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70's Revisited
Ok, this has come up quite a bit lately, and I really try not to dwell on it too much. If you are old enough to remember the 70's then you also know they weren't as great as a whole, as many younger ones might think they were. I mean, you had OPEC embargoes, violence, discrimination (RAMPANT), and scores of other bad considerations that often reigned over the 'nice things' (like the last of the old musclecars, fields of daisies, 'back-to-nature' efforts, and calm peaceful summer days. That said, it was another time, maybe in some ways a more 'innocent time' (I prefer to say it more as 'the world's evils just hadn't incorporated yet via high speed connectivity').  Either way, I was there throughout the whole thing - and having a good-to-exceptional memory, remember a LOT of it (then again, I remember watching the 'moon landing' in '69, and Walter Cronkite and Roger Mudd doing body counts on TV, too).

That said, all this week, I am just getting barraged by 'vivid memories' of the '70's - but strangely, almost solely only the 'good things'. I remember 'cruising around' town, playing pool, going to the lake, going fishing, a couple of 'longer-term' girlfriends, and doing household chores. Good grief, I'm even seeing events that happened in school at the lockers! (keep in mind, this was 40-years ago for me, plus!).

Now, keep in mind, these are not all dreams I am talking about. Yes, I am seeing some of it in dreams, but I can be watching TV and see it. I can be washing dishes and see it. I can be working and see it. It is almost like a catatonic state I am dropping off into, spend a few moments seeing something from the past, and then back in 'the present'. Please, be aware, while I had a pretty tough life, I don't 'mournfully reminisce' about the past. It was good, sometimes great, sometimes terrible. It was what it was, but it IS the past - and I don't hang onto it. I don't even really speak of it often to others (not face-to-face).

Now, to compound it all - I was washing dishes this AM (went to bed too early last night, wrote them off until the AM), and I happen to hear a Burger King commercial on TV using a '70's tune and theme to sell their burgers! I caught the end of it, and amazing enough, McDonalds follows that with a burger commercial ALSO using '70's theming and tunes!

What does all this mean? I'm a realist, I don't expect a rewind to a 'younger age', or a 'golden age', and to be truthful, to me a golden age is much longer back than that. I wanted to post this because I wanted to see if any other 'age-similar-peers' getting anything like this, too? Maybe more than just 'my age group' is getting this, too. Are others seeing anything related to all this '70's theming? If you are much younger than 40 right now, you probably don't understand half of it, or if you think you do, you probably aren't getting it in the right context, unless someone 'else' is showing you.

Any comments?
I have been having a similar experience but mine are from the 50s and 60s. I was thinking of it as if someone had been in my memory storage and had started throwing random memories out into my conscience for me to re-evaluate the experiences with more mature eyes. Maybe my life was not the miserable mess I thought it was. I have even begun to understand why my behavior upset some people and amazed others.

I lived my life on a two lane dirt road, going over the speed limit and with no breaks! No wonder my Mother worried that I was going to kill myself.
escholars, I am there with you on 'someone throwing out my own random memories for me to review', but (and I have thought long and hard on the mechanics behind it), if you were going to do this in a benign manner, wouldn't you be fair and show both good-and-bad? I mean, (and this is a self-review I address) why am I only seeing 'kind, gentle benign things'?

I was a 'rough kid' when young. I had the fast cars, the bad-boy mentality, the leather jacket, etc. My life read more like 'The Outsiders' than 'Harry Potter' or 'Peter Pan', and for every good 'second of time', there was an hour of bad, or a week of agony. In these visions, I am only seeing 'the absolute best, most-peaceful' moments - and I've already noticed, they are modified - sometimes significantly.

For example, I see my old car (70-Camaro), but I don't see any of the three bad wrecks it was in (the last one totalled it in a drag race). I don't see the hospital time. I don't see the nights of loneliness or drinking or fighting. I see fishing at a favorite creek. I don't see all the family that died, or even the few friends I had - I see my old coon-hound (RedTick, or English Red Tick as you might call him). I see the paint chip on my school locker door, and know there are crowds around me - but I don't see any people. I see places I went as a kid, but without fail, (even though I remember it well enough to remember who I was with at the time), the memory vision seems 'modified' and I am there alone in what I see.

it's like a 'manipulation'. Maybe it's meant to be kind, or peaceful, but without exception, I feel myself screaming inside 'BUT this isn't what it was really like then!' Often followed by me saying 'stop showing me that 'good 5-percent', be fair and accurate and show the other 95-percent.

