take enough time that most weapons become non-functioning, and ammunition is either destroyed or consumed, possibly leaving none for 'post-horizon' use.

I think I have a realistic view of what 'might' happen overall, but to make it fit, the transitional period would have to take YEARS. That, from what I've seen, is the worst component of it all.
I don't think I've considered the passage of time in the various dreams I've had. Oddly enough, I tend to look younger in the dreams, probably in my mid-30's, but my hair is still white, as it has been for the past 15 years(it grew in like this after chemo). I'm also a lot more physically fit, which makes sense if I'm on the move all the time.

The sense I get of things is it starts out with a governmental action but the law of unintended consequences kicks in and things go sideways big time and the government loses control of the situation. There's no one event but a series of events coupled with natural disasters that takes down society in the US. I've been shown only the US so I don't know how the rest of the world is doing. The US is my turf so I guess I don't need to know how the rest of the world fares.

One thing that pops up now and then is I have contact with ETs and dragons who are assisting what's left of the world. How that fits into the situation is unclear at this time, but there it is.
DLP, you bring up yet another good point, and that is 'what we look like in these dreams'. Even when I was young (12-17), I saw me 'walking the Mad Max life') at about 40-45, or so I appeared. I was also a 'runt' when young. Slender, small, frail. I would dream these dreams of me being LARGE, looking serious, stern, heavy beard, salt-and-pepper hair color. It just didn't fit. Now, looking 60 right in the eyes, I see those dreams differently of what I can remember. I'm 6'5" tall, around 300-lbs of 'old linebacker', salt-and-pepper hair, hard carved jaw and cheeks, and a very heavy beard (when I let it grow out, I could pass for a super-sized Sam Elliott...shaving involves a serious 'mowing job' from eyeballs to chest). A far-removed image compared to that scrawny beanpole I was as a child.

The dreams fit now, but I've noticed that I now look older, in the mirror, than what I looked like in those dreams. Closest I came to still looking like those dreams was maybe 2005-2007? It's like something changed, and those events were postponed (note, I did not say halted, and I feel that - merely 'postponed', like maybe all the pieces aren't in place, or the story is getting a 'wrapping-up' end 're-write').

I had also seen, what I now presume, to be several 'potential' end-time timelines. I have seen me going door-to-door in an abandoned post-apocalypse world, foraging abandoned-house-to-abandoned-house for cans of foodstuffs - but I have also seen me trying to build some sort of 'refuge' for a small group. I remember a dream some 3-decades ago, where I had taken a bunch of kids to an abandoned adobe house/school house in the middle of nowhere near the border, and left them with a woman (appeared to be mescalero Apache in complexion) who had been a nurse, for her to 'orphanage' them there. I would take all the supplies I could get to them, too. I was seldom there, but I remember telling her 'to take care of them, this place is in the middle of 'nowhere, squared', and the 'bandits' will not find you or them here - they won't expend food, fuel or energy to come this far out looking for what should not be here anyway'. I remember the place had a shallow well that still had good water, and that they could bucket from, too.

Then again, I've seen me trying to go north into western Colorado, and the bridges all being destroyed so that a truck could not drive it - and in such a remote place, that there was no way around the destroyed infrastructure. (earthquake?) I've also seen one vastly-different image once, where I was old, maybe 70, and had a small cottage near water in a boreal forest (reminded me of places I've seen in the Oregon/Washington Cascades). People would rarely wander through, stay for a while, and me and a lady who was with me (unknown?) would teach them how to tend animals, grow gardens, protect food caches, etc...that did not tie into any other dream or vision I have had.

Multiple potential 'end-time' stories? Possibly. Maybe it's just that a 'best-fit' for me can't be found. Maybe there are others like this. I can't really resolve this definitively. I know that I have never looked east of Amarillo, south of San Antonio, or Northeast of Dodge City, KS. It's like 'it isn't there to even consider - it is all gone'. I know there was a protected place North-northwest of me several hundred miles that would have been 'ideal', but due to collapsed infrastructure, I could not get there. I always got the perception that it was somewhere near the Boise, ID valley area (everywhere else in that region gets bitter cold in Winter, but that valley stays pretty-warm). I know that the volcanoes in Wyoming, Washington and Oregon are foregone conclusions that mass devastation would utterly destroy most everything circling that point. It's almost like (from what I have seen) that there is a 'creator-intent' to make an island out of the area that is right-now, Boise, Idaho.

This is what I have seen hundreds of times in various ways, anyway.
[quote='DLP' pid='24419' dateline='1461653509']

[D, I've had similar dreams only I was a GI Jane type- bad ass kicking butt-> that was in the days of my martial arts ....][quote]

Yeah, but can you drive a big rig?  Big Grin hell NO Closest I came was a 20ft U haul moving 1000 miles in pouring rain, snow packed mountain passes and trailoring my car. Made it all the way here. After unloading in the pouring rain, I got in, turned right to return the trailer to Uhaul, didn't swing wide enough and got hung up on someone's bumper ! Two police cars later I hung up my big rig experience for good. Had one of the cops move the damned uhaul out of the middle of the road for me. Thass it Thelma.... just dreams dear. Not really GI Jane never enlisted.

