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Red Alert 6/5/16 Red Alert: Fuel Issues
Trending: maintenance fuel captivity rope lines hunt gas deck holy casino station church neighborhood park intersection view class dream glass earlier sharing hilarious serious african search energy horse taylor depression non
Waning: heart months ring usually might baby sorry wed rat sweet too hide loss parts request blank complicated strife corn brain

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"maintenance fuel captivity rope lines hunt gas deck holy casino station" dang, feels that these all go-together. This happens after the $ die$? It's going to be a gamble whether or not we can gas our vehicles as access is limited? sounds so.

Noting that "intersection" is back and again very close to "class" in the run.

LOL will anyone commenting on this be called "racist" by the media/a large segment of society? "sharing hilarious serious african search" Perhaps headline is coming about this searh and it's "hilarious" that it's being "serious"ly done. Maybe it's tied to reparations and some desperate candidate in office will use it to try for votes.

Rolling eyes at "taylor" which am beginning to think may be Dreambot's real name, ha! It's "depressed" because it didn't get its "shrine."

"complicated strife corn brain" could Bot be using "corn" to convey GMO issues? Corn is the poster-child for the dang GMO issues, perhaps it was the first GMO on our kitchen tables as well as in our "gas."
We have a theme going on with oil/gas for the past few days.
maintenance fuel captivity rope lines hunt gas deck- this lines up well with other dreambot runs which discuss oil/gas/ and tar. I believe we are dealing with an "incident" which will take place in the oil energy field.  From this bot run it seams like an oil rig or ship carrying an oil product is involved.  Yesterday tar animals popped up in the dreambot run.  For there to be multiple days makes me think it is a big deal.
Thank you, Twice. I noticed that too, but I've been up to my eyeballs in parenting this weekend. I really appreciate you picking up on that and documenting your thoughts. Let's stay on top of this theme. I was hoping it was more technology/disclosure related because of "rope lines" = lifeline for the fuel/gas industry. But considering "tar animals" yesterday, I think (unfortunately) that you are on the more correct track.
Well, maybe something happens (spill/ explosion) and the after effect will be about rope lines?
(06-05-2016, 05:37 PM)Eagle1 Wrote: Thank you, Twice. I noticed that too, but I've been up to my eyeballs in parenting this weekend. I really appreciate you picking up on that and documenting your thoughts. Let's stay on top of this theme. I was hoping it was more technology/disclosure related because of "rope lines" = lifeline for the fuel/gas industry. But considering "tar animals" yesterday, I think (unfortunately) that you are on the more correct track.
A couple of things I see in this one - first, France and theatre and mon (mon is my in English) from yesterday added to hilarious serious (the mask symbol for the theatre) and non (non is no in English). Definitely something about a theatre in France but - here's my question: is it a real theatre or a theatre of war?

The maintenance fuel line ties in a bit with the production sites being shut down for the Fort McMurray fire and maintenance (that's what we were told) is causing line ups for gas in Western Canada, captivity lines rope gas - we're held captive to the gas companies lines, they rope us in.

African search energy horse - African holds the key to the next energy source for transportation maybe?

The Suncor refinery plant in Alberta has "unexpectedly" shut down for maintenance again, causing the PetroCan stations to have no fuel across western Canada, despite the fact there is a supply glut worldwide with thousands of full oil tankers sitting idle off ports. They have raised the price at the pump just to squeeze the consumer because the historical summer driving season demand spike hasn't occurred this year...they are blaming the gas prices on the ft Mac fire, which is ridiculous in the face if so much oversupply available.

I'm beginning to think taylor means builder and it's directly speaking about the building Depression.
(06-05-2016, 08:17 PM)Shadewolf Wrote: The Suncor refinery plant in Alberta has "unexpectedly" shut down for maintenance again, causing the PetroCan stations to have no fuel across western Canada, despite the fact there is a supply glut worldwide with thousands of full oil tankers sitting idle off ports. They have raised the price at the pump just to squeeze the consumer because the historical summer driving season demand spike hasn't occurred this year...they are blaming the gas prices on the ft Mac fire, which is ridiculous in the face if so much oversupply available.

I'm beginning to think taylor means builder and it's directly speaking about the building Depression.

Yes, that's what I was thinking and there could also be an oil line spill - holy casino - are there oil lines in Nevada?

Taylor I was wondering whether it's an anagram or possibly the name of somebody not known yet who will be (can't imagine all those taylors are about a pop singer, good as she is).

This report dated yesterday is excellent food for thought and eye-opener for some, I think.
serious african search energy horse taylor depression non

The Chani Project happened in Africa.

In mathematics, a Taylor series is a representation of a function as an infinite sum of terms that are calculated from the values of the function's derivatives at a single point. Single point - zero point singularity

Taylor is also a derivitive of 'tailor' - to make things (i.e.: It was tailored/fitted/adjusted to his specifications.)
Lets not forget the maintenance fuel captivity rope lines hunt gas deck holy casino station church neighborhood park intersection view class dream glass earlier sharing hilarious serious african search energy horse taylor depression non issues that may involve
train track lines (could go to Nevada)
and public concerns with those problems going through quiet neighborhoods along the line.
Oregon Viewers with camera/videos on a bridge of the crash site.
Derailment of train carrying oil through Oregon. (This happens all too often across the USA)

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