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DLP? Windy? This one's for you both!
Big Grin

OMG is this what Eagle is doing? LOL Cool
Oh lordy, lord, that is my all-time favorite commercial!

Another one from that company:

I think Eagle could relate with building something on the fly(Get it? "on the fly?" LOL-I kill me sometimes Big Grin )

Or the one about running with the squirrels. These commercials were brilliant!
LOLLLL how did you find this one?!! OH man, I thought perhaps y'all were still sending each other those annoying things like the worlds' worst jingles and avoided at least one of 'em, but this is GOLDEN! Family is going to receive this in email.

Genius commercial among so many that are lame or just bland.

DLP's plane commercial, too! Hahaha these are yes, genius. I'd trust this company to make my life more fun/thorough cuz they actually used these ideas.
I thought I had you, but you raised me two of the most hilarious commercials that I never knew existed!!!! Big Grin

Not that I have given up, however. I can have quite a warped sense of humor myself!

Let it never be said that I didn't try and respond in kind. Tongue
Well, if we're going for low double entendres:

To get things back on a less suggestive track:

I love ZeFrank's voice. Big Grin
While I love low double entendres, and the ball washer was hysterical (got out my headphones for that one!), I totally love the cat diaries, snicker, guffaw, chuckle, snort!!! Have many times heard the cat "singing the song of it's people". (Who's ZeFrank? I thought that was the cat, don't destroy the illusion, haha).

Can't top that, so here's something little known, but useful. I think I need one of these for people at work:

And this is a stitch:
They may be big but they're still kittehs.

We have a rescue cat that I avoid handling as much as possible. She's affectionate in her own way but becomes a shrieking tornado with teeth(she was declawed before we got her) any time we try to pick her up or restrain her for some reason. Just getting her in a kennel is a 20 minute ordeal that involves patience and a towel. I've considered trying the bulldog clip trick but that would involve being able to sneak up on her-good luck on that one. She's hypervigilant-to clip it in place.

On a different note:

And darnitall, I was gonna post more ZeFrank stuff. His dry delivery does me in. But not if it's gonna disillusion you, GG. Big Grin
OMG she does it again! Love the "airbag" hee hee!

Please post more ZeFrank stuff I was just kidding!!! Don't make me beg, it's pretty pitiful....

I'll need to think on this a while and see what the old brain coughs up *sputter*
To tie in the themes of cats, commercials, and ZeFrank:

He also does a "Sad Dog Diary" and True Facts about various animals that will put you on the floor.
oOoOoOooOoOoOoh.... Yes it does feel like that some times.... LMAO!
(05-29-2016, 11:40 PM)DLP Wrote: To tie in the themes of cats, commercials, and ZeFrank:

He also does a "Sad Dog Diary" and True Facts about various animals that will put you on the floor.

OMG, I'm wiping the tears from my eyes right now....of course, that's after I just laid there for hours while my cats watched me, they think I'm weird! And the Va-Coom? *snort* Must go open the underwear drawer......

ZeFrank is perfect. I will save his other bits for later, a secret delight....... Big Grin
Ok D, this is me.


And for those dog lovers amongst us (or just animal lovers like me)
Talking dog:

And an oldie but goodie:

I can imagine our cats pointing to where they want the pettin's, if they thought about it. Big Grin

And I remembered this one:

Big Grin
OMG the first two are long lost favorites - thank you thank you thank you!

And the last one was a scream. Literally!

The first dredged up this from my memory:

And this:
Been busy the last few days so this is hit/miss:

Joseph Gordon Levitt killed. That is all.

One of the funniest shows eh-var:

And if you need a big laugh, here you go:
OMG DLP - they were all funny, but that last one. Big Grin

I was like Drew Carey, having a hard time breathing and wiping my eyes......I miss that show.
My task has now become more difficult......
I dunno. That Richard Simmons one is going to be tough to top.

I remember seeing that one when the show was on. The whole family was darned near incapacitated with laughter.
You are so right. But I have never been one to back away from a challenge, mostly because I can be so darn stubborn. This one popped right up in the old brain as a classic:
We often use the term "pining for the fjords" when something is broken. Big Grin

From dead parrots to Fawlty Towers:

While I could pick any of the episodes, I particularly like this one:

Watching Harvey Korman's reaction is a scream:
Saving the Basil Fawlty for later, gawd I loved that show!
Nice rejoinder! The first Rock(?) paired with a screamingly funny classic for a well-rounded meal! I wouldn't miss Carol Burnett as a kid. Loved Korman and Conway. Saw them once live. Not a dry eye in the house!

But here, this one's a real classic! I walk like this in the morning...... Big Grin

And this little gem:

And you're sure to enjoy the beginning of this one, I think:

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