Time travel...Just as possible as anything else.
AD, I think a better-word or term for this could possibly be 'out-of-body-time-shifting', but that in itself implies a singular fixed timeline. I am almost-convinced that the time-future looks more like a parallel-running tunnel-map, almost like a trainyard where many tracks point the same direction, controlled at each end by a switch of types, but that in the yard, there are numerous parallel paths. While the 'end-terminus' may be only one path, the ways to get there are many. I think each of us that dream vividly, quite possibly see one (or three) track(s) more prevalently than the other 20,000. That may be how Julie and DLP might see things similar to my own dreams, while Nanny and Goldengirl may see something totally unassociated to what I have dreamt. It would not only make sense, but be the most obvious reason.

This is why no one should argue with another over dreams (or possibly even interpretations). I don't think you are given dreams of places you are not associated with very often (I don't dream of Greece, or China or Africa - never have, probably never will), they are not in any of the 'tracks' that I will ever affect or be affected by. This very well could be why I have never seen anything east of the Mississippi River, while I have been there traveling in the past, I really have no plans to return now that I am semi-retired. It just isn't in my 'potential timeline future', and as all my family has passed on, I have no association to the East in any way anymore (another reason you might be in one place, but have dreams of another - familial concerns).

This is my general theory on this, anyhow.
"AD, I think a better-word or term for this could possibly be 'out-of-body-time-shifting', but that in itself implies a singular fixed timeline. I am almost-convinced that the time-future looks more like a parallel-running tunnel-map, almost like a trainyard where many tracks point the same direction, controlled at each end by a switch of types, but that in the yard, there are numerous parallel paths."

Skeeter my beauteous entity I agree in part- no arguing as each dreamer has their own personal filters and interpretations !
You speak of a theory on 'track' with physicists to be accurate- called Multi-verse theory or 'many worlds' theory; paralleling each other. We apparently step through those worlds or veils if you will, in our dream state but also in waking. Shaman do it very well.
I call it the GRID. We entangle with one another on that quantum set of multi-dimensional tracks.
My point about the time travel and invasion is relative to our discussions and research on CERN. Many older runs spoke of

portals, monsters, aliens, beasts, giants, doors, demons, ghosts, tunnels, space and invasion

now TB9 has a meme on SHIPS.
DLP speaks of timelines

I go out on a limb and say- ok lets put a prediction together-
Invasion of a force unseen we didn't see coming yet the riddle of the bot runs told us.
Our dreams are telling us and the scientists at CERN are playing with scientific fire ripping the fabric
of time itself creating anomalies.
It truly is like something out of the Twilight Zone. Ever watch the episode of the Being from another
dimension getting sucked through the TV wreaking havoc in this dimension from his electrical energetic output? Poor fellow couldn't help it. He was out of his atmosphere and dimension.
I'll never forget that one. It impacted my memory banks.

all that is now in our present and coming to fruition.
The earth trembles when they run up the gigs on the switch at CERN, Japan was just the most recent example. anything is possible as DLP says.

Ill even give it a timeline

this year 2016.

Thanks for your input Skeeter.
AD, I whole-heartedly agree with you that this New Years Eve will not be like one in remembered history, that's my personal feeling, anyhow.

I've clearly heard 'there will be no war', but yet there is war in many nations on earth right now. To this, the only way that could be accurate would either be no war affecting my region (Desert Southwest US) or global synchronized war (WWIII). I keep getting a feeling of 'A natural event beyond man's ability to do little more than survive it barely' will happen that makes this all possible.

I also believe that the 'tunnel' (from event horizon start, until the 'next age of man') is longer than can be prepared for. This would explain no weapons, militaries, etc. on the 'other side' of the tunnel that I've seen. This would mean it is a massive cleansing and purging event in general.

To be truthful, I have seen an answer as to what CERN is, and what they are trying to accomplish. To this, if I am correct, they will not succeed. As many things I have seen, I don't even know if there are words enough to write a book on it - suffice it to say, 'the mortal world is the lowest level', but in what they are trying to do, they will fail because they cannot leave without an 'authorized lock for the door'. Their intent to 'break through the door' assumes they are greater than the forces which placed the door, or which even now, guard the door, that they are trying to break through. In effect, they are poor burglars with a hammer, trying to break through a foot-thick bank vault. They, thus, will miserably fail - and their time is very short indeed.

I don't really worry about CERN. As I've been told, I can't change it - only act appropriately once it begins, if I am even here then.

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