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2 dreams of Plane travel~
First dream middle of the night was me flying and glad that a pilot-friend which was not confirmed for sure who he was, was requesting to pilot the plane I was headed to fly on as passenger. He had successfully done this before, I vaguely recall on another flight I was on.

Went right back to sleep and hours later awoke from another dream of being headed to a flight. This time was one of rushing, not having my luggage labeled, and hurriedly putting needed things in my purse. Was with family and it felt like the typical flying experience.

Notes, no emotions but both dreams felt like business and life as usual. Just wanted to get things done like always when we travel. But why at a time when I may not have to fly for many years, or ever again and just to roadtrips here on the mainland.
My dream from last night was about people packing for a journey so this is similar to your travel dream.
So, maybe there is more to it than what it felt like to me.
So maybe the same questions I asked Julie apply here too. Although hers wasn't business as usual, and Nanny, you don't anticipate any travel. Did it feel like you were visiting and coming home, or was this a permanent trip? Do you remember what kind of items you were packing? Any idea of who the pilot friend could be?
Yep, maybe more to it.
Goldengirl, I have zero memory of knowing anything about where I was going, why, etc. No idea so can't answer those questions.

I can think of friends that are pilots, oh but one is deceased and he took me and my two sisters on our first plane ride of our lives. I sat in the front seat by him.

Then there's the Naval pilot that was in one of my sister's weddings. I think he flies for Delta, now. No contact in decades that I know of.
Then there's a very close bud of my other sister and her hubby is a retired AF pilot and now I think flies for Southwest. Again, no contact but can ask both sisters if there's any news with either of them.

What I do remember is this business, no-nonsense feeling of being glad our friend was piloting, and it felt "right" as if this had been done before. I felt like "well it better happen, and they better allow it. It's what we do..." sorta thing. No arrogance, just that I had a high confidence level he was going to have his request granted.

(05-18-2016, 06:03 PM)Goldengirl Wrote: So maybe the same questions I asked Julie apply here too. Although hers wasn't business as usual, and Nanny, you don't anticipate any travel. Did it feel like you were visiting and coming home, or was this a permanent trip? Do you remember what kind of items you were packing? Any idea of who the pilot friend could be?
This snippet from last night isn't worthy of a thread so will report it here. It's gotta be day-residue since we're in the extended process of "moving," looking for our permanent retirement. However, its timing is a bit amusing after these on this thread.

I felt pressured to hurry up and MOVE residence with someone, seems it was hubby and yet seems it was my dad saying they'd done something "so we could move."

Interesting. I had a dream involving flying on an airplane. Just finished posting it.
Yeah, that is cool. I'll go find it and read.

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