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The Otherworld is Bleeding Through
Several people whose experience and judgment I trust have all said pretty much the same thing: the Otherworld is bleeding over into the ordinary world in a way nobody alive has ever seen. Midsummer is traditionally a time when the Veil Between the Worlds is thin, but Midsummer is almost two weeks away and this started several weeks ago. Or at least, we started noticing this several weeks ago. I get the impression it’s been going on for quite some time.

Very interesting and important article I think.
I agree with the statement, yet this story of the glowing green bird can be explained by the scientific experiments being performed on animals to make them glow in the dark... This bird is probably an escaped experimental bird.
Can I ask that anyone who's had something or things out of the norm to post them here? Could be an experiment with the bird (good call Windy) but I bet if we kept track it would be more than that.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
I did yesterday so was not surprised when I read your post this morning. Yesterday I am sitting at my desk working later than usual. The left side of my cubicle is a wall that is only about 5' high with opening to the ceiling. On the other side of the wall, near the ceiling, I saw what looked like am unstructured form of black smoke fly by. I jumped up to see more but it was gone quickly.
Thanks Julie! That's just the type of thing I'm talking about!
Hey GG. Here is another instance of the "bleeding through" of the worlds that happened this morning.

Sometimes on a Saturday or Sunday morning I will play in the internet looking for my dream place to live. This morning I was looking at a property in NM and thought, I sure do like this adobe house. Then I heard "tambien" which is Spanish for "I also". It felt like the person who said this was standing next to my chair, bending down a bit so they could see my computer screen. I instantly felt like it was my ex husbands mother next to me. She passed on about 10 years ago from cancer and I was the only person with her when she passed. So I prayed the best I knew how, for her to have a safe and quick passing.  When I was praying I saw her as a young girl. She was standing in a creek of water and she was twirling around dancing and smiling and laughing. It was so beautiful and she was so happy. That made me feel a little better knowing she was in a good place.
They say that's how we are in heaven. Young and whole, without the cares that press us down in this world. Thanks for sharing that beautiful story Julie!
Well, considering this is a MYTHOLOGICAL creature, this is big news potentially,
It could certainly belong in this thread ( or not but ... I vote with here ha ha ha!)
Remember reading myths about the Kraken? It appears to have actually been spotted.
A giant squid like creature, think Kraken, appeared on google earth in Antarctica. 120 meters long. Now that is news!
I linked this news to our 3 word run titled "poop" since one of the 3 words was squid. Honestly, if squid were buried with a bunch of other dreambot words that day, I don't think I would have remembered we actually had a Squid run. I think it was trying to highlight it for us. Big Grin

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