I don't even see it as 'being unkind or unfair to myself', I'm really not trying to beat myself up in the visions, or the review of them - it's like I'm merely screaming inside, 'show fairness if you are going to review it, and stop cherry-picking' to find that one second I might have stopped and appreciated something as good amongst the horrors of the whole of that actual moment.

I don't know the meaning, and it is quite stressful. They aren't (whether it's the dreams, visions, or someone trying to offer solace) trying to be mean, or judgemental - quite the opposite, I feel like my past is being 'sold' to me as better than it was, and I guess I'm just not buying it. I remember it like a news video, instead of the rose-colored glasses that someone wants me to see it through - and the truth seems lost in translation, as a result.
Skeeter, fantastic subject to brainstorm together, about! Yep, graduated high school in the mid-seventies and lived the seventies to-the-max. I cherish that time, great life in burbs of San Antone, wonderful parents and huge, extended family, and I thrived socially. YEahhhh, pushed the envelope and so I now say that God is sooo wonderful that He has even forgiven me "for the 70s!"

I know the world had huge problems but I was in my carefree, early twenties then and my memories are almost all fantastic. Oh, the nightlife, the CB radio craze in the later-70s and the breaker parties, both planned and impromptu. Was a member of two channels. Remember when almost every house had a large antenna with base station, but the real trip was that brand new showroom cars at dealerships had CB radios factory-installed! Too cool.

I dig this line, it resonates, yes! "(I prefer to say it more as 'the world's evils just hadn't incorporated yet via high speed connectivity')" Totally agree. Evil was all inexistence but it was not on steriods quite yet, not owning the age like it does now and it was not growing at the exponential rate it is and has in the past oh, dare I say eight or so years.

Heck yeah, I have tons of specific memories, details included of me and my group in high school. It was a bit sweeter time then. More folks our age had thoughtfulness and manners when with our parents and then when we were out hanging they were well, our crude, typical teen types.
Now? they throw the worst of the language around often as if trying to make sure all grannies and two year olds hear it, "generally speaking."

I suspect you are dreaming of this too and not just relishing in the memories precisely because you ARE awake, aware and see what's wrong currently, you see where this nation and world are headed, and you are consciously as well as subconsciously clinging to the "good 'ole days." Yes we had problems, hell yes, but let me be blunt.......
The seventies were truly still *American. I jokingly say "Oh, I love that song cuz it's from the pre-commie days" but am totally serious about the message there. Just sounding like a conspiracy-nut by saying it that way.

Our music from the seventies feels SO GOOD because things made sense then no matter how many problems we had. I cherish the memories of the times before subversion *owned the day as it now does. Yes, it existed but it did not own the oval. Sorry but have to be this blunt. You sound like one soul that can handle it and not mind the bluntness.

Nanny, you add more to the history of it all (though the earliest OEM CB in a car I remember came as an offering in the 1979 Pontiac Trans Am...I think Cadillac may have offered one earlier than this, though ). We didn't bring up disco or the drug war in Honduras, Jim Jones or Skylab either.

That said, and having just woke up to more dreams along this same path, I still keep seeing 'high-filtered, rose-colored-glasses' viewpoints on old memories and experiences; and they aren't quite as they were originally. I'll give an example:

The real event, I was in Dallas at a hospital (don't remember the name now), and it was 1978. My mother was in serious shape on the 5th floor, with what later led to several major surgeries. The whole wall opposing the room's door was solid window glass, and it had a stellar view on Dallas. Driving up (I had drove her car, because she had 'wanted to keep it in use', and I was having trouble with mine (likely story on her behalf). Two songs had played right before I parked the car in the parking lot - 'You Make Me Feel Like Dancing' (by Leo Sayer) and the ever popular 'The Monster Mash' (it was close to Halloween). I remember right as I turned the car off, they were talking about some 'world's biggest haunted house' somewhere over on the east side of town (I had an idea where, but didn't have Dallas plotted to my memory that well).

Now, all that's fine and dandy. A 'real memory'. HOWEVER, when I get a 'conscious vision', I see me standing at that giant window-wall, simultaneously hear the song 'You Make Me Feel Like Dancing', and think 'wow, beautiful sight' as I look out the window on the city below, as the sun starts to go down. I don't see my mother, the apparati in the room (IV's, beeping monitors, chairs, etc.) The image is constructed perfectly, high detail in every way, but it merely draws out in me 'IT DID NOT GO DOWN LIKE THAT!'

