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7/1/16 Iran in conflict
Trending: july iran dealing lion speaking issue important tiger difficult ceiling monster request experiment intense looks gap feelings showing family unknown celebration banana guy raising dutch tony freaky magic there moment
Waning: storm mouth enemy ship super show yeah relate cross frustration scared positive heart bridge hero heroes june power odyssey suit

<----- DISCUSSION ----->
Welcome to July!

Iran remains high in the collective unconscious. The conflict that was identified yesterday has not gone away, as I believe the Lion is one side of the conflict and Tiger the other.

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Unfortunately I got a "yes" when I read your post GG. Let's pray that it does not happen.

(07-01-2016, 08:20 AM)Goldengirl Wrote: CEILING MONSTER
A lion is the National symbol of Belgium. In this case we might want to think of the EU (Brussels) speaking about something. Unless there is a big situation is Belgium itself.
A lion is also the national animal of The UK. Well, this would make total sense as the Brexit issue is not going well at all. In fact if we pair Brussels (EU) and UK, we have 2 lions who will be doing a great deal of speaking.
South Korea has a tiger for it's national animal. If Ceiling Monster is in fact a nuke, it might pertain to N. Korea and S. Korea.
Celine Monster could also be a Hurricane.
Iran being so high up in the botrun for 2 days has my attention. Are we dealing with Iran being monsters issues?

I would LOVE to know who BANANA GUY is! Someone from Brazil and the Olympics.

Speaking of Olympics, I would think that there would be much more about Brazil and the upcoming Olympics since is seems like a disaster waiting to happen. Even NBC and their sister stations aren't talking up the Olympics as in previous years. The actual start of the Olympics is just over a month away. The botrun should be speaking Olympics big time right now!

Where do the Dutch factor into all of this? I don't have any idea.
The national animal symbol of Bangladesh is the tiger.  Not many other words to support what is happening there in this run.
I will document the hostage crisis because of tiger, difficult and monster.
God Bless the people of Bangladesh caught up in this crisis.
Lion speaking issue important If lion represents Belgium, here's a big story out of that country:
heart bridge hero heroes- if there is a problem with a bridge and heroes are needed, heart bridge may signify San Fransisco. ( I Left My Heart in San Fransisco).

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