Now, on first thought, you would say, 'it's just your mind altering what it remembers'...but this is not the truth either. I fully remember the room, the incline she had her bed in, the black-and-white little TV high on the other wall that she was watching the news on. I have the full REAL memory in my head, but when I have these 'day visions', they are altered, filtered, softened - and it really feels like someone is trying to sell me on the fact that 'something great or good' came out of that day from what I'm being shown. HOWEVER, if that was the case, why is it from my perspective? If this was something of 'good intent', why not manipulate the vision to show me that 'this valued to her, your coming when you did', or why not 'face-to-face' imagery with her, if she were important? It's almost like something is trying to sell me on the fact that 'Dallas was beautiful, wasn't it?'

If it's a sales brochure, it's off-target. If it's a reminiscent dream of that day, then the focus which was my mother, has been lost. If its about the 'great things I have seen here', they are leaving out how she suffered with cancer for 20 years before passing away. See, this is one (and only one of many) examples of dreams like this. I'm getting 'sales brochures' on how great these vantage viewpoints were, while being totally removed from the hows and whys that caused me to be there in the first place.

Looking deeply into it, the whole scenario reminds me of the movie 'IT' by Stephen King. What I am seeing is being sold to me by 'IT' that the view is a cute, funny, harmless clown. In reality, to accept what I am being shown at face-value is to fall for the deception that it is.

I don't know beyond this. If 'something evil', then I'm not sure the intent. If something good, 'then they've lost their mind, too'. There is no more message in the visions than this example, so it is not communcation - it is a 'time-share-condo' sales spin with pretty brochures, and I can't seem to figure out what the intent is.
As I am reading your last post this simple thought came to me: "Give it more time, you will find the reason".
Please keep posting what info you do get, that is if you want to do so. Oh, and I was born in 1957 so I remember the 60's and 70's well.
Skeeter, did you see the phrase in, I think it was just yesterday's botrun? It has linguistics that clearly indicate looking through these rose-colored glasses. Cool beans, this discussion is.

Okay, yes "evil" is *the most subtle spirit(s) of all. Very fascinating to wonder where this is coming from. But then, had I ever had a guru, well in a humanist fashion indeed I did for decades........this enlightened, humble soul's words are whispering a scream at me right now. (dig that apparent contradiction) It is that we are not actually wise to struggle at all and not to struggle with "was it from the light or the dark side."
Not with anything ever. But, he instructed/shared this because he, too had dealt with this supreme question with many areas of his own journey.

However, Sir I am NOT insulting or in any way attempting to instruct you to stop this line of pondering or this fantastic thread. This is most-delicious and valuable.
Skeeter, I grew up in Dallas and am living here again. What you write makes me think of Eben Alexander's book, Proof of Heaven, A Neurosurgeon's journey into the afterlife. Could our memories after we leave only remember the positive and avoid weighing us down with the negative? Keep the positive and let the negative go? Maybe that is what I'm supposed to learn from your posts...anyway thanks for your insights!
(04-30-2016, 01:40 PM)Skeetersaurus Wrote: Ok, this has come up quite a bit lately, and I really try not to dwell on it too much. If you are old enough to remember the 70's then you also know they weren't as great as a whole, as many younger ones might think they were. I mean, you had OPEC embargoes, violence, discrimination (RAMPANT), and scores of other bad considerations that often reigned over the 'nice things' (like the last of the old musclecars, fields of daisies, 'back-to-nature' efforts, and calm peaceful summer days. That said, it was another time, maybe in some ways a more 'innocent time' (I prefer to say it more as 'the world's evils just hadn't incorporated yet via high speed connectivity').  Either way, I was there throughout the whole thing - and having a good-to-exceptional memory, remember a LOT of it (then again, I remember watching the 'moon landing' in '69, and Walter Cronkite and Roger Mudd doing body counts on TV, too).

That said, all this week, I am just getting barraged by 'vivid memories' of the '70's - but strangely, almost solely only the 'good things'. I remember 'cruising around' town, playing pool, going to the lake, going fishing, a couple of 'longer-term' girlfriends, and doing household chores. Good grief, I'm even seeing events that happened in school at the lockers! (keep in mind, this was 40-years ago for me, plus!).

Now, keep in mind, these are not all dreams I am talking about. Yes, I am seeing some of it in dreams, but I can be watching TV and see it. I can be washing dishes and see it. I can be working and see it. It is almost like a catatonic state I am dropping off into, spend a few moments seeing something from the past, and then back in 'the present'. Please, be aware, while I had a pretty tough life, I don't 'mournfully reminisce' about the past. It was good, sometimes great, sometimes terrible. It was what it was, but it IS the past - and I don't hang onto it. I don't even really speak of it often to others (not face-to-face).

Now, to compound it all - I was washing dishes this AM (went to bed too early last night, wrote them off until the AM), and I happen to hear a Burger King commercial on TV using a '70's tune and theme to sell their burgers! I caught the end of it, and amazing enough, McDonalds follows that with a burger commercial ALSO using '70's theming and tunes!

What does all this mean? I'm a realist, I don't expect a rewind to a 'younger age', or a 'golden age', and to be truthful, to me a golden age is much longer back than that. I wanted to post this because I wanted to see if any other 'age-similar-peers' getting anything like this, too? Maybe more than just 'my age group' is getting this, too. Are others seeing anything related to all this '70's theming? If you are much younger than 40 right now, you probably don't understand half of it, or if you think you do, you probably aren't getting it in the right context, unless someone 'else' is showing you.

Any comments? Yeah,  I have had some strange memories of my earlier life.  I thought my mind was just wandering, but now that you mention it,   it does seem a little odd to remember so much of my earlier life.  I'm wondering if this is correlated with some of the other strange events and strange behaviors that are happening in the world today.  At the risk of sounding paranoid, I am considering 2 possible causes; 1) cell phone frequencies and towers are interfering with human neurologic functions, or 2) changes with earths magnetic field could be interfering with human neurologic functions (which could be correlated with climate change)  :huh:
(05-02-2016, 09:09 AM)Michaelg60 Wrote: Skeeter, I grew up in Dallas and am living here again. What you write makes me think of Eben Alexander's book, Proof of Heaven, A Neurosurgeon's journey into the afterlife. Could our memories after we leave only remember the positive and avoid weighing us down with the negative? Keep the positive and let the negative go? Maybe that is what I'm supposed to learn from your posts...anyway thanks for your insights!

You know, I have actually considered this - but once you start to 'manipulate' dreams (assuming from a higher plane), then you also instantly (should) raise the question - is this done for 'good' or for 'evil' purposes? While I can see it being done, like selective amnesia to prevent 'later soul-suffering' by those 'deemed innocent' so that they don't torment on life-actions; HOWEVER, you must keep in mind that the greatest atrocities have been committed in the absence of accurate historical memory, too.

The old adage, 'those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it', is more than true - it is fact.

That said, this would imply that memory may be being manipulated for evil purposes then, as likely as for good ones. Thus, the fact is simple, ONLY TRUTH should be present! Anything other than truth is a lie, whether a kind-and-benevolent one, or an evil-black one. When it is done in the blatant face of one who knows the accuracy of the past, then it begins to look like political spin and manipulation, which then leads down a very dark hole. To this, I asked the question - for what purpose does 'memory manipulation' serve. While I fielded the question to all, seeing if others had experienced this, I somewhat asked this rhetorically in my own perspective, as I am quite convinced it has more bad-than-good intentions, but I cannot come to any explanation that would most-likely sit well with others.

The problem with old age, is that you start spending more time trying to ask (and answer) those questions you didn't care about when you were young (when you could have done more about setting the right path to begin with).

Also, keep in mind one other thing - a great movie that somewhat touches on this very 'effect' is the movie 'Overboard' with Goldie Hawn. While it is the 'fairy tale' story for general family viewing, imagine if it were done in today's world in a real setting.

You get amnesia, the truth of your past is forgotten, and now the one who puts the new ideas in your head knows BOTH the truth, and the manipulated story. You might have been well-educated, but they convince you to work in a field digging onions all day for $1. You had money, but now they have you starving on the street because you don't remember you have a house or cash to provide for yourself. You don't remember your old job or how to do it, so while you might be a 'blank slate', you also have no marketable skills to do anything right now. NOTHING, except be totally dependent on them! This is the ONLY THING that comes out of amnesia. You forget, or believe the new story, and you end up thanking your new master.

I just can't get any good from amnesia or altered-memory, whatsoever. If you are good, then you remember the pain of the past. It defines you, strengthens you, TEACHES YOU, and broadens you. Without it, you are a grazing sheep in the field, waiting for the butcher's truck to show up. No thanks, on a personal level.

Thanks, Michaelg60 - I think you have helped me see deeper into where the source of these oft-occurring dreams and visions are coming from. It 'adds to the palette', so to speak.

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